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HF Summer Meet (Myrtle Beach: 7/25 - 8/2)


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1) Lexi, why don't you get behind Chris on the bike? and you guys' suitcase...hm carry with? lol jk

not a chance in hell! I hate bikes with a passion. sure they're pretty to look at, but there's not a chance in hell that you're gonna persuade me to get on one. Not to mention, its a crotch rocket, so its not as though its even a nice bike. personally, i'd love it if he got rid of it, but that'll never happen.

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lol. you know how i feel about bikes. i already talked about that with you. :p

i just have a major preference for antique bikes, and traditional styles if i've gotta be around them. either way though, no one will ever get me on one.

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lol... i hear ya..





and hell, live a little.. go take a riding course and just see how much you enjoy it.. riding one would beat the hell out of that corolla you have. lol

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like where? looool I know a loooot of places in so Cal hehe

San Diego, San Francisco, pretty much anywhere along the coast, except LA. Sorry to see you leaving.

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bwahahahahaha, rick! you just had to throw him in, didn't you?


lol @ drew... cheap excuse :laugh:


no days off + no spare cash to go = not going.

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request time off + use next paycheck or credit card = going


I don't get time off, and I can't "request" for it. My vacation time comes when my sister and/or her fiance have vacation time. She just started a new job, and he can't take off as he needs to save all of his days for when he starts student teaching come fall (so he can keep his current military job). I get a 3-day weekend about every other week, for the time being. My paychecks are spent before I get them, and since I'm trying to rebuild my credit, I don't rely on using the cards I have.

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yaaaaaaaaaay!!!! Dan is gonna fly to Cali and get his Sol and we will all drive with two cars to SC :D yaaaay!


Ashley, can one of your 3-day weekends be during the meet? I reaaaaallly want you to go hehe :D


San Diego, San Francisco, pretty much anywhere along the coast, except LA. Sorry to see you leaving.


lol hehe


all of Southern Cali (inlcuding SD) is not worth living in...imo


middle of Cali is desert and if I wanted to live in the desert, I would live in AZ! much cheaper lol


North Cali (SF and all) are rainy and cold! If I wanted rainy and cold, there are many other nice places like that :D hehe

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lol Rick, I know about the crazy winters there and I know my car will rust lol


Drew, so you do live in North Cal hehe...I wouldn't wanna live there lol but I'm glad you are having fun :D


Sarah, I've seen NC and it's nice over there! hehe


so yaaaaay, we are all driving with two cars and on the way joining with Kristin and her car! yay! wow this is gonna be too much fun :D


Rick, which backpack are you bringing? lol the "suitcase" backpack? hahaha jk you can bring a big one because there is room :D hehe

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I have to talk to her... :D I wonder if she was thinking of driving to the 20?! and driving with us...


I was going to bring Garmin GPS but I just realized that Dan has GPS on his cell...I gotta find out if it's free...


lol Ryan, you see how so randomly things work out here?! It's craziness lol

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My gps is free.....Just eats the hell out of some batteries. Luckily, I have a car charger!


Also, I get to cheat. Im gonna pack a backpack and bring it with me when I fly to Cali, and then when we hit Big Spring on the way to SC I can stop off and trade out for fresh clothes! Haha, awesome! We can also all crash here and shower and everthing too.

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Drew, so you do live in North Cal hehe...I wouldn't wanna live there lol but I'm glad you are having fun :D

I'll give you a hint. It's 90 minutes north of you. btw, aren't we all getting together this weekend?

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I have to talk to her... :D I wonder if she was thinking of driving to the 20?! and driving with us...


I was going to bring Garmin GPS but I just realized that Dan has GPS on his cell...I gotta find out if it's free...


lol Ryan, you see how so randomly things work out here?! It's craziness lol

Tha Garmin will be way better than the cellphone.

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Yeah, It will. My phone uses Google maps and wont let me put in a business name, I have to know the address.... Or at least the city its in if I just want directions to the city. The GPS on my phone isnt bad at all though, its helped me out many times. I even had to give a cab driver directions the other day......

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Yeah, It will. My phone uses Google maps and wont let me put in a business name, I have to know the address.... Or at least the city its in if I just want directions to the city. The GPS on my phone isnt bad at all though, its helped me out many times. I even had to give a cab driver directions the other day......

I have a Magellan that I absolutely love. The hotels address is already stored in there. I've used mine several times, and outside of a few glitches, the directions were spot-on. I'm also going top update my maps before I leave.

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