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hooray for Obama


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brock obama got elected, that means most military funds go bye bye, now we'll all be BROKE!!! >_<


at least mccain was going to keep the funds and shorten the overseas tours to 6 months for every branch of the military, damn obama >_<

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i dont think mccain because he is trying to keep all the troops everseas and obama is at least saying he's going to pull us out, that is one major factor for the election.. if mccain wins, im starting a huge ass riot >_<



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oh, shut the f*ck up. youre in the miltary and youre crying like a little bitch.

who put a tampon in your cheerios? huh



yes, that was before i found out that obama was taking our funds from us :sleep2:

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who put a tampon in your cheerios? huh


cmon, you can do better than that.


yeah, im a girl... i get periods... i use tampons. youre a f*cking bright one. you score a 20 on the asvab or something?

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i feel you man :crazy:


edit: man this thread went out the door quickly...

tampon in your cheerios LOL but the asvab comment LMFAO!!!

Nancy you kill me!

i didnt mean to throw the topic off.


the military will take anyone nowadays. the op is a perfect example.

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Everyone needs to move on with life. It's over, you had your "meaningful" vote, now STFU, go to sleep, wake up in the morning when the sun comes up again, go to school/work, and do what you would have done either way, no matter who won.


Barack Obama isn't going to come to your house tomorrow and tell you how to live your life.

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youre obviously underestimating the power of Barack Obama.


indeed... it may not be tomorrow, but... He's a socialist. They ignore the maxim "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." Probably because they see just about everything as broken...

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cmon, you can do better than that.


yeah, im a girl... i get periods... i use tampons. youre a f*cking bright one. you score a 20 on the asvab or something?

20? ROFL


sorry to crash your sh!t talking party but my GT score is a 115 :thumbsup:


Everyone needs to move on with life. It's over, you had your "meaningful" vote, now STFU, go to sleep, wake up in the morning when the sun comes up again, go to school/work, and do what you would have done either way, no matter who won.


Barack Obama isn't going to come to your house tomorrow and tell you how to live your life.


actually i didnt get my absentee ballot, so i got no chance to vote :sleep2:

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Man, Obama ain't gonna take our pay or cut the military. he wants to up troop levels, and make sure that we are paid better.


Also, he ain't gonna take your guns, he wants to enforce the laws we currently have in place, not add more.


I am a Soldier and I proudly voted for Obama, voting for McCain is like telling Bush he should serve another term.

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Man, Obama ain't gonna take our pay or cut the military. he wants to up troop levels, and make sure that we are paid better.


Also, he ain't gonna take your guns, he wants to enforce the laws we currently have in place, not add more.


I am a Soldier and I proudly voted for Obama, voting for McCain is like telling Bush he should serve another term.



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Man, Obama ain't gonna take our pay or cut the military. he wants to up troop levels, and make sure that we are paid better.


Also, he ain't gonna take your guns, he wants to enforce the laws we currently have in place, not add more.


I am a Soldier and I proudly voted for Obama, voting for McCain is like telling Bush he should serve another term.


Actually not only does he want to take the guns from civilians (particularly all semi-auto's), but he wants to install a civilian national army.



:( THis dude has some seriously whacked out ideas........sure is going to be interesting seeing him try to implement them over the coming years. I guess the only thing I'll have is an "I told you so" when he screws stuff up even worse than they are.

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i didnt mean to throw the topic off.


the military will take anyone nowadays. the op is a perfect example.


not anyone. :(

im more qualified/deserving to be in the military than 90% of the people enlisting and currently serving. but a stupid mistake 3 years ago makes me a bad guy that cant be trusted, even though ive done everything to prove otherwise.


20? ROFL


sorry to crash your sh!t talking party but my GT score is a 115 :thumbsup:


um. she was talking the overall score. not a line score.

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doesnt matter CTA, your still a grunt, and all grunts are for the most part idiots hehe


(im j/k man, dont get your panties in a twist, CO might get mad if he catches you wearing em again tho)

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i agree :thumbsup:


i would have to disagree.

McCain claimed he voted with the president 90% of the time. Now what people dont think about is that McCain could be voting on a looooooong bill that has a certain section he likes that just so happens to have a separate section that bush likes. also, being in the same party tends to help out a little bit when it comes to voting on certain issues since they have the same basic ideas (otherwise there wouldnt be parties).


I feel sorry for McCain. He is a man that has not been given the benefit of the doubt. Everyone is too quick to throw him in the same lot as bush and taking his words out of context instead of actually doing their own research into what he is really about.


here are two topics that I believe everyone should read:

How McCain Works

How Obama Works


McCain could have made a wonderful president, if this were a different time.

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