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The Rant Thread


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yay for Julian :)


mhmmm. I've never been so happy in my life [lately] lol.



already beat you on that one lol...


get it done!!!!


Oh, I got it done... a couple of times. :D!

gtfo lol. My situation was bad compared to yours.

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my rant: Cash for Clunkers is still going on!!



whys that a rant.. i think its good.. the US is actually trying to take a step to energy savings


of course if the government runs out of money for the rebates.........

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Wall Street Journal: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB1000142405...1645819464.html


The money for someone else's new car comes out of our pockets! In times of huge deficit, it's not helping that so much money is being put into this program! Also, the people who are driving such old cheap cars most probably can't afford the new car anyway! Unless if they are right out of college and just got a good job (which is probably not the case because there aren't that many jobs around lol)


And for car fans like us, they are destroying some nice classic cars too! Also, the rest of the cars that are "clunkers" but still running would be golden in some 3rd world countries...but we just destory them.

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so my dad finally gets home about 15 min ago, so i talked to him about the mustang, and swapping in a 302, he knows that i have to call the guy in the morning to let him know yes or no. so it turns out my dad had no intention whatsofukingever of buying that car. he wanted me to stop and look at it just so i could see it. and now he has the nerve to ask me if i will trade him cars?! frack that crap, its about time i pack my damn bags and leave. im tired of this sh!t



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im 50/50 on the clunker thing


yah of course its funded by tax payers like everything else and digging up into more and more trillions of dollars of debt but they do that anyway.. at least they had good intentions since the US is one of the worst polluting countries instead of wasting it on stupid crap.. like the base in sumter randomly buys new office equipment and installs new gate equipment just so they can spend money so it looks like they need a higher budget.. i know this because im sitting in one of their old chairs that is perfectly fine lol




the lots around here holding the clunkers hold some beat up cars that DO need to be taken off the road but also some good ones that with a little TLC could made into a good fuel efficient vehicle for someone else


but of course i live in a state where its a daily thing to see someone driving a car or truck streaming black smoke behind them.. they dont think SC need smog checks or inspections because we don't have a large enough population.. i think its bs and we should have them because EVERY pollutant makes things worse

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Down here in Clearwater Florida there is no inspection or emission standards. You could ride around in practically anything that has head lights, tail lights and turn signals. The rules around here are very lax.

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I'm really sick of venting/ranting now. I probably sound like a bitch, but I'll admit, I'm one pissy fracking bitch.


First my dad throws a fit and ruins/waste 3 weeks of my summer, life, and relationship. Now when that was over, my mother bitches about some things now.


First off, I drove my sister to karate when I was let out of hell after making plans to see my girlfriend for the first time in weeks and wanting to stick with them. My mom asked me this for a favor and wanted to return it after helping me out those three weeks. I was with my girlfriend getting my sister, and after my sis got out, we got home, but I didn't want to leave her alone since my mom would bitch about that. When she got home, she didn't say anything. She was busy being happy to see my girlfriend and they were talking and then she rambled about her yoga session.


Now she's bitching that she wasn't allowed in the house when it was alone. Okay, I see, but I've never done it before and we didn't do anything, but look through a photo album. Get the frack over it. (Note this was two days ago when I brought her home that day. She brings it up now?)


Another thing: a week before this situation with my dad occurred, my mom gave me this ridiculous curfew at 10:30pm. Who gives an 18-year old high school graduate that? Seriously. I've tried my best to follow it and the latest I've came was 10:45ish.


During the three weeks in hell, mom and I talked and she said 12 was fine. Okay I've been coming home at 11:45-12 and she didn't say anything. Tonight, I accidentally forgot about the time and came home at 12:15. She claimed tonight that she said 11:30 was supposed to be the set time. No, she didn't say that two weeks ago. She also claimed that she was "testing" me, which was the reason why she didn't say anything about it when I would come home. The part that gets me is, she thinks I'm taking advantage of her? Seriously now, it ruined my night. She said don't get pissed off either, so I said just drop it, and walked away. Ten seconds later, she brings it up again. How can you tell me not to get pissed off, then bring it up again, which is definitely something that pisses me off? Really...


I'm really sick of this bullcrap. I've had one of the best nights tonight, and now I'm fracking going nuts up the wall. frack my two-faced parents.

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(WARNING, if you're squeamish or can't handle medical stuff, stop reading now.)


are all planned parenthood/family planning clinic's total idiots or just the one in raleigh? I don't think I've ever been treated so offensively in any dr's office or medical clinic in my life! (okay, other than being told to wait 4 hours when my wrist was sliced open and the dr. taking a 45 minute call in the middle of doing the suchers but I'm over that now)


So, 12 hours ago I had an appointment at the local planned parenthood for a smear/pap & to get onto birth control. This is the third time I've set up an appointment for this place. The first two times THEY cancelled on me, giving me the reason of "we're really sorry but we're running behind and we'll have to reschedule." yeah, okay whatever. the second time they cancelled I told them I'd get in touch with them when I had the time/needed to.


Anyway, lately I've been freaking out a lot. Mostly to do with the idea of kids, and also to do with the fact that I'm cycling again. (I have a tendency towards depression which comes and goes quite often in cycles. Bipolar has been thrown around by professionals, but no one's actually diagnosed me with it) Hormonal birth control (primarily nuvaring) helps to control this. I made an appointment, went today and I've felt thoroughly insulted ever since.


As soon as the consultant came in, she looked over the paperwork and immediately lays into me about the fact that I mentioned on my paperwork that high blood pressure runs in my family and my mother suffered from cervical cancer. With that, she said she didn't see why I was there since she wouldn't give me anything anyway. BAD WAY TO START YOUR FIRST MEETING WITH ME! To give you a bit of backstory- I'm not good with doctors and I'm even worse with doctors who are supposed to be giving me cervical exams. I was raped when I was 17 and since then I've become violent and highly aggressive towards the dr performing it, or any guy who tries to pressure me into having sex with him. (Strangely enough however, I tend to be more at ease with male OB-GYN's) At my family GP, it's written in my notes that I have to have someone accompany me to the visit & I'm to be given a valium to take when I check in. Since this isn't my GP, I don't have that option. Nor did I have anyone who could come with me since my friend called and bailed on me about it last night so I was extremely highly strung to begin with. Add to this the fact that i find these clinics embarrassing, and the fact that i got lost in the ghetto side of town, it wasn't the start of a very good day.


Then she takes my blood pressure for a second time. She flips out at the fact that it's even higher than it was when I arrived. Well yeah... you royally pissed me off, lady! I tell her it's fine- I've never had problems before, & it's just because I'm upset & that she's not helping me much since I can go from zero to bitch in about 3 seconds. psychobitch comes out after 10 seconds. again, she says she won't prescribe me anything and if she's not giving me a prescription then why do I need an exam. C'mon lady- my mother had cervical cancer when she wasn't much older than me! Just for my own peace of mind, I need an exam. It's been 2 years since my last one. She starts telling me that if I'm that worried about it, I should just get the guardasil vaccine and even then, I'm likely to get cancer anyway since it's obviously in my family, and probably goes much further back than just my mother. Um, no- that's not a guarantee. I want an exam, thank you very much & don't tell me about my family history. I think I know it a bit better than someone who's never met me before. I could understand where she was coming from if there was a long history of it in my family but there's not. Dr's have already said they firmly believe both my mothers' & my uncles' cancers were caused directly from the x-rays my grandmother was given during her pregnancy and especially from the one the day before she gave birth each of them. It's too much of a coincidence that they both got it at exactly the same age, in exactly the same area and they're the only two in our family who've ever had cancer. (his was testicular.)


Anyway, she finally gives me the exam but then takes my blood pressure again. She goes on to tell me that she won't put me on nuvaring or anything else because my blood pressure's so high. NO crap SHERLOCK! of course my blood pressure's high- it just took everything I had not to kick you in the face and bellow my lungs out! She wants me on an IUD instead. No, i want nuvaring. My body, my choice. I was on it for 4 years before- I've had 4 different doctors prescribe it for me in the past. If I had any adverse effects to it, it would've shown itself then- is she calling all 4 of the past dr's idiots? I'm not there for the whole pregnancy deal (although that is part of it) I'm there because I can't deal with the mood swings, the wanting to kill everyone/thing in sight or myself for 2 weeks of every month, the nausea, dizziness, vomiting, fainting, the depression, the extreme breast tenderness, the lethargy, the highs and lows in attitude (which dr's have also said that while I may be bipolar with a tendency towards depression, it becomes much more apparent during hormonal changes and that BC helps to control it a lot) etc. an IUD isn't going to help that situation. In fact, it's possible that it could make it worse.


She decides to change the subject and starts telling me that I have a fungal infection of the skin where I actually have a patch of eczema (it's currently just under the bra line and its fairly inflamed because of the way the bra brushes against it.) She asks if I'm asthmatic. No & no one's ever had asthma in my family. Then apparently, since I don't have asthma, it must be a fungus because only people with asthma get eczema according to her. WTF lady? I've had eczema since I was 6 weeks old!


In the end, it took me completely freaking out on her about her incompetency and threatening to report her to the medical association that she finally left the room, came back with a script and made me sign a waiver saying that she wouldn't be held responsible if anything happened to me while using nuvaring. Whatever. At that point, I just wanted to get out of there before I took a panic attack or actually lost my temper and destroyed something [or her face]. She had talked down to me the entire time, treated me like I was some 50-cent hooker off the corner, and made assumptions about me & my family history- and then got pissed off when I pointed out statistics and referenced medical studies to contridict her arguments. I grew up with my g'dad being a pediatrician, but before that he was a GP. I used to read medical journals for fun when I was staying with my g'parents. My FMIL's a nurse. I'm not exactly stupid when it comes to this stuff- just because I don't have a degree in medicine doesn't mean that I'm not well read or that I don't take an active interest in researching my options.


anyway, I go to pay- $300!!! what?! when I asked them on the phone what the costs would be, they said that it would be about $170-$220, maximum since I wouldn't be getting the script filled with them. When I asked about it, apparently they charge for everything individually- that's only the cost of having the exam- it doesn't include the appointment fee, the lab cost, etc. Nice way of NOT specifying that on the phone when I asked repeatedly if that was the total cost, or if I was going to get nickelled and dimed to death. So, now I'm short of $368 from our wedding fund (which was originally going to be used to buy the centerpieces & part of Chris' gift) and I've been royally insulted by someone I don't even know.... not to mention, how insanely violated I feel at the moment, & Chris doesn't understand. I told him that when he gets his first prostate exam, he'll want to turn around and punch the Dr. and then immediately after he'll feel violated and then he'll be able to understand where I'm coming from.

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uh, yeah. I think so. Thankfully, so long as the tests come back clear I won't have to go back & after the wedding I'll be on Chris' insurance so I'll be able to see his GP.

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Hi Lexi, sorry to hear about your bad experience with the doctor from hell.

I hope your exam results come back normal.

Also, I wish you the best on your marriage.

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I'm really sick of venting/ranting now. I probably sound like a bitch, but I'll admit, I'm one pissy fracking bitch.


First my dad throws a fit and ruins/waste 3 weeks of my summer, life, and relationship. Now when that was over, my mother bitches about some things now.


First off, I drove my sister to karate when I was let out of hell after making plans to see my girlfriend for the first time in weeks and wanting to stick with them. My mom asked me this for a favor and wanted to return it after helping me out those three weeks. I was with my girlfriend getting my sister, and after my sis got out, we got home, but I didn't want to leave her alone since my mom would bitch about that. When she got home, she didn't say anything. She was busy being happy to see my girlfriend and they were talking and then she rambled about her yoga session.


Now she's bitching that she wasn't allowed in the house when it was alone. Okay, I see, but I've never done it before and we didn't do anything, but look through a photo album. Get the frack over it. (Note this was two days ago when I brought her home that day. She brings it up now?)


Another thing: a week before this situation with my dad occurred, my mom gave me this ridiculous curfew at 10:30pm. Who gives an 18-year old high school graduate that? Seriously. I've tried my best to follow it and the latest I've came was 10:45ish.


During the three weeks in hell, mom and I talked and she said 12 was fine. Okay I've been coming home at 11:45-12 and she didn't say anything. Tonight, I accidentally forgot about the time and came home at 12:15. She claimed tonight that she said 11:30 was supposed to be the set time. No, she didn't say that two weeks ago. She also claimed that she was "testing" me, which was the reason why she didn't say anything about it when I would come home. The part that gets me is, she thinks I'm taking advantage of her? Seriously now, it ruined my night. She said don't get pissed off either, so I said just drop it, and walked away. Ten seconds later, she brings it up again. How can you tell me not to get pissed off, then bring it up again, which is definitely something that pisses me off? Really...


I'm really sick of this bullcrap. I've had one of the best nights tonight, and now I'm fracking going nuts up the wall. frack my two-faced parents.


i have sort of the same problem u got, its like...why in the fuk do the parents wait until 3 days later to bring somehting up? then the expect you to be ok with it? NOT...and i look at it as this, if youhave plans to see someone special and youve been waiting, then they should respect those plans, not try to interfere and make it miserable

(WARNING, if you're squeamish or can't handle medical stuff, stop reading now.)


are all planned parenthood/family planning clinic's total idiots or just the one in raleigh? I don't think I've ever been treated so offensively in any dr's office or medical clinic in my life! (okay, other than being told to wait 4 hours when my wrist was sliced open and the dr. taking a 45 minute call in the middle of doing the suchers but I'm over that now)


So, 12 hours ago I had an appointment at the local planned parenthood for a smear/pap & to get onto birth control. This is the third time I've set up an appointment for this place. The first two times THEY cancelled on me, giving me the reason of "we're really sorry but we're running behind and we'll have to reschedule." yeah, okay whatever. the second time they cancelled I told them I'd get in touch with them when I had the time/needed to.


Anyway, lately I've been freaking out a lot. Mostly to do with the idea of kids, and also to do with the fact that I'm cycling again. (I have a tendency towards depression which comes and goes quite often in cycles. Bipolar has been thrown around by professionals, but no one's actually diagnosed me with it) Hormonal birth control (primarily nuvaring) helps to control this. I made an appointment, went today and I've felt thoroughly insulted ever since.


As soon as the consultant came in, she looked over the paperwork and immediately lays into me about the fact that I mentioned on my paperwork that high blood pressure runs in my family and my mother suffered from cervical cancer. With that, she said she didn't see why I was there since she wouldn't give me anything anyway. BAD WAY TO START YOUR FIRST MEETING WITH ME! To give you a bit of backstory- I'm not good with doctors and I'm even worse with doctors who are supposed to be giving me cervical exams. I was raped when I was 17 and since then I've become violent and highly aggressive towards the dr performing it, or any guy who tries to pressure me into having sex with him. (Strangely enough however, I tend to be more at ease with male OB-GYN's) At my family GP, it's written in my notes that I have to have someone accompany me to the visit & I'm to be given a valium to take when I check in. Since this isn't my GP, I don't have that option. Nor did I have anyone who could come with me since my friend called and bailed on me about it last night so I was extremely highly strung to begin with. Add to this the fact that i find these clinics embarrassing, and the fact that i got lost in the ghetto side of town, it wasn't the start of a very good day.


Then she takes my blood pressure for a second time. She flips out at the fact that it's even higher than it was when I arrived. Well yeah... you royally pissed me off, lady! I tell her it's fine- I've never had problems before, & it's just because I'm upset & that she's not helping me much since I can go from zero to bitch in about 3 seconds. psychobitch comes out after 10 seconds. again, she says she won't prescribe me anything and if she's not giving me a prescription then why do I need an exam. C'mon lady- my mother had cervical cancer when she wasn't much older than me! Just for my own peace of mind, I need an exam. It's been 2 years since my last one. She starts telling me that if I'm that worried about it, I should just get the guardasil vaccine and even then, I'm likely to get cancer anyway since it's obviously in my family, and probably goes much further back than just my mother. Um, no- that's not a guarantee. I want an exam, thank you very much & don't tell me about my family history. I think I know it a bit better than someone who's never met me before. I could understand where she was coming from if there was a long history of it in my family but there's not. Dr's have already said they firmly believe both my mothers' & my uncles' cancers were caused directly from the x-rays my grandmother was given during her pregnancy and especially from the one the day before she gave birth each of them. It's too much of a coincidence that they both got it at exactly the same age, in exactly the same area and they're the only two in our family who've ever had cancer. (his was testicular.)


Anyway, she finally gives me the exam but then takes my blood pressure again. She goes on to tell me that she won't put me on nuvaring or anything else because my blood pressure's so high. NO crap SHERLOCK! of course my blood pressure's high- it just took everything I had not to kick you in the face and bellow my lungs out! She wants me on an IUD instead. No, i want nuvaring. My body, my choice. I was on it for 4 years before- I've had 4 different doctors prescribe it for me in the past. If I had any adverse effects to it, it would've shown itself then- is she calling all 4 of the past dr's idiots? I'm not there for the whole pregnancy deal (although that is part of it) I'm there because I can't deal with the mood swings, the wanting to kill everyone/thing in sight or myself for 2 weeks of every month, the nausea, dizziness, vomiting, fainting, the depression, the extreme breast tenderness, the lethargy, the highs and lows in attitude (which dr's have also said that while I may be bipolar with a tendency towards depression, it becomes much more apparent during hormonal changes and that BC helps to control it a lot) etc. an IUD isn't going to help that situation. In fact, it's possible that it could make it worse.


She decides to change the subject and starts telling me that I have a fungal infection of the skin where I actually have a patch of eczema (it's currently just under the bra line and its fairly inflamed because of the way the bra brushes against it.) She asks if I'm asthmatic. No & no one's ever had asthma in my family. Then apparently, since I don't have asthma, it must be a fungus because only people with asthma get eczema according to her. WTF lady? I've had eczema since I was 6 weeks old!


In the end, it took me completely freaking out on her about her incompetency and threatening to report her to the medical association that she finally left the room, came back with a script and made me sign a waiver saying that she wouldn't be held responsible if anything happened to me while using nuvaring. Whatever. At that point, I just wanted to get out of there before I took a panic attack or actually lost my temper and destroyed something [or her face]. She had talked down to me the entire time, treated me like I was some 50-cent hooker off the corner, and made assumptions about me & my family history- and then got pissed off when I pointed out statistics and referenced medical studies to contridict her arguments. I grew up with my g'dad being a pediatrician, but before that he was a GP. I used to read medical journals for fun when I was staying with my g'parents. My FMIL's a nurse. I'm not exactly stupid when it comes to this stuff- just because I don't have a degree in medicine doesn't mean that I'm not well read or that I don't take an active interest in researching my options.


anyway, I go to pay- $300!!! what?! when I asked them on the phone what the costs would be, they said that it would be about $170-$220, maximum since I wouldn't be getting the script filled with them. When I asked about it, apparently they charge for everything individually- that's only the cost of having the exam- it doesn't include the appointment fee, the lab cost, etc. Nice way of NOT specifying that on the phone when I asked repeatedly if that was the total cost, or if I was going to get nickelled and dimed to death. So, now I'm short of $368 from our wedding fund (which was originally going to be used to buy the centerpieces & part of Chris' gift) and I've been royally insulted by someone I don't even know.... not to mention, how insanely violated I feel at the moment, & Chris doesn't understand. I told him that when he gets his first prostate exam, he'll want to turn around and punch the Dr. and then immediately after he'll feel violated and then he'll be able to understand where I'm coming from.


you shoulda slapped that bitch in the face lexi. sorry to hear you are behind on your wedding, if i was close enough to you i would bring you $$$ :(. hopefully you get this all straightened out soon, and i would be all for making chris get a finger in the bum lol, maybe it would straighten him out :D


oh and by the way, you cant be a .50 cent hooker...cause they arent near as pretty as you :)

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