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The wimmenz


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So, I started talking to this girl I work with recently. We got along really well, and eventually started hanging out outside of work. Turns out she has a boyfriend who she has been dating for the last 4 years or so. The best part about it is that he's in jail. I ended up helping her quite a bit here and there, just to be a good friend. I helped her move into a new apartment lately and she invited me to stay with her overnight. I declined twice, because I'd rather wake up for my mid terms well rested the next day. A couple days later, however, we slept together (no we didn't smash, she just wanted good company). Now she texts me and says that she feels I'm smothering her and I don't get the idea that she has a BF. She tells me she wants me to back off and give her some space.


Bah, I didn't want to have today off work. More time to be bored and inevitably think too much about this.


Ahh well, such is my luck.


How's everyone else's day?

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Women are twisted beings. End of.


Her POS bf is jailed up, shes looking to see if she can still get some to make herself feel better, you happen to be the poor boy who she takes as her unsuspecting victim, who then takes her crap when she has a realisation moment. Run and hide man, run and hide.

The man speaks the truth. It may be necessary to remove all trace of her, myspace, cell phone, etc. The relationship between you two can go no where else except craptytown at this point.

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Don't listen to them. :p Actually smother her for leading you on like that, Then tell her BF that she's been sleeping around with everyone while he was in jail. That will get even with her.*






* I cannot be held responsible for the repercussions.

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i was supposed to teach a girl to drive my stick at one point... (that's how she phrased it, haha) dunno what happened with that. I wish i had my s13 running. Wiring harness isn't due back till next week :\.

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Speaking from a woman's perspective... I'd probably bitch her out from here to next week like I do with all the girls who piss off my friends. lol. She's the one who's got the dumbass for a boyfriend, she's the one who led you on, and she's the one being the bitch. i say publicly humiliate her... spread a rumor that she's a whore who's been sleeping around while her bf is locked up and that she has VD. Make sure it gets back to the BF too. If she really cared about anyone other than herself, she would've drawn the line in the sand from the beginning- she deserves to get hurt.


....but then again, i'm a mean & vindictive bitch.

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3 words


in da butt



do it already, or at least do it to her sister or mom.





Dude honestly, I think she got pissed cuz you didn't give her the penis and she had her VAG on a plate for you. Then after she got rejected 58749 times, she felt like an butthead and blamed it all on you to make herself feel better.

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yeah, then stick it right in her mouth.

exactly, then tell her you just had a deposit to make and she was the nearest ATM machine. casually pull up your pants and leave.

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I agree with Justin. Smother away.


This is exactly why Lina's friend isn't my type.


You don't know who the girl is though loool



haha wow I really wasn't expecting that kinda response off one of the HF ladies...I thought I'd get my butt kicked. Lina, your one of the lucky girls I guess, you can see the guys point of view! :p


:) I've been told I think more like a guy lol

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Seb, you are aweeeesomeee!!! :D and Velocifero too because he agrees :D


Stop talking to her...go after a girl who is available!! :D


Hinting at something? =P

3 words


in da butt



do it already, or at least do it to her sister or mom.


I agree.

yeah, then stick it right in her mouth.

Haven't done that one yet. lmao.

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