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The Reason Im Soo Depressed Today


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well call the wedding off, she left me... the reason is that the fob or base went on lockdown for 3 days and i couldnt use the internet or phone and she got worried and said she couldnt take it anymore.... so now im depressed and dont know what to do... im really glad i didnt buy that $6k ring yet... well i feel like total SH1T right now :(

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Dude, if she can't take three days of no contact, knowing what you do then you're better off. If she really cared for you then yes, it'd be difficult not hearing from you when you're in a dangerous environment, but she'd grit her teeth and tough it out. How many vets do I and you know that had to leave their wives/girls for years at a time because of war and they still waited? Hell if every wife/girlfriend acted that way we never would've had the baby boom. :crazy:


It sounds to me like she rushed into things with rose colored glasses on. You've known her for how long?

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Dude, if she can't take three days of no contact, knowing what you do then you're better off. If she really cared for you then yes, it'd be difficult not hearing from you when you're in a dangerous environment, but she'd grit her teeth and tough it out. How many vets do I and you know that had to leave their wives/girls for years at a time because of war and they still waited? Hell if every wife/girlfriend acted that way we never would've had the baby boom. :crazy:


It sounds to me like she rushed into things with rose colored glasses on. You've known her for how long?


No sh*t. Good God that's pretty insefrackingcure.

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up yours assclown, lol im a cool evo owner i dont like those guys that drive the evos and act like theyre the sh1t, i hate them make other evo owners look like sh1t

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Sorry to hear it, Brian!


Ben, in this case, I think it's more that he's in a war-zone and anything could have happened to cause there to be no contact.


How many vets do I and you know that had to leave their wives/girls for years at a time because of war and they still waited? Hell if every wife/girlfriend acted that way we never would've had the baby boom.


It's not for everyone, and I don't think it has much to do with "waiting"... more of being distraught, not knowing. One of the many reasons I'd never date military.

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Ben, in this case, I think it's more that he's in a war-zone and anything could have happened to cause there to be no contact.


Yes well, word moves fast.. Word of death travels fast too. A guy from town died somewhere in Iraq, not even a day later he was headlining local papers.

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Drink water, do push ups soldier...


And the simple answer is just don't get married. Especially when they pull sh!t like this. Seen it happen too many times before man.

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that's terrible!! I'm so sorry hon but if she isn't up to it, then I guess you're better off without her. I'll admit, I'm terrified for when Chris joins the marines (which might be as soon as next year!) but I understand what comes with that territory. At least you found out now before plans got underway & you were out of tons of money.

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Just pimp out the car when you get back. I hear the ladies like it.


No but seriously sorry to hear about that. Least you did get out before you lost alot of money on it, I've had that happen two times in my short life already, course alot of money to me doesnt compare to a 6k ring lol.

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yeah... i guess ill just start playing with the car, i really appreciaite the support from everyone, you have no idea how much you guys help... thanks alot!!!

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haha okay the evo driver thing made me laugh cause i was talking to an evo driver in the military like a couple weeks ago and well lets just say he turned out to be a complete ass and i cant believe i wasted time on him


but yah she sucks.. spend money on the car.. car wont leave you

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haha okay the evo driver thing made me laugh cause i was talking to an evo driver in the military like a couple weeks ago and well lets just say he turned out to be a complete ass and i cant believe i wasted time on him


but yah she sucks.. spend money on the car.. car wont leave you


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Wow that sucks dude. Sorry bout that.


My ex just got married to some dude in the military who she's known for 2 months. I can't see that lasting long.


But in your case I kinda figured if she knew you that long, then she should understand your career isn't going to allow you to communicate at times or even be with each other for that matter.

For you to be in the military and be married, you have to find a really laid back/independant/understanding/patient woman.

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yeah i guess i could get either a bov and some other miscellanious parts or i could just get the touch screen alpine flip out head unit with DVD, navi, and ipod ready...

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