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Where can I find bigger condoms?


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I've been xery as long as I can remember.




God I miss this car.



BTW, for the on topic. Did anyone read enough of that thread to find out if he was faking it, or was actually serious?

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don't you guys know Colter is joking around like most of the time? lol


the thread there reminds me of the time I moved here from Europe (in Europe, students had to take more sex ed. than Math classes! I'm not joking lol I had to sit through them)...my American high school friends did not know why condoms were to be used exactly????!!!!! what the!!! lol

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I took sex ed class once.....for 2 days....for 2 hours in the day......that was it. Whats a condom? Lol.

i dunno, i made a sign for a football game when we played USC that said "f*ck condoms." they didnt appreciate that one so much

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LOL Americans! hehe jk


Can't believe this never came up before. Were you born in the US?


hehe nope! I lived in European countries and moved to US, Cali, when I was 16...hehe I knew so much more than kids my age, but I was still a virgin lol


I'm a US citizen now though...hehe

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Condoms are for pussies!


Literally... err...


I got a chuckle out of the thread, nothing that was gut busting though.... I did find the thread about the dude who sniffed his own sisters panties really hilarious though, and then someone found out his home phone number and told his parents/sister and yea, that was epic. The condom of the coin purse, meh, I've heard better :)

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Lina, these days that's courtesy of the bible beaters who feel that sex ed should not be taught in schools. Apparently, if sex ed isn't available, every kid will decide to choose abstinence. :rolleyes:

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Lina, these days that's courtesy of the bible beaters who feel that sex ed should not be taught in schools. Apparently, if sex ed isn't available, every kid will decide to choose abstinence. :rolleyes:




Europeans are real! They know kids will have sex anyway, so they teach them how to stay protected!


Preaching abstinence hasn't worked and won't work lol

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It is human nature to do what we are not suppose to do or want what we can't have. That is the curious side of us human beings. So that being said, will any of you encourage your kids to have sex at a young age? Why or why not?

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I don't plan on having kids (maybe that will change someday, I can't say), but I wouldn't "encourage" kids to have sex at young ages. I would make sure he/she was well-informed, though, on how to be safe.


It wasn't until the eleventh grade that we had to take health class (prior to that, it was for seniors, but since too many seniors took it as a joke and ended up failing it and not graduating because of it, they moved it to junior year). A brief sex ed was included, and we had to take care of the mechanical babies. Eleventh grade. 16-17 year old kids. There are 13-y/o's having kids.

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I was always brought up with very open conversations about sex. my parents didnt really try to shield me from it me when i was really young- it wasn't until i got old enough to really understand it that they started getting iffy about stuff. I had sex-ed when i was 13 or 14, which was a bit late for most of my class- the majority of them had already experimented if they weren't already having sex. I never even got any sort of sex-ed when I moved back to NC at 16. It was a don't ask don't tell policy, which the school hated me for when I wrote an article in the school newspaper about how abstinence only education does NOTHING for teen pregnancies etc.

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My point (from my previous post). When "sex ed" is actually available, it's much too little and much too late.

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lol. my dad asked me to get his wind-up radio out of the second to bottom drawer of his dresser. he made the mistake of saying the bottom drawer and i found his stash when i was about 8 or 9. then, when he tried to hide a magazine under the sink in my parents bathroom he tried to claim it was me that did it. that was awfully kind of him.

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^that sucks...hugs :)


My parents never talked about it and don't...but I sat through more sex ed classes and seminars than any other subject lol Spain is big on educating about sex, sexuality (straight, gay, bisexual, transexual, etc) harrassment, STD's, drugs and all


I would talk openly with my kid and educate about sexuality/protection!...and let them decide for themselves! :D I knew so much so early and lost my v when I was hm 20! So it's up to the person to decide! :D

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I switched schools around my sex ed years so I never got a sex ed class... I never worried because I didn't think it was rocket science to put a condom on.

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^that sucks...hugs :)


My parents never talked about it and don't...but I sat through more sex ed classes and seminars than any other subject lol Spain is big on educating about sex, sexuality (straight, gay, bisexual, transexual, etc) harrassment, STD's, drugs and all


I would talk openly with my kid and educate about sexuality/protection!...and let them decide for themselves! :D I knew so much so early and lost my v when I was hm 20! So it's up to the person to decide! :D



Did you take classes in spain or are you from spain?

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I'm Armenian :D


I just lived in Spain for 2.5 years... :D


I skipped at least 1 year of high school and didn't even go to school because we were travelling lol I also lived in Austria...lool list goes on lol

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