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car pet peeves


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pretty hard when he says it every time he posts. is that really necessary?.............anyways, i also hate when people sit in my headlight are. i know it makes a comfortable seat but god damit its fiberglass and it could rip open from peoples fat asses.

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this ones for you timmy:


hecka hecka hecka hecka hecka hecka hecka hecka hecka hecka hecka hecka hecka hecka hecka hecka hecka hecka hecka hecka hecka hecka hecka hecka hecka hecka hecka hecka hecka hecka hecka hecka hecka hecka hecka hecka hecka hecka hecka hecka hecka hecka hecka hecka hecka hecka hecka hecka hecka

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A dirty windshield/windows


Waxing my car cuz its so hard to get all the wax wiped off


Slamming doors




Bad/Ignorant drivers in general


People that call ALL Civics ricers


When people want to race 4-5 times when I've already beat them once.

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hard to get the wax off?


how hot or cold is it where you're at?

a car properly waxed should not be hard to remove, unless your crap is rough and in need of a SERIOUS buff.

Im talkin in the gaps like between hood/quarter panel and door/rear quarter panel and other parts that meet other parts.

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I feel so much better reading all this. All but two of my friends say I have OCD with my car. I know it aint crap, but it's still my baby!


People slamming the doors, and leaving trash in the little compartment on the door is by far the worst, but:


Straight up seats

Too far back seats

Any trash

Any smoking

Any sitting on any part

Window smears

Rearview mirrors cocked all sideways

Touching the radio or being too loud

Rolling down windows after washing

Using AC when it's not that hot (a biggy)

Water stains and dirty door jams

Burnt out lights

My daughter always kicking my seat

People getting their lean on ( you didn't drive by something that smells, Its YOU!)


Sorry, had to get a few out! I glad to see everyone's got most of them!

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I hate when my friends leave the seat down when someone leaves the back seat in my coupe. Its annoying that my seat is normal and that seat is folded over. I also hate little pieces of dirt that are hard as crap to get out.

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Slamming doors and... you know when you are trying to unlock the door and that impatient prick has to keep trying to open the door everytime you hit the unlock button, and of course after a few times the frackin lock fracks up because of his dumbass... well maybe some of you know what im talkin about haha, thats the worst.

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god i hate it when people who obviously know nothing about cars start askin questions like what size turbo you got? and how much boost you running, cause it really means nothing to them and they think it makes them look cool.

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or when people try to guess what your detup is. this guy has never seen under my hood and was like, i know its either a greddy kit or a 16g turbo. i wanted to kick him in the nuts.



Boo for Greddy kits. I hate people like that too. Also, I hate people who lose races and do the flyby afterwards.

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