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car pet peeves


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hahahaha me too mang, i had frackin mad beears and played vodka pong, good frackin toimes...i can bearely keep my eyes upopen ahahaha



sexy h22 -= the man

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review mirrow has to be flush with the top and bottom of the back window, not crooked.


so whenever you want to look in your rear view mirror, you have to physically move your whole body just to look at the mirror to see directly what is going on behind your car?? :crazy:

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i brought my car to my auto class to weld in a battery tray, and the normal kids come along when someone brings in their cars, and sit in the passenger seats and sht and mess with the radio and pop the hood. they are a bunch of fags too, piece of sht cars and they dont kno anything about em. well when i brought it in i just locked the doors and when they tried to get in, "Tim open your doors". "go fck up your own car".



lol i know TL us americans are lazy craps.

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People leaning against my car.


People telling me to swap it.


People telling me the ZCrd won't fit in my trans and I'm a lying sack of crap.


People changing or making fun of the music I listen/listening to (if you don't like country, or rap, or whatever I'm listening to, fawk you).


People talking out of their ass (you gots 5-lug, mah boy was gonna sell me his off of his Accord Type R but i got these 17" motegi wheels instead, etc)

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i got pulled over about a week after i got my integra so i had the temporary registration taped to the back window. so the highway patrol officer wanted to see it so she opens the hatch and when she goes to close it, she slammed it down with her hand on top of the wing. that pissed me off and she said that those big wings are pointless. i just dont like people touching my car, period.

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i hate when your car is fogging up,and people draw on the inside of the windows

YES! i hate that! thats a good one. or when they put their feet up on the dash, i dont like that either.

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I don't really give a crap about my Civic except for:

Changing the radio station without asking or constantly surfing the radio stations & leaving fingerprints on the glass.


My S2000 radio issues don't bother me as much cause I always have the radio door closed and unless they know the car they can't find the radio, if they piss me off I just mute the radio with the dash audio controls.


S2000 pet peeves:


Closing the door by pushing on the window.

slamming the door.

leaving trash behind.

lazy passengers who don't latch the top on their side.

leaning on the fenders.

leaning on the top.

starting a conversation with "If I had a S2000..."

passengers who put their window up when the top is down.

people who get mad that I won't answer my cell phone while driving & just keep calling & calling.

those douchbags that keep stealing my antenna mast.

having to unscrew the antenna mast & put it in the car after parking to some a-hole doesn't steal it.

everyone who flashes me cause they think I have my high beams on.

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your hella gay for saying hella. ill guess ill list crap like you guys are...


-when a piece of crap car asks, "do you wanna race"


-when someone tells me I should race someone


-when the redneck kids in the back of the school say, "burn em up"


-kids that fawk with my radio, or even touch the car when i didnt say they could


-when someone calls my car a piece of crap when theyve never seen it or know whats done to it, happens a lot.


-when someone tells me the bra is ugly, i know the frackin bra is ugly its there for a reason.


-when a very slow car revs its engine next to me, happens more then anything on this list.


-when kids overcarburate their cars and think somethings wrong with the motors. happened recently, a dumb kid put a 750cfm 4bbl on a ford 302.


-when kids compete over who knows more about cars and motors, when all of them dont know there ass form their elbow, let alone how to wipe it.


-forgetting the rest of my pet peaves and ending the list too soon.

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let people say whatever they want! hella hella hella


the only person that i don't mind putting their feet on my dash is my lovely girlfriend. holy holy wow im in love......

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i hate it when:


people slam my doors

someone drives my car and i gotta do the seat all how i like it and stuff

people drive with the seat like they are laying down

people jump in, like someone asks for a ride and they jump in without really asking yet

people light up a smoke when they are in the car without asking me

people lean forward to see out the mirrors when im driving

passengers fawk with the radio.. DRIVER CONTROLS THE RADIO

and i hate it when the radio is up too loud.. i get headaches.. not too into the bump bump bump crap

my windshield wiper fluid is empty

people try to tell me how to drive or when to slow down

people try to shift for me

my car is dirty

pollen is all over the place

people put chain things around the license plate


thats all for now.. im an butthead when it comes to my car

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hella is a west coast word. its been around forever. its just like other places have there own words. pop/soda/coke.... its just a word native to the west coast.


That's so NorCal. No one in SoCal says that...it's one of the first things we make fun of when clowning people from NorCal.



I'm sure every Sol owner gets this one: After pulling down the visor to find no mirror and commenting on it they then say, "What's the point of this part if it's not a visor?" And just start tugging on the thing hoping it'll just flip down also. (Referring to the thing shaped like a visor, but is not a visor)


People who swing out doors so wide and so fast they curb your door.


My friend, who owns an Eclipse...does his best to close his doors by the handle. When in my car, he uses my window to close the door. I swear he does it to spite me.


Things that go out the window...tend to come back through the back window at high speeds. Uhhh...yah, lets just say nothing goes out my window now.


The people who just don't get the rules of the radio...if your not driving you do not touch...ESPECIALLY if a CD is in. At least ask...sheesh.

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I took out my sunvisors, so i dont get anyone asking about them.

i hate my hacked all to sh!t wiring

when something doesnt work, that bothers me

people trying to get a ride when they know i drive a two seater and have someone with me

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