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bye bye ITR lip...


how it started... at the dc meet going in the parking garage i had difficulties getting in seeing that im soo low.. i had to try 6 different ways to get in.. well when we left i didnt angle it right and it touched the ground and started to rip my bumper off but i cought it and it loosened my lip a little but i poped it back in place.. well the other day i got a phone call at about 2am, my time, from my friend that im letting drive my car saying "dude your ITR lip is gone... it just flew out from under the sol.. im sorry bro ill get you a new one"


FML! :(

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cant forget this one...


last week i found out my ganddad has stage4 lung cancer, they were doing chemo and he had a stroke so now they cant do chemo because of the stroke he had... that same day i found that out... my girlfriend left me



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sorry to hear that brian... *hugs*


my current FML... I'm not getting the pathfinder I was supposed to be picking up tomorrow to take to the beach so that I didn't have to deal with my unreliable corolla. Chris' dad has to go out of town on an emergency, and his sister hasn't give them the title yet so until we can take it to the DMV, & get the title switched, I can't drive it. ughhhh.

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damn brian sorry to hear that. are they gonna be able to continue chemo on your granddad at any point? dont worry about the gf. there is plenty of other fish in the sea.


sorry about the pathfinder damaged. sometimes things like that happen for a reason.

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aw Brian, I'm sorry about your grandpa and your gf and the lip...


huuuuuugggssssss...I hope your grandpa gets well soon!

sorry to hear that brian... *hugs*




and thanks for the late night text too lina :p


ive been getting messages from my family on facebook and myspace to keep me updated about my grandfather.. they said he's doing alot better.. that he can move around and talk now and they took out his feeding tube because he passed the swallowing test.. so hopefully everything gets better!


thanks again!!!


as for the girlfriend/ex, fcuk that giant bowl of yeast infection.. im talking to vun again (the girl i was with in iraq) i went to see her when i was home on leave for a little bit and everything went great, so we started talking..





so... i take back the FML about the GF, FHL (fcuk her life) her loss not mine, dumb c**t BAAAHAHAHAHAHA :laugh:

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sorry about the pathfinder damaged. sometimes things like that happen for a reason.


It's not damaged. It's just been in the shop all week getting a few bits and pieces done to it. It'll be Chris' car when he gets his license back, so he's been getting it kitted out for use at the fire dept this past week. Bull bars, KC light bar, safari rack, 2-inch lift, strobes & siren, CB installation, & different tyres. I just can't drive it until the title's been signed over from his sister to him. I'm not sure why, but that's the rule. I guess I can't complain though, we're getting it for $800 and it's in nearly perfect condition.

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It's not damaged. It's just been in the shop all week getting a few bits and pieces done to it. It'll be Chris' car when he gets his license back, so he's been getting it kitted out for use at the fire dept this past week. Bull bars, KC light bar, safari rack, 2-inch lift, strobes & siren, CB installation, & different tyres. I just can't drive it until the title's been signed over from his sister to him. I'm not sure why, but that's the rule. I guess I can't complain though, we're getting it for $800 and it's in nearly perfect condition.



i meant damaged as in your username

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lol, FINALLY the pictures work


ill have to wait until i get back home ryan.. im going up to see her again before and after AIT (scout school) and she is supposed to go to cali with me, we'll see



oh and she hates my sol.. she says i pay more attention to it than her, lol

she wants this... :glare:




AC Schnitzer 1.35i...



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you've never noticed that I still spell things the british way? its how I was brought up- even throughout elementary school they used to scream at me that i was misspelling things, and I'd pull out a british dictionary and show them that it was actually correct. colour, favour, cheque, tyre etc.


i meant damaged as in your username

oh. lol. oops. I'm not used to being referred to by my sn on here anymore. it's been a long day...

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Brian has that asian persuasion lol...anyway...


Went out today with some friends and ended up seeing my ex and getting into a shoving match with her current man...I ended up punching him in the mouth, and now I have a slight cut on my knuckle FML

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I dont understand the fighting over an ex thing. But i guess whatever works




FML: I still dont have a damn job. Its been like 4 months. Im super broke and cant afford to do anything.

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