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If anyone cares..


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As of late..I've been absent. This stems from the complete ending of a relationship with a girl I've been with for around 5 or 6 years. The last year or so things have been bumpy, as noted on forums or im's if you know me well enough. Well, needless to say on Easter..of all days..she decided that she'd much rather go her own way..which is understandable in my eyes, her 90 year old grandmother with a pacemaker that's failed twice recently and her stage 2 diabetic aunt who's the age of 63..have requested that she move in with them to ..well, for lack of a better word; babysit. I mean it's ending on good terms, this much is true. But I don't think that she's going to ever want to consider anything else with me..she hasn't really even been talking to me. Her mother has called me a few times to let me know how she is. Her mother loves me like the son I never had.


Anywho, I've been having a rough last few days trying to get over this hump in my life.. I've done things lately I've not done in years since getting together with her.. Probably shouldn't be too proud of it but good God, I have to have something to take my mind off things. Can't stay busy or with your friends 24/7.. Notified my psychiatrist as I've been battling BPD for some time, she wants me to see her to make sure things are okay.


Any advice from you guys on how I should sorta' try to get over things? Or have I sh*t where I sleep and pissed you all off enough that you don't care? :crazy:

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I guess I haven't been around long enough to be pissed at you (or anyone here for that matter) but sh!t happens, plenty of fish in the sea, time heals all wounds and all that.


Like you said, it's a hump you gotta get over, I say just try not to do anything you might regret later on and time'll take care of the rest. :rockon:

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your only 20 dude. . . your not going through anything that 99% of anyone old enough to have loved has been through.


dont let it consume you, go out and socialize, youll be amazed by how many people you run into that are in the same boat


go do something you always wanted to do but have set to the side. the easiest way to fill a void in your life is to replace it.


dont drink or do drugs, it only makes the depression worst, and just remind yourself that THIS definitely isnt the worst life can do to you. go smash some slores and call us in the morning. GL

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I'm not the mushy sort. Find something (hobby, sport, work, whatever) to occupy your time so you don't dwell on the past and move on.

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youre good in my books ben! :thumbsup:


i hope everything goes good and you find someone, if you ever need anything you can always hit me up man


what i did when my and my ex wife/fiance split up was what jason said.. i picked up a hobby to get my mind off her, yeah it was hard for a while, but i eventually stopped thinking about her all the time and started dating again.. hope all goes well benny ben ben :happy:

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It'll get better. Ending something that long standing is always a hard thing to do. And it never gets any easier.


To quote a good friend of mine,"get drunk, smash some strange, and talk to me in the morning."

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You guys are awesome. You really are. Thanks for everything. Talking is how I cope..she's sorta' eradicated all my friends so..Don't have many people to talk to aside from family.


And I <3 you too Mikey, you fagtastic little f*g.


This just gives me motivation to do some work on my truck now. LOL.

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5-6 years is a hell of a long time so yea its gonna suck for a while. I wouldn't recommend "trying" to replace her with another girl or a hobby, as much as I would suggest you just do what you want for a while.

Do things that she was holding you back from. Enjoy being single for a little while. I'm not saying go on some drug-induced, slut-smashing rampage. Just use this time to figure out where you want your life to be in 1 year, 5 years, 10 years. Then start taking steps toward that.


Honestly I don't really notice any BPD, although I've never met you in person. You just seem like the usual take-it-or-leave-it, straightforward, truthiness-brandishing Ben.

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I'm a year out from eligibility for a license to be licensed to do what I do for a living, and about two years out from being eligible for a general contractors license.. I flourish in construction. LOL.


As for the BPD, I stay fairly well doped up. Though, if you WERE to meet me on one of my off days in person.. You'd likely not find me amusing. You think I can be an ass on here? Oooooh ho ho no.

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we love you Ben :) huuuugggsssssss :)


You are awesome! Even on your "off" days :)


sorry about the heart ache...try to talk to us and entertain yourself with hobbies :) your truck is a good start :)


Go meet new people and just experience life...sometimes, new beginnings are greeeeat!! :)


huuuuggggsssss :)

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You guys are awesome. You really are. Thanks for everything. Talking is how I cope..she's sorta' eradicated all my friends so..Don't have many people to talk to aside from family.

thats what families are for :happy:

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damn man hearing these stories scares me considering i've been dating my gf for 4 years now. but if it were me i would try use my extra time (and money since gf's are expensive) to do things i wouldn't normally be able to do.


think of it this way, in a few years you'll happily be with another girl and think "it sucked but i'm glad things went the way they did"

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As much as I hate to admit it..I've messed up already.


LOL. Gone out with her cousin already, within the week.. I'm such a bad person.

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^yes, I hope soon you look back and say it sucked but I'm happy now :)


btw, Pballer, gf's aren't supposed to be expensive...this is my opinion :)

i spend money on her because i enjoy going out with her so it's my own fault that spend the money. basically if she wasn't around, i'd just be spending half the money because i'd go out anyway, i just wouldn't have to pay for two people.

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haha lina, well story kind of goes like this.. (sorry to take the spotlight for a minute ben)


me and ex were talking but i liked her friend too, instead i got with my ex, we were together for 4 years.. got married and were married for 5 months, got anullment.. her best friend calls me out of the blue and we were talking about before me and michelle got together and somehow we started talking then got together.. dated for a while and she helped me get over michelle ALOT!


but man did that piss michelle off that i got with her, she called me and was like "whats up with you and rebecca?!!?" i said "nothing much really we're just dating" and she immediatly asked "have you two fracked!!?" and good ole *a$$hole* me "yup a total of 5 times today so far" (and the funny thing, that was the truth and it was 2pm then) LOL! :laugh:





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I see...Thomas (Pballer) :) I just think it should be pretty equal...I wouldn't want to be the only one paying...


loool Brian...that's a crazy story...you have gone through a lot...


5 times before 2 pm: sooo badass :D and aweeesome! :D

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