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Ask Dr. WBS (General Discussion Practitioner)


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Why doesn't McDonald's sell hotdogs?

Since they now use 100% all white chicken and 100% beef, they are now considering combining their previous meats into hotdogs which will most likely be released next summer.


Why do we drive on parkways, but park on driveways?

New Jersey has Parkways and New Jersey is retarded. Connecticut doesn't.

Driveways are to be driven on. Garages are to be parked in.

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But what if you have three cars and only two fit in the garage, leaving one to be parked on the driveway?


Why wont s_adbell post noodz?

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Why is it when you drive somewhere far away it seems like it takes forever to get there, but when you drive back the drive seems so much shorter?

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But what if you have three cars and only two fit in the garage, leaving one to be parked on the driveway?

Then you're the retard who bought 3 cars for a 2 car garage. Sell one car. Problem solved.


Why wont s_adbell post noodz?

Because she has a pay-site. Why would she give them away for free when she can charge for her super-hot noodz? Now only $9.99 per month with a 3 year subscription.


Why is it when you drive somewhere far away it seems like it takes forever to get there, but when you drive back the drive seems so much shorter?

Because you drive a Cadillac.

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Why doesn't McDonald's sell hotdogs?



I should of taken a picture for you, we just got a new item at Japanese McDonald's.....


You guessed it! McHotdogs!


I can't remember if that was the name or not, next time I go I'll take a picture.

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Dr. WBS, would you go on a blind date with a gf of mine? :D

Why, what's wrong with her?


Why are females so difficult? *braces for impact*

You're gonna have to order my multi-volume book set in order to get that answer.


Yea why are gurls difficult.

Girls (younger females) more specifically, don't know what they want. They change their minds too often.


Why is Obama who he is?

Because his mother and his father had sex. If you don't know what that is, you're gonna have to wikipedia it.

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^Thanks, Javy :D


lol Ryan, she is great!




and to the guys who say girls are difficult: you guys have to find a "cool" girl :D


All the "cool"ones I find are always taken, Its my curse. :(

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Shouldn't you know this? Your a jack of all trades are you not dr. WBS?

I have answers to problems. I don't personally know everyone on earth.


lol Ryan, she is great!

Is this the one in Cali? Tell her to hop on a plane.


a cool girl?... hmm... Dr. WBS, is leah a "cool" girl? :D

Depends who "leah" is. Lina is cool...sometimes.


All the "cool"ones I find are always taken, Its my curse. :(

Wait it out. They get bored eventually.

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^Thanks, Javy :D


lol Ryan, she is great!


So you say you have answers to problems, but you dont have the answer to your own question...hmmmmmm where did you get your doctorate from? I sense a fake Dr name some of your references sir

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So you say you have answers to problems, but you dont have the answer to your own question...hmmmmmm where did you get your doctorate from? I sense a fake Dr name some of your references sir


His own question was not a problem therefore his ability to answer any problem stays intact.

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that may be true, but I see it as if he has a problem with the girl, if he was a nice dr. he would go out with Lina's friend because he's a good friend...but it seems like he may have a problem with that lol...therefore my statement stands

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that may be true, but I see it as if he has a problem with the girl, if he was a nice dr. he would go out with Lina's friend because he's a good friend...but it seems like he may have a problem with that lol...therefore my statement stands


He told Lina to get her a plane ticket so he clearly has no problem with the girl therefore I rebuke your standing statement and replace with my previous statement.

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Why are cigarettes considered a tax on the poor? Yet the poor continue to hock food stamps in front of the grocery store for half of face value so they can get $5 to go buy a pack of smokes?

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