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what do you wish would happen?


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I wish....


You know what? I could wish for college to be done and get a good job and make lots of money and buy whatever I want, and live in my own place....


but I don't think any of that would really make me happy.





I just want to have a good time in Myrtle Beach before any of that happens and I have to grow up....

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I wish....


You know what? I could wish for college to be done and get a good job and make lots of money and buy whatever I want, and live in my own place....


but I don't think any of that would really make me happy.





I just want to have a good time in Myrtle Beach before any of that happens and I have to grow up....


Deep, so deep :(

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I wish the War was over and all terrorist are killed. That they be peace in this world, That gas would go back to a $1 a gallon or less. That min. wage was higher. That no one in the world had to be hungry.


I wouldnt mind being rich also but I would give it all up for everything above.

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and the crown goes to peagant queen VitalSpeed_CRX!!! yaaaay :D jk jk loool


aw Nancy...he is very cute...and he is going to be always so cute :D


yaaay to the meet and having fuuun :D what else could anybody wish for?!!! lool

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i wish i had a nice sleeping schedule. sleeping at 5am in the morning and waking up at 2pm sucks.


i also wish i had a good job.



Hey, we have the same wishes...

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I wish I had a real life bumblebee, except as a Del Sol.


And that I was in some epic movie or something, coz that'd be p1mp.


Oh, and I wish for a trillion dollar bill, then I'd never have to worry about $$ again.

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I wish my car would stop being gay.


I want college to be done and over with.. I'm tired of working and going to school. I don't really care about being rich... I just want to make enough money to be able to support myself, my car and at some point a family. I want to grow up. I've wasted too much time as it is.

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