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No more new motor for me...


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OK so i almost had enough money saved up for my new ls and the unthinkable happened... i pulled the biggest dumbass move up my life and decided to drive after drinking with a few friends. Well needless to say, i got pulled over and charged with D.U.I/underage, and failure to maintain lanes.

So no real point to my story, just thought id share my dumbass move with everyone. **Drinking and driving...its expensive** (i am fully prepared for the flaming that i expect from all you regulars...lol)

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no flame here , just a simple you deserve what you got. my wife and others i know drive around with our year old babys in the car , you trying to kill them? hope it was the first and last.

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**Drinking and driving...its expensive**


No flaming required. Just glad the cops found you before a tree did, or the front grill of some families minivan.

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already found one. and i deff wont be behind a wheel after drinking ever again. It was a dumbass move but will deff. keep me on the straight and narrow.

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Glad you're learning your lesson and trying to advise others against it.


My grandfather was killed by a drunk driver. Driving drunk is tough to forgive in my opinion.

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no flaming for that bro, just you gotta think of one thing, i used to drink and drive allllllll the time back in the day, and i know you probably hear about the statistics for the number of people killed in drunk driving accidents and just blow it off and think ehh it'll never happen to me, or effect me , well i thought that until may 13'th of last year i was supposed to DD for my friend freddie, i ended up not going up there that night, he drove home drunk, hit a telephone pole at 90 in a 91 civic hatch and got ripped in half by it, his legs went with the nose of the car, and his torso and dismemberd neck went with the rear of the car, so just keep that in mind before you jump behind the wheel of a car after drinking again.

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Yeah i deff. wont be drinking and drivin again... honestly its only about the 3rd time ive ever done it, and if i got pulled over there was a reson for it. so i will just deal with the conquences and learn from it.

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i never have, and never will drink and drive. in the last 3 years since i graduated highschool there have been 7 vehicular & alcohol related deaths- i knew every one of those kids. None of them were older than 18 when they died. as terrible as the crashes were, its just a blessing that they were all one car, accidents... i dread to think how much more devastation could've been caused otherwise.

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Wow, "it's expensive" is the best you can come up with?


And it was your 3rd time driving after drinking?

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yeah, the other two i didnt know happened... i went to a part gave my keys to somebody, got hammered and woke up in my bed. This is the 1st time i have ever driven by choice. And honestly this time, i wasnt that drunk.. its just that im 20 and going to get hammered in court b/c im underaged. (its didnt help that it was 430 am on memorial day weekend).. deff. the dumbest thing i have ever done... but live and learn... i know that i will not be driving anymore after drink, and no one was hurt. thats all that matters.

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Sucks man. I personally don't think the punishment fits the crime. People are over reacting. If you are a rookie and you drive that's no good. If you are an experienced drinker than you should be o.k. I can drink a lot and still operate a car without risk of injury to others. I know when to set the keys down and sleep it off. It's just B.S. that there is a standard intoxication level that is used for the whole population. In Cali it is .08%. :crazy:

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I agree with JDMGSR: the punishment doesn't fit the crime.


I don't agree in the same way, though. I think we're too lenient on these guys. People look at driving as a right in this country. It's not. That's why we have lower speed limits then Europe and more accidents.


We need harder tests to get licenses to drive and harsher punishments for people who think they can drive fine after drinking. Then maybe it wouldn't be such a problem.

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Yeah i agree with both of you. I do feel that driving is a privlidge, and that some punishments should be more harsh than they are. But at the same time, i am used to drinking a 5th of 151 to get drunk. the night i got my dui, i had about 6 beers and had about three house since my last drink before i even got behind the wheel. If i didnt think i was completely capable of driving, i wouldnt have. I olny got pulled over b/c it was around 4 am and i drive a lowered honda. ( it the kinda of car that get a lot attention in georgia.. as well as most places i assume).. as i said before, thinking back on it, i would have never been drivin... but i did think i was completely capable of driving, and thats the only reason im really upset with everything im now facing. Oh well, i did the crime so i now have to deal with the punishment...lesson learned. Im better for it.

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