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Which Honda are you?

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You are an Accord EX-V6. You're not quite plebian, but you're a comfortable and conservative sort of person who keeps a balanced view and level head during a conflict. You can be rather demanding at times, but it's all in a pursuit to keep things mellow.


Which Honda are you? | Visit High Mileage

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You are a stock Civic Si. You're fun loving and rambunctious, yes you are. You make decisions quickly and execute them even quicker. However, somewhere in the back of your mind you're worrying about mundane, sometimes trivial, things... it's not expected of a person like you, and it's actually kind of refreshing.



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You are a stock Civic Si. You're fun loving and rambunctious, yes you are. You make decisions quickly and execute them even quicker. However, somewhere in the back of your mind you're worrying about mundane, sometimes trivial, things... it's not expected of a person like you, and it's actually kind of refreshing.


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Guest HondaCRX16


You are a modified Civic Si. You can be too concerned about your appearance sometimes; be careful, because this vanity can turn people off and even make you look stupid. You're a good person underneath the forced glamour; it's a shame that your outward appearance can lead others to not take you seriously.


Man, I hate these little quizes!!!


PS: I havent been around for a while because I have been on vacation, working on my home audio and working on my RPG board... but now Im back!!!

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  • 11 months later...

You are a pre-owned Civic Sedan. No, you haven't been shortchanged; in fact, you've been around and have experienced things others haven't. You tend to think of your dents as badges of honour rather than memories of a tough past. The lessons you've learned will help you to live a long and happy life.

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You are a stock Civic Si. You're fun loving and rambunctious, yes you are. You make decisions quickly and execute them even quicker. However, somewhere in the back of your mind you're worrying about mundane, sometimes trivial, things... it's not expected of a person like you, and it's actually kind of refreshing.


I wanted to be an NSX :mad:

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You are a modified Civic Si. You can be too concerned about your appearance sometimes; be careful, because this vanity can turn people off and even make you look stupid. You're a good person underneath the forced glamour; it's a shame that your outward appearance can lead others to not take you seriously.



Kinda fits am to a T

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You are an Accord EX 4 Cylinder. You're somewhat middle of the road, but you're a bit more brash and blunt than the other more typical fuddy-duddies. You're low maintenance and quiet until people or things put you over the edge; then you tell it like it is, loudly

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You are an Accord EX-V6. You're not quite plebian, but you're a comfortable and conservative sort of person who keeps a balanced view and level head during a conflict. You can be rather demanding at times, but it's all in a pursuit to keep things mellow.

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I'm a Civic Si. Whee!


You are a stock Civic Si. You're fun loving and rambunctious, yes you are. You make decisions quickly and execute them even quicker. However, somewhere in the back of your mind you're worrying about mundane, sometimes trivial, things... it's not expected of a person like you, and it's actually kind of refreshing.

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