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So i got a major issue


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Alright so here we go....


Alright I listed my xbox elite bundle for sale on craigslist, well I was in contact with a bunch of people, but one person in particular....


This person insisted that we use paypal because she didnt want to get ripped off....well the payment was sent...it was sent from her supposed brother, first she said I will be getting payment from her Brother...Michael...but payment came from a Brian Emes from New York...as you guys may know Im from Wisconsin....


Well anyway since I couldnt ship it out, I decided to drive th 30 minutes away because I was doing this out of the kindness of my heart because she wanted the item for her supposed son. Note, she never gave me a phone number...so when I got to the address...it wasnt address to be found...so instinctively I called the police and asked them to verify the address...adress not found...and I was like WTF, this has got to be a scam and some sh1t might go down...well anyway im sitting there with three of my friends cause we were going to go to the bar right after...


So we wait...for like 20 fuK1ng minutes for this kid, note...im emailing this lady back and forth cause she refuses to call me blocked or even give me her number...i tell her theres no such address and I verified that the police said that the address she gave me doesnt exist, so Im like ok...well shes like just drop it off on the porch on the back..im like oh hell no im not doing that....so she insisted that i do that or she will call the police on me...lol im like yeah good luck calling the cops on me, you have nothing but a contact email...


then she was like oh my son finally came back home, he will meet you there...im like meet me where? and why the hell cant i just give the item to you...and she was like I dont know you and dont trust you...im like lady...you just gave me 500 for an xbox and games....but you dont trust me...whatever...


So this kid finally came up to my window...looked scared as all hell, and had 5 other kids with him...he was about 15-16


Well anyway I verified his name, and gave him the item and off I went....


Well Now i just got a dispute through paypal, from this Brian Emes guy that sent me the payment...he says i was suppose to send him Yankee Tickets...im like whoa whoa whoa WTF, I live in WI what would I have to do with Yankee tickets, and right now im super p1ssed and not sure whats going to happen, paypal deducted my account 485.20 and if I have to supposedly pay that back, im out an xbox, games, and warranty....and pay the money back!!! What do you think is going to happen? I am so clueless right now and just worried about the whole thing....

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The only thing i see that can really happen here is that you are out of an xbox and some money. Sucks. Lesson learned: always face to face with cash. And always a bill of sale with name, address, phone number.

Hope things work out for the best.

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yeah maybe should of created a bill of sale, but the fact is I have all the emails that state the specifics of the transactions....just dont understand why i would be responsible

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File a police report. Technically you need to file with the fbi because it is a cross state border issue. If you do file with the fbi they will completely ignore the filing unless it exceeds a specific dollar amount or if it is part of a larger pattern of crime.


The basics of the scam is this: PayPal is a customer advocate in nearly all cases. Unless you can show positive proof otherwise they will always default to the buying party. On the paypal dispute have they filed a complaint or is it already escalated to a full dispute? There are two distinct levels of dispute. Which stage it is at is important. The different levels offer different features. In the first level all PayPal will do is facilitate discussion between the two parties and the money is put on hold and no one gets it. In the second stage the money is actually given to the customer and you will need to fight with paypal directly to have it returned.


Things you must have to have any chance of getting your money back via PayPal:

Written proof of the transaction. Emails with specific intent to purchase will suffice but they must include the person's full name.

Some form of delivery confirmation. You must have a tracking number or signed bill of sale.

Contact information. Person's name, number and valid address.


If you do not have these things PayPal won't give you the time of day. Your only option might be working with the Police to try and catch the people.


Bottom line, PayPal is great but only if the person sending you the money is verified and the place the item is going is the same place the money came from. For anything else make sure it is cash only.

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You should act like nothing bad has happened and contact her back again to see if they are interested in buying any of the games or accessories you have for the xbox. See if you can get another meeting. If she is game get the police involved.

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if it makes you feel any better, we just had a full k20a2 swap stolen that we already had sold for $3600. Now we gotta refund the money and just bite our lips in anger. :rant:

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I really dont care about the xbox so much, i just dont think I should be paying 500.00 to some guy that supposedly said these were for xbox tickets...its just funny becuase when you send someone payment via paypal there usually is something in a header or in a message stating what the payment is for, this didnt state yankee tickets at all! Im not even in NY lol...but yea i filed a police report...what what authorities say is i have the upper hand, becuase I have a bill of sale, records of all the emails and this other guy has nothing

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Hope you get them.....but seriously....I would NEVER accept paypal on something I am hand delivering. I even sold a car once for $3600 and made the guy bring me cash. I would have been leary the second I got the payment from somebody other than who she said....definitely leary enough to walk away when I found out the address they gave doesn't exist.


No offense intended (seriously) but use common sense next time.....there are about a dozen red flags on this transaction that screamed WALK AWAY FROM THIS DEAL!!!!

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^ yeah man i really didnt, realize it until after the fact ya know...i've just been too busy at work, and when i finally put two and two together im like f^ck...so right now im just waiting on the police report to finish up and then hopefully get this cleared up with paypal

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Thanks Lina, yea its just sad that people still stoop this low still...thats why our society will never be civil...cause morons like these ruin everything for all the decent people out there.

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