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Dominos: do you eat?


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Hammonds, Kristy Lynn




Her Myspace - kristy0515


Store Location - 509 10th St. NW, Conover, NC 28613

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Domino's requires non-slip shoes.. Adidas doesnt produce any of those.


You are required to wear dark, dress style pants (dickies) not khaki cargo shorts.


he's the slowest frackin sandwich maker ever!


I dont eat domino's .. because i cant make it myself anymore..


why would that dude show off for that fat fugly girl?

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Funny part is she will be fired, well they both will. Dominos will probably bring up charges on both of them, and if they do decide to do this, they will get the tape and more than likely the public (atleast the area that the store delivers too) will be notified about the time in which all this took place. There is a good chance they will have lawsuits on both of them from the public. Hell if it went far enough they may face jail time for health code violations.

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^ Where did you read that?


Yea they both are retarded...i guess thats why they work there huh...but you would think that they would learn from all the idiots before them that recorded stupid sh1t while at work.

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^ Where did you read that?


Yea they both are retarded...i guess thats why they work there huh...but you would think that they would learn from all the idiots before them that recorded stupid sh1t while at work.


Read it on fox news, maybe I can dig up the link later

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Funny part is she will be fired, well they both will. Dominos will probably bring up charges on both of them, and if they do decide to do this, they will get the tape and more than likely the public (atleast the area that the store delivers too) will be notified about the time in which all this took place. There is a good chance they will have lawsuits on both of them from the public. Hell if it went far enough they may face jail time for health code violations.



no they wont..they'll be fired and asked to leave.


domino's wont sue anyone.

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no they wont..they'll be fired and asked to leave.


domino's wont sue anyone.


I used to work there, and yeah they will. If they don't, and someone gets sick because of the food that was messed with then dominos will get sued. So they would obviously want to show they are taking the proper action, that they don't stand for this sort of behavior, and ultimately get some of their money back if they are sued... so yeah I can see dominos trying to sue them.

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I used to work there, and yeah they will. If they don't, and someone gets sick because of the food that was messed with then dominos will get sued. So they would obviously want to show they are taking the proper action, that they don't stand for this sort of behavior, and ultimately get some of their money back if they are sued... so yeah I can see dominos trying to sue them.



i used to work there too.


1 and a half years altogether.


doubt they'll sue.. unless it's a franchise.

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aww... damn. the video's been taken down. I never got to see it!


anyway, regardless of whatever that video was.. there's not a chance in hell I'd eat domino's after one in England made a statement that they'll only be serving halal meat which I entirely disagree with. And anyway, one of my friends is a district manager for pizza hut so I get free pizza's when he's working. :D

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aww... damn. the video's been taken down. I never got to see it!


anyway, regardless of whatever that video was.. there's not a chance in hell I'd eat domino's after one in England made a statement that they'll only be serving halal meat which I entirely disagree with. And anyway, one of my friends is a district manager for pizza hut so I get free pizza's when he's working. :D

what's halal meat?

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but you failed to mention that the slaughter is torturous and inhumane.



The animal is given water to drink and then has it's throat slit across the jugular vein, carotid artery and windpipe. It bleeds out in seconds. What is inhumane about this? How would you suggest livestock be slaughtered?

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It doesn't bleed out in seconds. It takes the average human 5 minutes to drain, so it would take much longer for a larger animal such as a cow. The brain and the heart will continue to be active until the brain suffers oxygen starvation and dies. For "regular" meat- ie the prepackaged meat we'd buy in a general grocery store, the animal is stunned and unconcious beforehand and doesn't feel anything.

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It doesn't bleed out in seconds. It takes the average human 5 minutes to drain, so it would take much longer for a larger animal such as a cow. The brain and the heart will continue to be active until the brain suffers oxygen starvation and dies. For "regular" meat- ie the prepackaged meat we'd buy in a general grocery store, the animal is stunned and unconcious beforehand and doesn't feel anything.


Okay....and what slaughter house did you work at? I've personally slaughtered sheep in the same manner as the halal method and they lose consciousness within 10 seconds. The blood just shoots out like a garden hose. That much blood loss will make any mammal (including humans) lose consciousness. I don't know what you mean by "It takes the average human 5 minutes to drain". A person can bleed out in under a minute by having a vein in the leg severed. Let alone the jugular vein plus carotid artery.

And as far as the "regular meat" goes, the meat packing industry isn't as humane as most of us would like to imagine.

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I'm not saying they won't lose consciousness quickly. I'm simply saying that they will still feel pain when it occurs. I've worked on farms my whole life and I will not buy meat that hasn't been organically raised and humanely slaughtered- most of the time, I'll buy it directly from a butcher or the farmer himself rather than through a mass distributor. And as for the 5 minutes- my ex was a funeral director and embalmer he drained the blood from people for a living. Either way, I'm not eating food that's been "blessed" by a religion that I entirely disapprove of and I'm not going to support a company that honors it.

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but you failed to mention that the slaughter is torturous and inhumane.


but you guys failed to mention that they pray to Allah and thank him for the animal/food they are about to kill to eat. Its kind of like asking for permission. they drain out the blood as much as possible and then is butchered. I took an islam class before I graduated college.. it was a blow off class but I learned.

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I'm not saying they won't lose consciousness quickly. I'm simply saying that they will still feel pain when it occurs. I've worked on farms my whole life and I will not buy meat that hasn't been organically raised and humanely slaughtered- most of the time, I'll buy it directly from a butcher or the farmer himself rather than through a mass distributor. And as for the 5 minutes- my ex was a funeral director and embalmer he drained the blood from people for a living. Either way, I'm not eating food that's been "blessed" by a religion that I entirely disapprove of and I'm not going to support a company that honors it.

cut of the femoral, humeral, or carotid artery will result in DEATH in 45-60 seconds, unconsciousness comes seconds before. you don't die from loosing all of your blood, it only takes something like 2-3 quarts for a human loose consciousness, which is only 1/3-1/2. animals are proportionally larger, so they have larger blood vessels, which means they will conk out equally as fast. of the ways i would want to die, slicing my throat without having me know its coming is towards the top of the list.

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but you guys failed to mention that they pray to Allah and thank him for the animal/food they are about to kill to eat. Its kind of like asking for permission. they drain out the blood as much as possible and then is butchered. I took an islam class before I graduated college.. it was a blow off class but I learned.


i mentioned that. that's the biggest reason behind why I won't eat halal meat- If I won't get married in a christian church which is a religion that do approve of, does anyone seriously believe that I'll eat the meat "blessed" by a religion I have little to no respect for?

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