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happy bday Lexi :)


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Thanks ya'll!


I just got back a little while ago from having dinner with Chris, his mum & his grandmother to celebrate. His mum took us to Michael Dean's (Paula Deen's husband's restaurant) which was incredible. I'm so stuffed! Then we're going out on Friday night for dinner with my Dad to celebrate both mine & Chris' birthday's (his is next Wednesday) and we're having a joint-birthday party on Saturday night and going barhopping around downtown with our friends.

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sorta but it's also a pain in the ass. lol. his mother's birthday is on Sunday, so there's less than a week between each birthday. It makes it complicated trying to schedule anything if we all want to celebrate our birthday's separately because it becomes a bit costly. We learned that one last year which is why we figured we'd just do the joint-party thing this year. We usually manage to get 4-6 good quality restaurant dinners out of it though (his mom, my dad & his dad)

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It wasn't bad... it'll be better once Saturday gets here and I'm trashed. lol. I had to drive tonight so I was allowed all of one cosmopolitan to celebrate with! Other than that & my dad being a jackass, it was definitely one of the better birthdays I've had... which is saying something seeing as I've hated my birthday since I was 2 years old, and even more on the years it falls on easter. lol

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