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I'm moving :D


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my new year's resolution: move out of Cali...so I have a lot to do to make it happen and it will happen :)


good time to make this thread...


YAAAAAY!! I get to move out of Cali :D I almost have a job, outside of Philly in PA. Job is not a problem, nor is finding a place because I've done these before really fast lol


I don't like Southern California because it's very expensive/crowded/polluted/trafficy/materialistic fake nutty people who stab eachother everyday to get to the fake top...people live their whole lives here working and trying to pay for all the expensive expenses and don't get to enjoy the "nice weather that is crazy: one day at 50F and the next at 100F"...I don't want to live my life getting stuck in traffic and breathing car exhaust gases! I once got out of work at 2:30 on a Tuesday to get to an appointment at 3:30 at a town half an hour away and never made it (got there past 4 pm!) because of for-no-accident-no-nothing traffic!! Also, I have a plan to retire early and enjoy life, and that plan won't be easily done in Cali!


I'm going to miss my family and friends sooo much, but I know that if I live here, I won't like my life here! I'll visit!


Can't live in the desert or NY (sorta same life style as LA)...I've considered many states in the North East, but seems like the jobs/companies for me are near Philly...I could always move around the states there as I get to know the places more...


PA is the best state I know of so far and can have a job at! It's much cheaper to live in, has much nicer people, and just felt so good there! I've done my research online, CNN.com and other reliable sources...


I'm going to make more money than here aaand living in a state almost 50% cheaper than Cali...


I'll pack into my car and drive across the country to the HF meet and after partying, I'll start life in PA :D find a lot of friends and also party with John (MD) and Ryan (CT) and Ashley (NY) and the rest of you guys around there :D


you guys' comments have helped me :D Thanks everyone for commenting in other threads and telling me about the states they know of :) I appreciate it :)


comments/suggestions/advice/anything! :D thankiiies :D

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As I said in the other thread, PA is probably your best bet. Good choice.


MA is another option for engineering though. TONS of opportunities up there.

But as for living, weather, traffic, people, I'd rather live in PA.....I think. Just not in the big cities.


What kinda living will you be looking for? How soon will you finalize a job, and when will you start? How are you going to fit all your stuff in the Teg?

lol Lots of questions.

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Ryan, thankssss :D


1) I'll be living in one of the cities far enough from Philly so that I'm not there lol

2) I might get a room/bath in a big place to share...just for now...until I know where is good to live and get my own place...

3) The job will be finalized before driving to HF meet and will start mid-August to give me enough time to move/settle

4) I'm just moving clothes and little things...that will all fit in my trunk, which has the bar in there too lol I usually just take a backpack on weekend trips to Palm Springs and such...I'm not going to carry ten million things with me lol


SSR, I'll be living far from Philly city...the city itself isn't as nice/clean/low crime lol but besides cities, PA is really nice...no?

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yay! thankies :D good to hear...are you there often?


when I go back to my parents to visit and stuff some friends and I used to go there every year for my birthday, which actually is national go skateboarding day.... lots of fun times!

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You won't be too far from us once we move at Xmas. We'll be in Richmond and seeing as it's an 8 hour drive from Raleigh to Philly, I'm guessing it would be about a 5 hour drive to come spend the weekend with us! I didn't mind Philly when I went up there a few years ago but i wouldn't want to live there.

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so are u gonna camp out in your car till u have a job and a place?

i am trying to line crap up myself to move and i just dont have enough saved and dont wanna live in my sol.

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solinmysol, I'm looking forward to skiing a lot there :D skateboarding/snowboarding I can't do lol it's like I have one leg or something lool


Lexi, yup, it's about 5 hours from VA...we'll visit and have loooots of fun :D I can't wait to meet you girl :)


Bell (is your name Bell? because everyone calls you Bell), I won't be living in my car...I have enough saved but I'll also have a job before I get there! Where do you want to move to? try to save and get a job there, I would say, but I don't know what your plans are...gl :)

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^ the sol would not make for good living conditions, lol


pa is alright. the drivers are slow, which is really annoying for us fast-paced new yorkers. if you cross over into jersey (just get out of camden as fast as you can, lol), you'll not only have drivers try to kill you as soon as you cross the border (this is how you know you've entered jersey, you have to avoid at least one potential accident), but traffic as jersey drivers (especially down there) love to make traffic for no reason whatsoever, especially on the GSP.


i don't mind philly, i go there for concerts from time to time and shopping on rare occasions. i agree that i wouldn't want to live there, but it's not terrible. where are you going to be living? north, south, east, west? if you know what town/city, that'd be better, lol.

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PA is alright (I've only been in Pittsburgh which I love, and Beaver Falls). I've lived in Missouri, Ohio, Michigan, and here. This is my favorite place other than no snow. My second choice would be Blue Eye Missouri. 20 minutes from Branson, right on Table Rock lake, 45 minutes from Springfield. Thats where my grandparents live and where I go for vacation every summer.

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wow thanks you guys...you guys are so awesome :)


Ashley, I cracked up when I read your post about Jersey people lol...and I don't know what town yet...I might decide to live closer to water! I have a weird thing about wanting to jump in the water lol


SSR, sounds like your grandparents have found the right place! My coworker was from TN and used to tell a lot of good stories...

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Ashley, I cracked up when I read your post about Jersey people lol...and I don't know what town yet...I might decide to live closer to water! I have a weird thing about wanting to jump in the water lol


lol, it's the truth. you'll discover this after you get out there :p

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lol I wish I would move to FL...come on, Scarface was there! loool jk. I mean you and your gf are there and low taxes lol and lots of water! hehe


EDIT: Ashley, I believe you...here in LA, it's crazy too...one morning, on the way to school, I passed a fwy and 20 mins later, I heard on the radio there had been a shooting there! somebody had cut in front of somebody mad...lol

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TN is seriously the crap. Not a huge "scene" like New York, LA, etc (not talking about cars, just in general) but it is awesome. So many backroads, mountains, etc.


This is the only TN pic I have uploaded that has any sort of scenery. This is in Johnson City, 8 miles away from my house.


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Thats Boone lake btw. Watauga lake is 45 minutes from my house and is very nice. Very clean, cool, and the steep (I mean steep) mountain sides drop right into the lake. Haven't been there in about 2.5 years since I went with my ex.


Damn I just hella thread jacked dawg nah mean?

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So many backroads, mountains, etc.


we have that here.


they used to film bmw commercials by my old house.

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