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The Emo Thread


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okay. i've been seeing that in other threads girl problems have been coming up a lot lately.


so i created this thread so people can vent, let out some anger, and get good advice. i'll start.


yesterday, my girlfriend accused me of 3 things.

1. cheating on her

2. talking crap behind her back

3. "flirting" with other girls


all of which i didn't do. i got really pissed, almost lost it and ended the relationship, but then i thought twice and decided it wouldn't be worth throwing away a 3 year relationship over this. we aren't really on talking terms right now, so i don't know what to do. I've never encountered a problem like this in a relationship and could use some advice from some experienced playas.


i'm also emo lately because hockey is over and baseball started, booo :mad:

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hey advise about cars ok.. girls thats a saw subject if you get wrong advise your gonna be pissed!



I never really gave my x a chance to accuse of much because, if ever she had any dought, i'd always get her to come out with me. So that after a while she felt comfortable/bored about what i do. the only thing she could ever get jealous about was between me and my car. lol argh crap you got me thinking of her :( :( :(

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hmm... well... I don't think my relationship w/ my gf will survive college. we almost split up today but decided to wait. I only see her once a week if that because she lives 45 miles away, and I will be 400 miles away soon, so basically I cant be driving that far all the time. :(

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hockey is the sh!t. (btw i really hate this stupid editing on curse words)



blackdelsol - if it was ment to be, you'll stay together. all that college stuff is just bs. if you want to make a relationship work, it will work.


my sister goes to school in boston. her bf is back here in NY. shes been in college 3 years now, and they still go out.


my older brother went to binghamton. his girlfriend went to oneonta. they now live together in an apartment in the city.


90 - dont take it to heart. girls are crazy and get jealous so easy. they want to hear that they are the only ones, that you love them, and that your their only one. its like a safeguard.

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Yeah. The thing is, sometimes, xxscaxx, we do the same thing. When your girl is going somewhere with a dude, no matter what, it gives you a weird feeling. At least it does with me. But then I realize she loves me, so no worries. BDS - If there is one thing I have learned in the past three days, if it's mant to be it will be. Let things happen.



Anyway, my girl called me last night. We talked. When we were going out, when talking on the phone, randomly her or I would say "I love you" just randomly, when it got quiet in the convo. Last night, she did it, being that we are broken up I got confused. I said "really, do you ?"



She aid "fawk you" and hung up. I called her back and we talked. Girls = life .. no matter what you say, you need them, and want them. I still want her.

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If my wife ever went somewhere with just her and another dude, she wouldn't be welcome to come back home. Same with me and another chick, even if the other person is just a friend. We don't think that we should be put in a situation that even has a small possibility of turning bad. Neither of us would want to or want the other one to. It's probably a little different since we're married though.

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when I go to college, I will be close to my moms family, so she and my gf might carpool a lot. but yea... if it's meant to be then it will work out.


solLes- girls are so confusing sometimes.

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Am I the only one who's single here?? I like the freedom, but i'm really trying to get this one girl. Might be going out to lunch with her tomorrow.

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If my wife ever went somewhere with just her and another dude, she wouldn't be welcome to come back home. Same with me and another chick, even if the other person is just a friend. We don't think that we should be put in a situation that even has a small possibility of turning bad. Neither of us would want to or want the other one to. It's probably a little different since we're married though.



its different since your married. married couple dont do that haha.


not saying you or your wife dont have friends, but the friends you do have i can guarantee guys and her are girls. when your younger its different bc you hang out with everyone.



solLess- definitly. if im going out with someone and they go out with a guy, its going to bother me. thats where trust comes into play.


sup - im single. im seeing this girl and i hope to go out with her soon, but nothing is like written in stone now. i guess you can say we are kinda together, so i guess thats not really single. ah, whatever.

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If my wife ever went somewhere with just her and another dude, she wouldn't be welcome to come back home. Same with me and another chick, even if the other person is just a friend. We don't think that we should be put in a situation that even has a small possibility of turning bad. Neither of us would want to or want the other one to. It's probably a little different since we're married though.

My wife and I are the same way!! That's the only way it can work, although it sux cuz you tend to lose some friends (girl) that way, but it's only fair!


My only prob is that mine thinks if I go to the bar, or friends place where theirs women, either their going to flirt with me, or the other way around, or I'll be checking out another girl, even though she's never seen me do it yet, but that's the way they work. You can never win, nor gain enough trust, but you always love them!!


Yuenlester- You're going to the meet? I really wish I could go!!!! I'd like to meet everyone!! Dammit!

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to DBJ98LX......yes at the moment.....me and my wife (my daughter too Red Babe and maybe my son(SonofLester) will be there that is if we can get our travel visa from the American Embassy here. Anyway making our travel arrangements now on the assumption that tthe visas will be approved. Will keep BBS and B16Vtec informed as we go along.

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well, i went to my g/f house tonight and we made out....err....up. you know how that works. it was cool b/c she has 3 really hott sisters, 2 home from college, so i felt like a pimp.


i'm quitting baseball tomorrow to play spring league hockey and lacrosse.


baseball=poontwanger sport

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If my wife ever went somewhere with just her and another dude, she wouldn't be welcome to come back home. Same with me and another chick, even if the other person is just a friend. We don't think that we should be put in a situation that even has a small possibility of turning bad. Neither of us would want to or want the other one to. It's probably a little different since we're married though.


My wife is bie so if we see a chick that we bouth like and shes up to it we share. It keeps things fresh and she doesnt have to worry about me cheating on her (not that I would) because I can bring them home and we boath have our fun. Hear is a joke that shows how complicaeted a woman can be....


There was a man in LA sitting on the roof of a tall building and was ready to jump off, when he herd a voice say dont do it. He asked "who said that?" and the voice replied "I am God, and I will grant you one wish if you dont jump. There are tomany people killing them selfs now days I cant stan to see it happen agean" The man thought for a bit and said " OK, but I would like a bridge that goes from hear to Hawi so I can drive over any time I want" God said "Cant you think of a wish that might better humanity?" The guy thought agean and answerd " I wish I could understan women" God quickly replied " Would you like that Bridge two lains or four?"

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My wife is bie so if we see a chick that we bouth like and shes up to it we share. It keeps things fresh and she doesnt have to worry about me cheating on her (not that I would) because I can bring them home and we boath have our fun.



Batman, please tell me you're kidding. That's, well, crazy.

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Am I the only one who's single here?? I like the freedom, but i'm really trying to get this one girl. Might be going out to lunch with her tomorrow.


+1 i went out with one chic alsmost all the way thru high school and she broke up with me. ever since then (for me) its just been lame to go out with someone unless they are realy really special to you

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my 5th gf dumped me for a chick.

kinda made me wonder if it was my fault she went bi, lol. I guess she was before we met, but still I wonder. I mean when i asked her out, why did she accept? whatever.

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