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The Dark Knight


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Alright, so from what i've read this movie is ridiculously selling out before the opening, which I think is going to be THE BEST movie of the year, i've already got my tickets...you have yours? If not you better buy them now, some people are patient but i like to see the new movies on opening day lol...so whos going?


Dark Knight

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Even though I've been looking forward to this movie than any others all year Im not going on opening day. Way to many people I like to relax at my movies not deal with screaming kids texting highschool girls, and smelling fat dudes sitting next to me.


I'll see it a week or so later.

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I also heard about this last night, presales are 8x that of Spider-Man 3 from last year, and showings are almost entirely sold out for the opening week. Theaters are now adding 6:00 AM showings to cash in and keep fans pleased.


This is one of the movies I'm most looking forward to, and I don't think I've looked forward to a movie quite as much since Pirates 3 last May (when it comes to widely released "mainstream" movies, at least). Christian Bale is amazing in most everything he does, and it's because of him that I finally broke down and watched Batman Begins last summer, lol. Heath Ledger was an amazing actor... I have yet to find the time and desire to watch Brokeback, but his take in Lords of Dogtown and Candy showed such promise, and from what I have glimpsed of this, he did an amazing job transforming himself into the role. (Quite reminiscent of Alex in A Clockwork Orange in a few shots, and I get a wave of nostalgia for The Crow during some of the tv spots/trailers... two amazing movies.)


Anyway, I don't go to the theater, I love movies but hate the theater. I'd imagine the drive-in would have this for opening weekend, so I'm going to be all over it opening night or the night after.

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Seeing is free is great, but 10 bucks isnt even scratching my wallet


yeah but get to see it a few hours early. so when i'm done watching, you'll just start watching.

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I also heard about this last night, presales are 8x that of Spider-Man 3 from last year, and showings are almost entirely sold out for the opening week. Theaters are now adding 6:00 AM showings to cash in and keep fans pleased.


This is one of the movies I'm most looking forward to, and I don't think I've looked forward to a movie quite as much since Pirates 3 last May (when it comes to widely released "mainstream" movies, at least). Christian Bale is amazing in most everything he does, and it's because of him that I finally broke down and watched Batman Begins last summer, lol. Heath Ledger was an amazing actor... I have yet to find the time and desire to watch Brokeback, but his take in Lords of Dogtown and Candy showed such promise, and from what I have glimpsed of this, he did an amazing job transforming himself into the role. (Quite reminiscent of Alex in A Clockwork Orange in a few shots, and I get a wave of nostalgia for The Crow during some of the tv spots/trailers... two amazing movies.)


Anyway, I don't go to the theater, I love movies but hate the theater. I'd imagine the drive-in would have this for opening weekend, so I'm going to be all over it opening night or the night after.


Yea thats in the link I posted...thats nutz


yeah but get to see it a few hours early. so when i'm done watching, you'll just start watching.


Yea I know, but in the end we both see the same movie lol

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Yea thats in the link I posted...thats nutz




Yea I know, but in the end we both see the same movie lol


Sorry, I didn't click the link! >_<

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:stupid: j/k...its ok Links are sometime kinda hard to see here on HF, but eh watev, you read the same info as me lol


I saw it on the tv... and you know, if it's on tv it must be true :laugh:

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I already got my tickets for the Imax midnight showing. It should be pretty sweet. So far Bale has done a decent job of wiping the memory of any of the previous Batmans away and this one shouldn't be any different.


EDIT: Funny little farce I found.



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im gonna get the new verizon dark knight special edition phone!!!!1!!!111!!


what?!? Does it flip out like a bat-o-rang?

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so... i got home about a half hour ago from seeing the midnight showing. I was disappointed. an hour too long, and didn't keep me interested much- i really didn't think it lived up to the hype. The trailers looked amazing, but then again- they were also the best bits of the movie, imo.


btw lina- it's not the least bit scary. just a bit twisted.

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