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What are you giving up for Lent?


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I'm not catholic but my mum used to try and get me to give up something for lent when I was a child. it never lasted more than a week.


and at this point, I think I've given up just about everything I can give up and am living on sheer necessity and impulse. so... nothing.

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I'm an undecided. I don't even know what the purpose of lent is, but I really enjoy all the sales and specials on fish sandwiches and meals at various restaurants. :D

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Yep, no cool points for you. In addition to that I now question your sanity as well.



^hahaha me too!


I think you'd have to take vitamin pills during those 55 days...



Screw that! I think I'd actually go insane.


I've been doing it since I was 10 or so. After 15 years it's a lot easier, lol. Oh and vitamins and protein shakes are a must, Iceah = )

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No fracking way! The WHOLE time I've known u on here i thought it was Iceah, not Lceah!



What does Lceah stand for/mean then?!



Lol and stevo, I just couldn't last that time without bacon, a man must always have his bacon. It's like the law.



I'm with shocked monkey (and sebsol) what does it mean?


and trust me, when fasting's over it's like a feast for a straight month (including bacon) , lol

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lol all carbs...oh no lol


A lot of people thought it was "ice ahh"


LCEAH: each letter stands for something but I don't remember anymore lol...the L is for "Lina" (my name lol)...maybe the C is for "crazy" ? lol no clue

It's Icey and you know it :dry: And I'm not givin up sh*t for "lent."

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I thought mine was hard, lol.





huh????? :dry:


lol all carbs...oh no lol


A lot of people thought it was "ice ahh"


LCEAH: each letter stands for something but I don't remember anymore lol...the L is for "Lina" (my name lol)...maybe the C is for "crazy" ? lol no clue


Lina Can Eat All Hondas?

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^ :D


lol I have your car minus all the coolness and it's white and 2-door and stick...I took the front license plate off so the front looks good...I should post pics...


(update: I have only one car now: 2dr Accord, stick, white, very nice mechanically...'94...bla bla bla...just a daily driver)

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