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Super Bowl Picks


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Dallas vs. Indy is what im hoping for, put it this way if Dallas goes to the superbowl...guess what....IM GOING!

Chances are slim and none. Sorry. Jerry Jones has killed that team. He is almost as bad as Al Davis! If they had retained Jimmy Johnson, and the rest of that coaching staff, they could of easily won 3 more Super Bowls in 5 years! Too bad egos got involved as they always do! T.O. killed what little brightness they had, and they are still recovering from that! They had one of the best coaches in Parcells and Jones just had to bring a cancer like TO into their midst's!!! Sad really, I loved following them when Troy, Emmitt, Novachec(sp) Moose, Irving, and all those players were there! :(

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^ Yeah I know man, but i do see alot of potential in the team, they just need to tweak the offense, get rid of that lame wildcat offense, and get more defensive personel, oen of the corners...21 Mike Jenkins gets burnt about 60% of the time plus he's super small for a corner

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Vikings and Chargers will fight over the superbowl, according to my guy :D


I'm trying to learn a lot more about football...


Dont bother, it has turned into a void of nothing! Football these days blows! :(

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LoL Lina you should go to a football game, like a chargers or NY game. I've been to a Cowboys , Charger, and Packer game.....but I still want to visit the new Cowboy Stadium in Arlington, that place looks sooooooooooooooooooo nice.

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i don't give a crap either... really don't know the faintest thing about american football, other than the fact it should be called handball not football.


this is a football people... not the slightly deformed rugby ball that you guys use! :p


I prefer the term puussy football!! They have put all the attention on the offense, and handicapped the defenses! It sucks balls! No more Steel curtain, no Doomsday defense, no Orange Crush, Purple People Eaters, 4 Horsemen!!! It plain sucks, I like offense as well as the next guy, but QUIT TURNING IT INTO A SPORT FOR PUUSSIES! I want to watch what it used to be! Not just on ESPN Classic!!! You want to see real football google Jack Lambert, Mean Joe Green, Deacon Jones, Jim Marshall, Lawerance Taylor, Mike Singletary (sp), and the list goes on! There only a few hand full of players in todays NFL that could play in that era! Its not their fault its what the game has evolved into! WTF forward progress? Dont touch the head, no leading with the head.......... I say give them flags and play flag football, or 2 hand touch! END RANT!! :rant:

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm picking the Colts vs Saints




Colts - 23, Saints - 17. (Wild ass guess, of course.)


Give Peyton Manning time to figure out the defense and he'll start a snowball effect shortly after the first half..

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