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Whats up HF, hope all is well and whatnot. Anyways I'm here at my aunt's house in Krakow passing the time. Here's a quick recap of the past three weeks for me.


I first stayed in Paris for a week, my first time there. Absolutely loved it. Their subway system beats the hell out of Chicago's El, the food is unbelievable, the women are pretty, the people are really friendly, and the whole place is just beautiful. I stayed in a hotel that was about a ten minute train ride away from the Louvre in a very Parisian part of town with a bunch of shops and bistros everywhere. Beer there was pretty cheap, about 1.5 euros for 500ml, but once you get into the main part of paris I paid 9.50 euros for just the same. I visited all the main sites, Eiffel Tower, Arc de Triomphe, saw the Mona Lisa and Venus di Milo, all that stuff. I can't wait to go back, I might even study abroad there.


After that I flew into Krakow, and stayed there for four days, just walked around downtown and drank beer. Polish beer is cheap and awesome, 500ml costs the equivalent of about $1 here. Then I went into the mountains in Slovakia for six days. Beer is even cheaper there, it costs about the same as a bottle of water. Strong stuff too, first time I ever had 10% beer. It rained most of the time I was there, but it wasn't too bad.


I came back to Krakow last friday, and now I'm staying here until I leave on August 7. I might be going to the Zakopane mountains on Monday for a few days just for the hell of it. And contrary to what seb james said before, euro girls are sooooooo pretty. Of course you get the occasional uggo, but for the most part they look like supermodels.


I've taken upwards of 2,000 pics so far, so get the server ready for the thread I make when I get back :p

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lucky bastard


when you gonna be back full-time at HF???


August 7


Another thing I noticed is we really get screwed in the US as far as Hondas go. They're effing awesome over here, basically all the Hondas here are what we get in the US as Acura.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well you definately had more fun than i did when i was in paris, i hated the place, people were rude, pretty much the exact opposite of what you got, except there were alot of beautiful asian girls walking around everywhere so i was like :drool: every 2 seconds, lol


Strong stuff too, first time I ever had 10% beer.

You can get 8% in the states, 211 steel reserve yummy stuff, my favorite beer!

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awesome your having a good time!! lol yeah some european girls can be supermodels, i guess especially if your in Paris! Looking foward to the pics dude.

10% beer though!!! I want! Sounds like rocket fuel!


Most of the high percent beer has alot more hops/spices in it than domestic beer its definitly an aquired taste for it so its not all it cracks up to be unless you go big! Not to mention it can get expensive very fast for a good high quality beer. We got a 22oz'er in here now for $9 and thats state minimum lol.



Well you definately had more fun than i did when i was in paris, i hated the place, people were rude, pretty much the exact opposite of what you got, except there were alot of beautiful asian girls walking around everywhere so i was like :drool: every 2 seconds, lol



You can get 8% in the states, 211 steel reserve yummy stuff, my favorite beer!



You can get a little more than 8% in the states, maybe not all states but I know you can in Ohio and else where as well.

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ah steelies a poor mans way to get drunk...a buck a beer...its the way to go :thumbsup:

yes yes, taste good and cheap, gotta love it!!!



best beers IMO: 211 steel reserve, Heinekin, Corona, & Mickies :thumbsup:

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Sounds like one hell of trip. Can't wait to see all the high quality photographic evidence.


On a personal note I'm glad you had fun in Paris. If you wanna know anything about studying abroad/living in France, I'm your man.

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Well you definately had more fun than i did when i was in paris, i hated the place, people were rude, pretty much the exact opposite of what you got, except there were alot of beautiful asian girls walking around everywhere so i was like :drool: every 2 seconds, lol



You can get 8% in the states, 211 steel reserve yummy stuff, my favorite beer!


211 is higher than 8%. I think it's 11.8.

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