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Hey I was just wondering if you guys ever give things to charity. My wife and I are fairly tight financially, but so much better off than a lot of people. We're going to be putting together shoeboxes full of gifts this year and having them sent overseas for Christmas gifts this year, for kids that can't afford a Christmas. I was just wondering if any of you ever give to charity? It seems like we all spend so much on our car, that it's the least we could do....that just my opinion though.

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My parents give old clothes to the Salvation Army. I give a couple of bucks here and there, but one time I always give is when the fire department has something called "Fill the Boot." They stand in the middle of the main street at the busiest red light and have a boot and ask for donations, when you give, they give you a sticker. I give everytime I have money on me and they are doing that.

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This is our first time to do the Christmas thing. I just feel bad for the kids that can't have the things I had. Here I am with a nice house, nice car, etc.... and they can't even afford a Christmas....these are kids overseas too btw. I kinda feel like the least I can do is do my part to help them have a Christmas worth remembering. I'm sure it will be very rewarding for us too.

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This is our first time to do the Christmas thing. I just feel bad for the kids that can't have the things I had. Here I am with a nice house, nice car, etc.... and they can't even afford a Christmas....these are kids overseas too btw. I kinda feel like the least I can do is do my part to help them have a Christmas worth remembering. I'm sure it will be very rewarding for us too.

im sure it wil be. i was in habitat for humanity, and my group went on a trip to new orleans to build houses - but i got sick so i couldnt go. this year, were going to chile though.

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just yesterday , a local site we use , put on a car show for someone who was killed last year by a car(school teacher). sponsored by the cops are everything. you pay to get your car in(5 bucks). you get the websites sticker so on. everyone just parks thier imports and throws the hoods up so on. you fill out a paper for your car and display it. than after that , we went on a 3 hour cruise through nice parts of the countryside(in the sticks). we had 80 cars , lol , all in single file line for this drive for charity , ill have pics soon. we were lead by the police , in a 06 cobalt SS , roll caged the whole 9 , race car. and followed by another cop in a charger i think it was. was a good time , all went well , makes for good relations with cops and the pulic over the imort scene you know. good for us. lots of nice rides. the cops were blocking traffic and everything , letting us stay together and go right through red lights and what not , was awsome , lol. it was announced on a few different radio stations , what we were doing and why.

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too much to read but i give my old crappy clothes to the hobos.




shut the fuk up dude....


when i was in 7th grade i was helping at a medical clinic that sees patients that cant offord stuff...and i work at a grociery store and when salvation army is there i give all the change from my breaks...so it ends up being 10 or so dollars thoughtout each holiday....some people cant help they dont have money....its the people that are dependent on ebt (foodstamps) that piss me off...they dont do crap and some are always like, glad im on these and other crap....half of them dont even buy cheap food to fill their family up..they buy pepsi, coke, shrimp, steaks, chips, and candy...its really sad, i wish they could ban some crap....like let them buy bread, milk, eggs, butter, fruit and vegatables, and crap like that...but u know bush..fuk america right

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I don't give money, but I donate time and other items as I see fit. I don't like the idea of money, because you really don't know where it is going. Even Catholic Charities claims that 80 cents of every dollar goes where they say... Where does the other 20 go? For every $100, $20 is going into someone else's pocket? I don't like that. Therefore, I donate my time, and if necessary specific items.


Also, IMO giving to Goodwill etc. is not donating, it is really throwing it away and hoping someone else will pick it up. That's just my opinion, of course...

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f*ck you ass hole..


i dont like to read and my old clothes dont fit me..


suck a cock.

i think goodwill is scandalous, like you donate your clothes to them for free. then they sell that crap for hella expensive. (comparatively speaking)

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i give all my old things that i can't sell on e-bay (toys, clothes, etc...) to the Salvation Army....


I tithe sometimes at church, but often i forget cash.


And I have to do 20 hours of service, so i'm doing 20 Habitat For Humanity hours...this is for college.

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3 dollar clothes isnt hella expensive.

no. i mean, sometimes you can find brand new brand name crap in there. and that craps like hella expensive. i mean regardless, your giving your crap away so to help people who cant afford nice crap out. yet, they charge for your stuff, i mean. thats just like not right to me.

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Here in Memphis we have a St Jude's Hospital that does research and helps pay expenses for kids under 18. They always have donation things and such. I remember back when I lived in Millington my next door neighbor had cancer and she went there......she beat it the first time around but not the second. Anyhow, especially after her and seeing what her family went through emotionally and financially (plus she would always come over and hangout with me)...my folks and I have always donated to them.


Great Investment....wouldn't anybody want the same if their kid had something horrible like that happen....man I know I would

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I donate stuff to goodwill every now and then, as far as homeless and what not....well I know it may sound rude or cruel, they put themselves in that situation...they can always get up and go work at some fastfood joint or something small to make some kind of income...the only ones i feel sorry for are the kids that are homeless that homeless parents put their children in...they are to better the situation ya know...but yea as far as charity yes I do give

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I donate stuff to goodwill every now and then, as far as homeless and what not....well I know it may sound rude or cruel, they put themselves in that situation...they can always get up and go work at some fastfood joint or something small to make some kind of income...the only ones i feel sorry for are the kids that are homeless that homeless parents put their children in...they are to better the situation ya know...but yea as far as charity yes I do give


It's not like that for everyone. Sure, there are a lot of homeless people who take any spare change they get and waste it on alcohol or something rather than using it for food, and maybe some can get jobs, but we really don't have that many jobs available to give. I'm sure if it came down to hiring someone who is able to bathe daily and be clean, and someone who can't do that because they are living on the streets/in a car, etc, the clean person is going to get the job. No one chooses to be homeless.



Back to the original question... no, not really. I'll throw in the extra dollar here and there when I'm shopping and asked if I'd donate, but as terrible as it is, I don't trust many charities. None of my clothes have gone to goodwill since I was a kid and my mom would sort through them. I don't bother with that, I just wear what I love until it has holes in it or is otherwise destroyed and needs to get thrown out, or clothes that I hardly wear get put in the closet and pretty much lost forever. Then again, I've seen a lot of people who rip off the welfare system, so while I feel for those who really need it, there are so many more that just take advantage of it that it sickens me.

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I'm somewhat the same way about not trusting a lot of charities. The one we're doing this year though, is different. You buy gifts and fill a shoe box with them, mark the card for the age group and sex of the child, include $7.00 for overseas shipping and it get's sent to a child overseas....Africa or Etheopia...somewhere like that. It's done through my church and works closely with the missionaries that our church suupports, so I'm confident that it will get to them. You can also include your name and address and the child will probably write to you, etc... We're saving to do as many boxes as we can, and I'll probably use what would have been car money for this instead.

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hmm charities.. only if i was a bit richer, like if i won the fdxzgvfcbvgbnvso9.jpg


every time i go to the mall, there are tons and tons of FAKE HOMELESS, because i saw them walk to thier cars afterwards!

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