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Raced Three Cars Last Night!


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Well The First Car was a ford probe GT with an engine swap ...cant remember the exact engine but i won on a 1/4 mile by at least 2 car lengths then he said he couldnt get off the block because his back mount wasnt right and he would have blew the CVP joint or some crap? anyways after that i raced a delsol and everyone knew who was ganna win that lol got it on video tape too! then the last one was that probe again then we had to leave cuz cops and crap! it was a fun night, oh yea and that probe claimed hes sitting on 250 horse power because the the SLW engine or somthing like that? phh

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yea thats it the KLZE he had... my car had Headers and dual exhaust all stock internals besides that. The del sol i actually raced twice because the timing of the stop lights, first time i beat him second time he got an early lead by about 1 car length and i still beat him lol i got the del sol on video tape too ill post it if i get it from my buddy that was sitting in the passenger seat

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V6 probes are fairly fast but still ugly , heavy domestic junk. besides what car with little over 2000 pounds wouldnt be fast with a V6 in it.

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it's this ugly ass car:






why would you race that car? it's slow.


headers? mmmk.


dual exhaust? weight, useless, ugly.


race on the track, street racing is stupid in general. racing a basically stock '92 lude and a probe=pointless and f*cking gay. tool.

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V6 probes are fairly fast but still ugly , heavy domestic junk. besides what car with little over 2000 pounds wouldnt be fast with a V6 in it.



I thought the Probe was made by Mitsubishi?

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del sol S as in a Z6? cause i can take a Z6 with my car , but i cant beat a probe , up to 3rd gear hel have me by not even a car length. if your talkin the V6 ones. 4cyl probes are a fukin joke.

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willthiswork- every time you post something i'll post that dumbass picture of you in front of your car. it's totally rice, you're a baller, so i give you noooo respect.

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90' i dont give a f*ck im as white as they get im not a baller, the car was given to me its not like the wing and crap was on there to begin with, and personally i dont give a f*ck what you think of my car because i never asked nor would i ever ask. you can call it rice, pancakes, anything you want i dont give a flying f*ck because its my car that turns heads :o


edit- Oh yea it was a peice of crap little 4 cylinder lol the delsol was* the probe had a v6 and it was the KLZ series engine, but he said that the bacvk mounts were broke thats why i wont because it would have blown the PVC joint or some crap...

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