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Status Updates posted by Hondahunter

  1. http://www.usdoj.gov/dea/job/agent/bef_quiz.html

    that's not to be an ass, just the way i understand it. i'm sure a person with a degree would get the job before the military personnel, but that's the way the cookie crumbles

  2. for sure man! there is life outside the internet, at least for me! :) how's the police job search coming?

  3. gotcha. i was wondering bc my sister lives in Youngsville

  4. Hey man hope all is well. Can't wait to have you back. Thanks again for your service! (even though you say Hooah :D)

  5. I see you have been sneaking on my page! Hehe

  6. i totally hear you. i'm more than likely going to need my 4 year for DEA. it's not specifically required, but i know what i'll be up against :-\

  7. i will post in the next one :thumbsup:

    just don't feel like arguing with Ash and Rob anymore! good solution and will use it later! thanks! i vote you as mod as well!

  8. i'm elcaminoguy12 off AIM. i met you off SS

  9. isn't Cary like super close to Wake Forest?

  10. Just talked to the guy, he's showing the car to someone right now. We'll see what happens

  11. Lol at your last post! Haha. I am like you ready to throw down at any moment! would've replied but done with that thread!

  12. might be getting a lude man ;)

  13. n2m man! just been sanding the sol down! it's crazy, i thought the day wouldn't come when i could paint it. i've got the spray gun ready now :) little more sanding and it's ready to go to the booth!

  14. ohhh I'm trying man. Just called the guy and he's got someone else looking at it as we speak :(

  15. Some form of black. Something glossy, I'm painting it myself. I'm not going to attempt a pearl color on my first try. But i have confidence it will turn out nicely

  16. sounds good man. sometimes the degree speaks, unfortunately. piece of paper shouldn't matter that much, though i have learned a lot studying Police Science

  17. takeover is nearing completion

  18. thanks buddy! i'm sanding it down now, prepping it for paint!

  19. that's cool. I really like the Raleigh area. I live in the sticks up here in VA lol. There's nothing around

  20. the military route requires a bachelors degree in addition to service. if you had previous experience with a smaller agency however, it would be a possible way to get in. not an absolute requirement, but definitely puts you at the top of the list.

  21. wishing my car ran right :(

  22. yeah but you see there's nothing to do here! The local hangouts are Walmart Hardee's! No lie! Lol it's pitiful! But we can swap places let's arrange that! Lol.

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