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Has anyone ever broke...


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So I just had my first pre-season game this past saturday. Well It happened in the 2nd quarter...I returned a kick off and ran up the middle....when I went to shake a tackle, I planted my right foot and this 300lbs lineman stepped on the side of my foot...it hurt for a little bit, but I guess since the adrenaline was pumping I didnt feel anything..So I get home and get ready for my friends engagement party, went there I was fine all night, then went to bed and woke up in the AM and then bam there was this sharp pain on the right side of my right foot....I've had yet to break a bone in my body...i've fractured my collarbone but thats it. It is an unbearable pain...i can barely walk on it with out it being so painful.


I have an appointment this afternoon, hope all is well, but we'll see. What do you think I have a high foot sprain, fracture, possibly broken? I dunno, im just hoping im ready for our season opener on 05/31/2009...*crossing my fingers*

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sounds like more of a fracture than being broken. i think if you broke it you wouldve known then and there despite the adrenaline. still id get it checked out.


Ive never broken a bone in my body but i was playing a basketball game last night and went up for a rebound and when i came back down the side of my chest fell on some guys shoulder and it hurt soooo bad. still hurts today. if i raise my hands over my head if hurts real bad, also when i take deep breaths its painful. Im trying to figure out what it could be. Im hoping i didnt brake a rib (since those are pretty easy to break). Im thinking its just a bruise.


but anyway... sorry about your foot :p

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make sure and REALLY show the pain at the doctor. Tell him its unbearable. If he thinks its not that bad, he may just give you some ibuprofen. You need hydrocodone. But dont tell him that or he might be suspicious. Good luck.

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Well when I use to have shoulder problems I use to take 800mg Ibuprofen, those were like horse pills man....but yea i will need something way stronger cause my foot hurts so bad

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Does anyone here realize that a fracture is a break? LOL


The bone could be sticking through the skin and it is still medically referred to as a fracture. Break is considered a scary word in the medical community.


Vicodin is a little strong for a metatarsal fracture, T3s or Percocet are more along the lines of pain control in this case.

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Is it your foot or ankle. I had a similar incident in high school was a high ankle sprain.


Btw where do you play football that's starts in may?

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Does anyone here realize that a fracture is a break? LOL


The bone could be sticking through the skin and it is still medically referred to as a fracture. Break is considered a scary word in the medical community.


Vicodin is a little strong for a metatarsal fracture, T3s or Percocet are more along the lines of pain control in this case.


lol i was waitin for someone too say something.

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Is it your foot or ankle. I had a similar incident in high school was a high ankle sprain.


Btw where do you play football that's starts in may?


I play for a league that starts in the summer, and since im a franchise player now I cannot play for any other teams but this one.




I play for the Milwaukee Venom.


Im thinking its just a sprain, today it feels a little better but this morning was terrible...so hopefully a little more icing and ibuprofens and i think i'll be okay

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dohc1991integra is right, sounds more like a fracture. if it was a break you wouldnt have been able to walk when it happened. im with you on broken bones though. i have 6 broken fingers, one broken thumb with a cracked growth plate and chipped bone. 3 broken toes, had my nose broken twice and a cracked rib. its rough, but youll feel good in a few weeks. just ice it like crazy. yeah vikodin=skittles. they gave me morphine for my rib and perkacetz(i think thats how you spell it) for my thumb



yes a break is a fracture and vice versa but most refer to a break as the bone not still being aligned. a fracture is commonly referred to as simply a crack, even though its still a break. all thatmatters is it hurts like hell. just cause it doesnt feel as bad doesnt mean its not broke/fractured. make sure to get an xray and maybe an mri


ok since brian listed all his injuries below me then ill edit mine lol.


ill go from head to toe..


2 concusions

slipped disk in neck

2 broken noses

2 slipped discs in lower back

cracked rib

dislocated shoulder

6 broken fingers, one broken thumb

small tears in tendons on elbow

premature arthritis in both knees

sprained ankle, at least 3 times each ankle

2 broken toes

destroyed all "cushion" in my heels

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probally bruised your tendons on the right side of your foot


i bruised the tendons in my left hand in football from a guy hitting me then somehow we got tangeled and he stepped on my hand.. didnt feel too great for about a week or so


hope all goes well javy :thumbsup:


and 800mg IB is what i get all the time for injuries




EDIT:: since everyone is listing injuries i guess i can list the ones i can remember, lol


fractured right wrist

dislocated right collar bone

left knee blew out

sprain right ankle twice

slipped 2 discs in back

broken right little finger and ring finger

busted head numerous times

concussion twice, i think? lol



lol thats about the jist of it :laugh:

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I play for a league that starts in the summer, and since im a franchise player now I cannot play for any other teams but this one.




I play for the Milwaukee Venom.


Im thinking its just a sprain, today it feels a little better but this morning was terrible...so hopefully a little more icing and ibuprofens and i think i'll be okay


That's pretty cool, so it's basically semi-pro, you don't get paid but you get full pads and contact.

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