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HELP!!!!! How to Drive my Accord


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Ok, my mother just gave me her 2007 Accord. It is a 4cyl Vtech. It tops out 160.


Ok I was just wondering. When accelerating, does it hurt the car when you mash down on the accelarator. Or should I gradually let the car pick up speed. Because the engine does make a loud sound when you push down hard on the gas.


I just dont want to blow the engine or hurt the car in anyway.

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Most of these things are just common sense. If you don't know already, you should probably drive like a grandma or not at all.



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Most of these things are just common sense. If you don't know already, you should probably drive like a grandma or not at all.




Can you answer the question?

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Everyone calm the hell down and stop making fun of this guy, he's probably young. Don't act like none of you have ever asked a silly question with seriousness before? Lucky young kid to have an 07 Accord though...

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Sorry...yeah I have asked plenty of seemingly dumb questions before.


NeedforAccord. The accelerator pedal is generally there to be raped. Slamming it down to the floor to accelerate though isn't always the best option as you will cane your way through your petrol, you need to learn the balance of how much you need to put it down to get the best power. You'll just learn this as you drive ya car more.

Very good Sebbynuts, I'm proud of you. (and who said I wouldn't make a good mod?)

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Everyone calm the hell down and stop making fun of this guy, he's probably young. Don't act like none of you have ever asked a silly question with seriousness before? Lucky young kid to have an 07 Accord though...



Yea I am young. I mean I have always been into cars, but I am just now, really starting to learn a lot about them.

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Yea I am young. I mean I have always been into cars, but I am just now, really starting to learn a lot about them.



So you guys are saying that there is no need to let the car pick up speed gradually.

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Yea I am young. I mean I have always been into cars, but I am just now, really starting to learn a lot about them.

We all start somewhere, don't sweat it. Since you picked this forum as your first venture into cars seriously, the least we could do is welcome you and help, instead of cracking jokes and making fun of you. If you have any more questions, just ask. But first use the Search feature to look up problems before posting about them, just in case someone else has had the same or similar problem.

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So you guys are saying that there is no need to let the car pick up speed gradually.

For saving gas, speed up gradually. To haul ass, mash the sucker. You aren't puling enough power yet to damage the drivetrain. The car is automatic I'm guessing?

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For saving gas, speed up gradually. To haul ass, mash the sucker. You aren't puling enough power yet to damage the drivetrain. The car is automatic I'm guessing?


?????- Bold


Yea its an automatic. I must say then the accord engines sound very nice.

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?????- Bold


Yea its an automatic. I must say then the accord engines sound very nice.

Well transmission and drivetrain (axles, clutch, any connecting shafts, etc.)

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you may not be pulling a lot of power but that doesnt mean flooring the car everywhere is good for it


if your going to drive stupid like that then give your mom the car back


No im not going to drive like that everywhere, and not all the time.


So driving a bone stock car, fast, wont hurt it.



This is all from me smelling a weird smell coming from my vents today. I had my AC on. And when I stopped and put it in park it smelled funny. I just wanted to make sure I didnt do any harm to the transmission or engine.

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No im not going to drive like that everywhere, and not all the time.


So driving a bone stock car, fast, wont hurt it.



This is all from me smelling a weird smell coming from my vents today. I had my AC on. And when I stopped and put it in park it smelled funny. I just wanted to make sure I didnt do any harm to the transmission or engine.

That could be a number of things. What did it smell like? Was there any smoke anywhere? It could be your brakes if you're mashing them hard too.

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That could be a number of things. What did it smell like? Was there any smoke anywhere? It could be your brakes if you're mashing them hard too.



Nah, there wasnt any smoke. I think I may be using my brakes to much . I cant really describe the smell.

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My cars always sit for so long in the winter I have to check for dead vermin in the duct system before I drive them again in the spring. I get that 'oh so fresh sent' from the long rotten flesh nestled in my airbox.

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I just reread your first post. Your speedometer reads 160 but your car cannot go 160. Keep in mind every time you drive that car that the tires that are installed are very likely only speed rated up to 85mph. Any time you exceed 85mph you are playing Russian roulette. New driver + unstable speeds + car load of friends = major disaster.

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