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nope did not change my name, and fvck off ben, bacon is more than a name, it transcends all that little mortal minds can comprehend. it is a food of the gods. sweet ambrosia that we are allowed to partake of.

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no i caught the reference, but i am tired of all the bacon flu bs. i blame the messicans, not the pork.


And I live in Texas, how do you think I feel??? I mean usually I have no problem with anyone crossing our boarders, its how we all got here in the first place. But now with the most confirmed deaths from swine flu coming from Mexico it kinda pisses me off. The first reported death in the US was recently and it was a 22 month old baby....which was from Mexico...

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its affecting more than the young and old, its going for everyone.


and yes ben i know its not all just messicans, i was being an @sshole. 2 can play your game.

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I made the game.


I winz it. ALL ZE TIMEZ.


Normal flu's kill people every year. Just like the infamous "Avian" flu..


It'll blow over.

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I personally think the media is making a much bigger deal than it is. I mean look at the stock market, the other day they were saying that it was falling because of swine flu... I was like wtf? I get it, food import export, but it is still being made into something much more than it really is IMO.

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bacon is dank sh*t.


i use the gease as lube, it makes the atm action a lot tastier.

absolutely unamerican, and nothing makes ATM acceptable. ever.

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did you guys hear about the Measles around the northeast? Apparently in the 70's sometime, the vaccine wasn't good so some people have it now...


/thread jacking


welcome new member, mr. bacon :D

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