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hey guys i'm looking for my next project and was wondering what you think i should do on the car


i was think about fiting a huga ass intercooler there



tell me what you think!

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ok i've chosen what i'm gona do built a k24 and slap on a gt35 turbo on it ( by da way it a picture from last summer when i had my b16a now i have k20)

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i agree with fogs, dont mess up that bumper, it looks too good to chop it up


yea like a monster intercooler. Get a black one too. But wat my buddie had to do with his front bumper was cut a little out of it. But it still looks good.

umm a big reason behind a hugemongus FMIC would be to show it off. why would you paint it black, thats like you having sex with your mom, its just wrong >_<

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umm a huge FMIC would be to show it off.. painting a smaller FMIC would be sleeper yes.. but painting a huge FMIC is just plain retarded, youll see it no matter what.. dumbest idea ive heard since stuffing rust holes with newspaper and putting bondo over it :sleep2:

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