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Why is this b18 sitting so high???


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I feel like such an idiot. I figured it out. Cranny, you were right.

Today I had the notion to actually bolt up the hood to the hinges.

It turns out, the hood was sitting on top of the hinges which made it hit the valve cover before the latch. I bolted up the hood and it closed all the way. >_<

This was after attempting to put washers between the mount studs and the nuts, only to realize they were to big around to fit with eachother. This has been pissing me off so bad lately. I knew it didn't make any sense. Oh well. Live and learn. ONWARD!! to the axles and hoses and completion!!!


oh yeah, I gotta hook up those vtec wires too. Anyone got a link to a write up handy?

I know I can search and find like a dozen of them, but if some one has a good one they recommend, I'd appreciate it.

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I fukin swear it kept me up at night. A few nights ago I was lying in bed and remembered that I used a small bottle jack to help align the transmission mount. So I was like "OF COURSE! w00t I LEFT THE JACK UNDER IT!!" So I get out of bed, put my shoes on, grab a flashlight and run out side so eagerly, just to discover I had already moved the bottle jack. :( There was no bottle jack. And with that, I slumped back into the house.....disapointed.....defeated.


BUT I GOT THIS SH!T NOW!!!.........i'm excited. :D

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looking at the back of the plug where wires enter it , clasp UP. starting top left(A1) , than bottom left(A2) , top 2nd from left(A3) , so on.


A4 - vtec solenoid(one wire plug comming off the solenoid.


D3 - knock sensor (also one wire , located on back of engine block in between #1 and 2 cylinders , just above water pipe)


D6 - vtec pressure switch (this wire goes to one of the 2 pins of the pressure switch , the other wire goes to ground on the engine)


you have to get your hands on some obd1 ecu plugs , depin a couple pins , and open the flaps in your plugs and install pins with a wire to splice onto.

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