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Pain, and no good meds


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Soooo, I got all four of my wisdom teeth pulled today and they only gave me Ibuprofen. I frackin HURT right now and will for a while. Yeah I've got some better drugs but I can't swallow them, my mouth is all numb and when I try to take a pill it all just dribbles down my chin mixed with a LOT of blood. Plus I haven't eaten in two days and now am starting to feel it, and I can't even eat right now. So my life is officially in the suck.


Oh and my G/F broke up with me last night, just thought I would let everyone know I'm back on the prowl. So keeps your G/Fs away from me.

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Oh crap for widsom teeth getting pulled. I have all four of mine and they pain me everyday. I just can't find the time to get them pulled.


Better get a blender and get to work on your foods.

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I finally got some pudding down and am now trying to eat some ramen. This sh!t sucks.


Ramen FTL. I lived off that crap long enough.

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don't remind me. everytime I go to the dentist he wants to pull the wisdom teeth.


really crapty of the girl to break it off the night before you had the work done.

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Yeah well I've been waiting for it to happen. I know all the signs and she displayed everyone of them.


But I can finally get some pills down so Vicodin, Percocet and a sh!t load of motrin have gone in me. And I'm feeling pretty good. I just can't smoke, which is bullcrap cuz I'm getting kinda antsy and tomorrow I'll be impossible to deal with.

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did the dentist tell you why you can't smoke? if you are really careful you can do it, I had an ex that did. She just very slowly inhaled so as to not disrupt the clots/scabs. Not that it is a recommended action, but it can be done.

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I sliced my thumb open pretty good today. Poured alcohol on it and super glued it shut. Went out to join my best friend for his 21st b-day bar hoping and found out I've been fracked by a girl I was talking to. So I got drunk and swed. Worked pretty good for me. f*ck painkillers.

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sorry man, i had to move away from the girl i just started talking to..


now i dont want to talk to her because i hate being on the phone and she loves to annoy me with a lot of calls


i might move back to GA and i dont want to mess everything up if i get back together with her.


back on topic: sorry bout no smoking and the chick. im going to smoke a cig now HAHA

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Well I figured out how to smoke, I just stuff my mouth with gauze and bite down, keeps the clot in place so no dry sockets. YAY!!! And now I'm not crabby.

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Yea well you'll be eating soup and soft noodles until the end of the week, it usually lasts only that long, sorry about the g/f....


at least she didnt cheat on you with her manager from work...kind like mine did...but yea bro theres brighter days ahead of ya

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I feel your pain on the teeth thing, man. I had 7 pulled at once a while ago (4 wisdom teeth and 3 molars since I have a small mouth apparently) and I looked like a chipmunk for a week with all the swelling. Ate a lot of watery pasta...

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all the bad things happening together...hope there will be brighter days soon...


heard blender works well...at least you won't get sick because of not eating...


my wisdom teeth have come out with no pain at all...I never knew they came out...lol...I have it easy with a lot of things related to the body...


feel better soon :)

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