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Embed YouTube Videos directly into your posts!


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Embed YouTube, Google and MySpace Videos directly into your posts!



YouTube Video:

You now have an option to embed your YouTube videos directly into your posts instead of just linking to them.


When making a post, click the "Insert Special Item" drop down list and select YouTube. Then insert the YouTube video ID of the video you want to appear.


Optionally, you can use BB code:


Where VIDEO-ID is the code that follows the v= in the YouTube URL.

Example YouTube URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tj4EVDwkg2A







Google Video:

You now have an option to embed your Google videos directly into your posts instead of just linking to them.


When making a post, click the "Insert Special Item" drop down list and select GoogleVideo. Then insert the Google video ID of the video you want to appear.


Optionally, you can use BB code:


Where VIDEO-ID is the code that follows the docid=- in the Google Video URL.

Example Google Video URL: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-6219797044956245134






MySpace Video:

You now have an option to embed your MySpace videos directly into your posts instead of just linking to them.


When making a post, click the "Insert Special Item" drop down list and select MySpace Video. Then insert the MySpace video ID of the video you want to appear.


Optionally, you can use BB code:


Where VIDEO-ID is the code that follows the videoID= in the MySpace Video URL.

Example MySpace Video URL: http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseacti...al&videoID=1314410394





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I'll look into doing Google and MySpace videos too if they allow it.


There, got Google and MySpace videos working too.

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