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Just moved the back down a little tonight.


Wanna know something purely out of curiosity though. There is more threading for my springs to go down more, but the strut simply wouldn't allow it. Do people actually bend the strut to be able to get lower? Not that I wanna be any lower, just curious.






My front end is dumped lol: (lip sits exactly 2 inches from ground)


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Just moved the back down a little tonight.


Wanna know something purely out of curiosity though. There is more threading for my springs to go down more, but the strut simply wouldn't allow it. Do people actually bend the strut to be able to get lower? Not that I wanna be any lower, just curious.




My front end is dumped lol: (lip sits exactly 2 inches from ground)


i dont see why it would hurt but i have absolutely no idea. but it doesnt really matter, as long as u dont plan on goin any lower.


but man that car just wouldnt last on roads around here. U would lose ur bumper within the first week!!!

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I ignore your thread because I don't want to get into an argument about you riding on your bumpstops. I'm not dropped that low and was riding about a half inch above the bumpstops. Might as well just get some metal tubing instead of shocks and save the money. You need to get extended top hats asap and do the mod in the above link for the lower fork in the front. That's my opinion.....I know you'll probably disagree.....that's why I haven't responded until now.

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Is it that low because the back tire is 2 inches above the ground?


Lol...nice. Mike quit being a cheater. Posting the height when the back is off the ground isn't your real height. My front lip touches when the back is jacked up and my wife only has about 4" of clearance if I do it on her car. You wonder people react the way the do? By the way....we never saw the S2K projectors that are in your garage....I'm assuming they'd be on the car by now so I'd love to see the pictures.


Edit: and to answer your original question....I've seen people that cut the top part of the spring perch off (the part that isn't used with the coilovers). This will give you another turn or two to go down. I've also heard of people grinding off the perch and flipping it upside down. Not really sure how they re-attach the perch after that though.

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My car does sit just as low, maybe a quarter of an inch higher normally. Will be sure to post pics.


My S2K proj. isn't in because I don't know how to frackin do it lol.


And where do I get extended top hats? Know any good sites?

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I just measured underneath my car...It's like 6 inches in the front, 8 inches on the side, I don't even want to measure the rear. Your drop looks Excellent though.

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which coilovers are these? also they are slip overs right? if they are this may be why they are threaded the entire way down, because depending on which struts you are using the part of the perch that the sleeve actually sits on may be different than other struts. (this is a different point than where a spring would sit if it were of oem style) so therefor they may thread it all the way down so it can be used on all types of struts. or thats my story anyways

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