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How anal are you about your car?


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I'm just wondering if anyone is as anal about their car as I am. I usually spend about 10 minutes to find a parking spot that I'm happy with. A lot of times I will pull into a spot and then don't like it so I will pull back out and look for a different spot. This used to make my wife mad, but now she understands. I just have a fear of getting a door ding, so I do what I can to prevent it.


End spots are the best, cause you have half the chance of a door ding, and you can hug the curb so there's a lot of distance between you and the next spot.


Anyone else this bad?

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I never have named my cars.....I'll have to think of a good name for my del sol. My celica would have to be a stripper name, cause it was kinda sexy (even though it was a ricer car). Speaking of which, we should start a topic for pictures of previous cars owned. Would be kinda funny to see some old ricer cars of people that have now grown out of it....like me.

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used to be that way with the crx, until it got keyed. but when i bring it back out again, it won't be a daily driver.


my sol i could care less really, since it needs a new paint job anyway when i get around to it

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I just think there is nothing worse than a nice car with a bunch of door dings, so I try my hardest not to get any. There are a couple small ones from previous owners, but nothing major, and I try to keep it that way.

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I always have a hard time finding a good spot at work.... I'm usually a couple minutes late getting to my office because I spend to much time finding a parking spot that I'm happy with. I usually get lucky and find an end spot about once or twice a week. I usaully eat lunch at my office or ride with a friend so I don't lose the good parking spot.

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Yeah, I guess I never really thought of the sun being a danger, since it doesn't get that bad around here. I usually wax my car with a good Silicone based Turtle wax platinum every 2-3 months and I do a clay bar, polish and wax once a year....so the sun will never get to my paint.

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Yeah, that's the polish stuff that I use once a year after I clay bar the car. Then I do the first to steps of the meguires (paint cleaner, polish) and finish up with the Turtle Wax Platinum Silicone based wax.....best wax that I've ever tried, and I've practically tried them all. Most incredible shine, and lasts quite awhile. Silicone based rules.

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would you like to put money on that? :D

Yes.....I'd put money that a stock B series doesn't compare to a stock F20C or F22C. Gotta compare apples to apples....obviously your CR-Vtec isn't really a b-series and a modified B series can't be compared to a stock F20C or F22C.


All I'm saying is stock vs stock the F20C screams compared to the B series.

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