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9/11 was it really a plane????


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not to shoot down your quote....
Don't worry, you didn't.


What's your point? I'd guess 1/3rd of the people who work in the pentagon are contract employees.


1. he's a contract employee...he would make 10x the money if he lied, said the whole thing was faked, sold the pictures and wrote a book.


2. he lives 10 minutes away. He took the pictures. He saw parts of the plane. He stepped over the downed streetlight. He was there.


3. he talked to witnesses who watched a HUGE plane fly overhead...they were stuck in traffic and couldn't go anywhere before, during, or after the crash.


.......but you're sitting behind a pc a few hundred/thousand miles away so I can see how you'd know better :rolleyes:


Using your logic the govt had him be there to be false witness to the event, lie, alter evidence, and sign his name to something that will be remembered for a very long time. They "got to" all the people who would have seen a Cesna instead of a 757 and got them to tell the same lie. The govt killed 184 of its own people in the pentagon... Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiight! :thumbsup:


Or are you also going to say those people didn't really die? Becuase if that's your argument my friend AnneMarie will come kick you right in the nuts because her best friend was one of the people killed.


Honestly answer two questions for me.........


1. There were people in traffic who are on record as witnessing a HUGE plane (757-sized, NOT Cesna-sized). Can you find ANYONE who actually saw a Cesna-sized plane or a missle, or are all the people who claim it was a Cesna/missile all going by 5 frames of a gas station surveillance tape?


2. Why is it that the "conspiracy" people are NEVER around when an event happens, and they're ALWAYS hundreds/thousands of miles away, but they ALWAYS claim to have "better evidence" or have "found something nobody else saw"?

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contracted employee...


...they have more liberty to say whatever they want since they aren't exactly employees of the company, or in this case the gov't. I'm sure there are some form of NDAs and whatever in the contract, but they have less regulation on employees that aren't their own.

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Honestly answer two questions for me.........


1. There were people in traffic who are on record as witnessing a HUGE plane (757-sized, NOT Cesna-sized). Can you find ANYONE who actually saw a Cesna-sized plane or a missle, or are all the people who claim it was a Cesna/missile all going by 5 frames of a gas station surveillance tape?


2. Why is it that the "conspiracy" people are NEVER around when an event happens, and they're ALWAYS hundreds/thousands of miles away, but they ALWAYS claim to have "better evidence" or have "found something nobody else saw"?

Do you have any conception of how powerful the government is?


Why did the survelliance camera over that highway not capture a plane?

Why did the FBI convey the survelliance tapes for a few locations and never release them?



Also what was the question in 1?


I mean if you had read the thread you would know your asking questions that I have already answered (by my own beliefs)


If some people did see a missle...you don't think the gov would tell them to keep their mouths shut?



Your 2nd "question" is the stupidest f*cking question in the world.


All the information your getting.....were thoes people there?


There was only a very small % of people around when it actually happend...the media came AFTER IT HAPPEND...so whats your point again?



You have wasted some of this board...you obviously joined just to argue in this thread. You do not currently own a honda. Nor will you continue to contribute to any other parts of this forum. After this thread is gone, you will most likely never come back....do me a favor and just do that now.



Continue to see the world through tunnel vision kid, I was not there you were NOT there....either of us could be wrong/right. These are just my beliefs, i never said that i am def right, i have just defended my ideas. Optional tried to shoot down my thoughts....and I argued his...i have yet to hear from him again....but i argue yours. You don't think the gov covers crap up? You don't think they steal from me and you? You don't think that its possible that some one shot a missle at the pentagon and they want to cover it up because the "highest" gov defense/offense building in the world got attatcked?

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Do you have any conception of how powerful the government is?
Powerful yes, magical no.
Why did  the survelliance camera over that highway not capture a plane?
It wasn't pointing in the right direction... or did you mean this one?


It's not a high-speed camera, and the plane was going over 100mph. The camera is meant to look at cars that are nearly stopped, not speeding bullets.

Also what was the question in 1?
Can you find ANYONE who actually saw a Cesna-sized plane or a missle, or are all the people who claim it was a Cesna/missile all going by 5 frames of a gas station surveillance tape?
If some people did see a missle...you don't think the gov would tell them to keep their mouths shut?
.......and all of them would? You're nuts if you think the govt can silence hundreds of people about an event like this.
Your 2nd "question" is the stupidest f*cking question in the world.


All the information your getting.....were thoes people there?

Yes. Read the bottom of this page , but this one eye witness WALKED ON the plane INSIDE the pentagon. There are hundreds more like him.


Eye Witness Testimony


"The only way you could tell that an aircraft was inside was that we saw pieces of the nose gear. The devastation was horrific. It was obvious that some of the victims we found had no time to react. The distance the firefighters had to travel down corridors to reach the fires was a problem. With only a good 25 minutes of air in their SCBA bottles, to save air they left off their face pieces as they walked and took in a lot of smoke," Captain Defina said. Captain Defina was the shift commander [of an aircraft rescue firefighters crew.] NFPA Journal November 1, 2001

...do me a favor and just do that now.
Just like someone who's trying to deceive...you haven't discredited anything I've said so you're going after me. Shows how weak your argument is.


Why don't you start another conspiracy thread about how I must be from the govt because you actually got it right and we need to keep you quiet. :o Don't answer the door at night :alien:

Continue to see the world through tunnel vision kid, I was not there you were NOT there....either of us could be wrong/right. These are just my beliefs, i never said that i am def right, i have just defended my ideas. Optional tried to shoot down my thoughts....and I argued his...i have yet to hear from him again....but i argue yours. You don't think the gov covers crap up? You don't think they steal from me and you?
maybe, probably, could be... none of that is of any consequence to this question.
  You don't think that its possible that some one shot a missle at the pentagon and they want to cover it up because the "highest" gov defense/offense building in the world got attatcked?


facts people, facts


Fact: wheels were found in the wreckage....



They come from a 757, NOT a missile or a Cessna.



Fact: these engine parts come from a 757



Fact: more than a few lightpoles in the flight path were knocked down



Fact: that is a 3' to 4' section of engine, painted with AA markings



Fact: this HUGE diesel generator was moved TOWARD the pentagon

How would a missile/explosion IN the pentagon move something TOWARD the explosion?



Fact: there is NO WAY the govt could keep hundreds of witnesses quiet...


Fact: conspiracy theorists (of which you are one) use misinformation, half quotes

and statements like the following to "prove" that which is not true:

« The speed, the maneuverability, the way that he turned, we all thought in

the radar room, all of us experienced air traffic controllers, that that was

a military plane » says O'Brien. « You don't fly a 757 in that manner. It's unsafe. »


You don't fly a commercial plane that way because it's not safe! It can be flown that way it's just that they'd never seen it. There is nothing to keep someone from throwing it hard over and doing something most commercial airliners never do.


Fact: the firefighters pulled out plenty of body pieces but very few bodies. The skin on an airplane is actually very thin...how much of your body would be left if your car hit a 2' thick cement wall at 150mph, was doused with 30 or 40 gallons of gas, and burned for 15 minutes?

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Fact: this HUGE diesel generator was moved TOWARD the pentagon

How would a missile/explosion IN the pentagon move something TOWARD the explosion?



so that plane with i dunno how many gallons of fuel in it didn't explode :laugh:



No it couldn't of exploded...cause that generator was moved TOWARDS





oh I will admit...you have put up a better arguement than optional, (i suggest you STFU since you just dropped all your crapty points)....who just pussed out :-"


anyway...i have a life..tomorrow i will post on this subject..i have a kicken party to go too.


..oh ya....i see you didn't argue the fact that you were wasting the board by just joining to argue in this thread....i am waiting :thumbsup:

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so that plane with i dunno how many gallons of fuel in it didn't explode
I'm sure the plane did explode, but not before the right engine clipped the generator on the approach, moving it a few dozen feet toward the building.


You can make fun of the evidence all you want, but that doesn't explain how the generator was moved toward the building.

oh I will admit...you have put up a better arguement than optional, (i suggest you STFU since you just dropped all your crapty points)....who just pussed out :-"
uhh, thanks...I think?
anyway...i have a life..tomorrow i will post on this subject..i have a kicken party to go too.
OOH!! Referring to a "kitchen party" as "having a life"... WEE!
..oh ya....i see you didn't argue the fact that you were wasting the board by just joining to argue in this thread....i am waiting :thumbsup
And I see you haven't recognized that your conspiracy theories are wasting as much of this board as I am. Either we're both guilty of wasting or neither...take your pick.
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How do you know my facts are false?

How do I know your facts are true?



I'm sure the plane did explode, but not before the right engine clipped the generator on the approach, moving it a few dozen feet toward the building.   







Referring to a "kitchen party" as "having a life"... WEE!



um? I said KICKEN party.......donkeyfrack


What did you do on friday and saturday night?

And I see you haven't recognized that your conspiracy theories are wasting as much of this board as I am.  Either we're both guilty of wasting or neither...take your pick.


Maybe I have wasted some of this board....but I also contribute.


I own a Honda....I have a civic with b series in it......I know some stuff about civics....and I have and will continue to contribute to this forum.


You have just posted in this thread.....you joined just to argue! Atleast for I every part of this board I have wasted I have contributed just as much if not more......as far as I can see you have just wasted space.

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what constitutes a fact?
Pictures, names, plane pieces, timelines, bodies...what constitues your argument that it was anything but a plane? Your hatred of the govt?? That's a fact but it only works against you in this discussion.


How about you tell me what it's going to take to prove it to you, because every time you ask for proof/evidence and I give it, you change your story or try to go in another direction. At some point you either need to admit you "just know it's a cover-up" and aren't going to change your mind no matter what, or that you will have an open mind and consider the possibility that hundreds of people died when a 757 hit the pentagon.


What have you shown me?

why did (witnesses) not report seeing a plane?
THEY DID! You said "there were no witnesses" but when I found witnesses you changed your story to "the govt 'told them to shut their mouths'."


I've shown you:


-pictures of the plane (parts, anyway) on the pentagon lawn,

-pictures the wheels INSIDE the pentagon,

-evidence on the outside of the building that a plane (probably wing) clipped the tops of some light poles, a fence, and a generator,

-strong evidence that somethine EXTREMELY heavy moved that huge diesel generator toward the building,

-witnesses that saw the bodies/carried the bodies, picked up pieces of the bodies,

-witnesses on the ground that saw a 757-type plane, NOT a missile, NOT a cessna


Give me that kind of evidence that it was a missle or a cessna and I'll go away. And I don't want speculation...I want evidence.

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unless a member on this forum was at or around the pentagon to witness what happened happen, arguing this is pretty ridiculous. it could be never ending, because either side could pull out whatever information with the click of a search engine button.



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when will anyone realize it's pointless trying to debate with stuckmofo. he'll often side-step the point and/or resort to name calling. happened ever since he got here...


...he'd make a good politician tho.

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when will anyone realize it's pointless trying to debate with stuckmofo. he'll often side-step the point and/or resort to name calling. happened ever since he got here...


...he'd make a good politician tho.

actually when i first got on this board i was attacked....look that crap up "BRO"


So i went of the defense




I never changed my story.....go back and read the f*cking posts....I said no wittnesses...you said that there were witnesses...then I said supose that their were some.....the gov. would tell them to keep their mouths shut...therfore....no witnesses...that have talked.



Did you even watch the movie? watch it..has evidence


unless a member on this forum was at or around the pentagon to witness what happened happen, arguing this is pretty ridiculous. it could be never ending, because either side could pull out whatever information with the click of a search engine button.



true....like i have been saying.....




buddysol: what the fuc k is your point?


I believe what I believe, I am sorry it has pissed you off so much


If you didn't like this thread..don't POST!



NOW GO AWAY, like i said you have just taken up space...argue that

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Pissed? Who's pissed? I wasn't pissed. I never said I didn't like this thread. The point was it's pointless debating with you. For some reason, you get all emotional which overpowers any of your points, making them moot.


And you do sidestep the issues of the topic as well as calling names. For example, this thread basically was: Was it a plane or a missle. Somehow, arguing about how much you contribute to the board became a topic to argue about. You then called DidOwnaHonda a "donkeyfrack" for misunderstanding kickin' party. It's no wonder people pick on you.


Watch what movie? The posted flash movie at the beginning of this thread? I saw it. Yah, and? I also read the website posted by DidOwnaHonda. I even saw a National Geographic documentary on the Pentagon attack. Given the stuff posted in this thread and seen in the documentary, I would have to say a plane did hit the pentagon. Nothing you have said has made me think otherwise. Most of the stuff coming out of your mouth is pure opinion and speculation. Granted your entitled to that opinion, but stop claiming it as some truth unless you can prove it.

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most of that crap wasn't even directed at you.



I didn't side step at all...go back and read....i said he has wasted this forum...i didn't change subjects, i added that in to show him how stupid it was.



emotional :laugh: I could give a frackless if a plane crashed into the white house tomorrow :thumbsup:





I just believe people shouldn't believe everything they hear, specially the media




go back and read again, people called me names 1st :thumbsup:




who picks on me?



WHERE DID I SAY that my opinon was TRUE please show me



Like I said, (for like the 100th time) what i say and my sources could be bullcrap. But so can all of yours. Just cause the masses believe something don't count me in.



no one huh? :)


might as well lock this bitch down...

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