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9/11 was it really a plane????


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Was it really a plane that hit the pentagon on 9/11??? Check out this video...i dont know if anything has been altered or what not, but in hence it does make sense.....no plane??? no reck?? wats up wit dat? Anyway watch the video....and let me know what you guys think..maybe you seen it maybe not.



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Maybe the "enemy" has higher intelliagence then what the public believes.....this is why they have hidden all eveidence that points elsewise.


Bottom line:


If they (enemy) can hit the pentagon from either our land (without us knowing :o ) or hit us from their land...thousands of miles away..then imagine how easily it would bee for them to hit other less guarded things/places.


What do you think the publics recations would be?.....f*cking scared

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let me just ask.


why would they stage something like this?



depends on the people who want to do the "staging" ...maybe they want us to be sent into a panic...this could be for lots of reasons. The upcomming election, pure anarchy, they want us to believe we are not incontrol...to name a few

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Well the government has so much power, i think this is the reason why taxes rise and what not gets a jump into prices such as GAS...is that they have the power to do what they want and when they want....in order to scare or put us on the tips of our feet.....i mean stuck has a good point of the govt. can stage crap like this...yea i mean its wrong to say, but i mean if pulling off a stunt like this may have saved them billions of dollars in gas prices or some type of debt to the multi trillion dollar debt the USA is already in....so do you get what im saying?? any one? lol

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i have a 2 hour break donw titled the anallysis of the 9/11 attacks...very good video, weather its real or not really gets you thinking...i havnt looked at the video posted, but the one im talking about is 2 hours long...if your intersted go to www.suprnova.org look under movies/documentary/anallysis of 9/11 attack, you will need bit torrent or bit tornado.


why exactly would the u.s. do this sh*t you got me, is the gov. capable of it? yes...so can we rule that out 100% as a POSIBILTY...NO...


3 things run this world....

1. Money

2. Power

3. Prestige


Is george bush getting ready to take over teh world after he wins another 'rigged' election...i donno...funny he is capable of it tho...i mean uh, not so funny! lol



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so, why would they? 


maybe you people have just been smoking too much dank and are paranoid out of your minds.  jmo.





1. Imagine for a sec that it was a missle. Your gov failed to see a f*cking missle hit the f*cking pentagon! The very heart of our defense/offense. If they can attack that...just how easily could they attack other things? Like the white house, your neighborhood, public places. Your gov would want to cover that up cause this would send the public into chaos. I mean people would freak out, cause no matter what we are not safe, and our "great" gov with its intelliagence , man power, high tec weapons, cannot protect us.


2. The other side wants us to believe is. (kerry/edwards) this would mean bush really did a crapty job of handling our welfare doesn't it.


3 An american was responsible...and that leaves room for lots more of US to turn on America



The gov is bullcrap



America was founded on genocide


When america was "settled" we pushed back the Native Americans westward...we kept pushing as we expanded. Thoes that did not follow orders were killed....whole villiages in some cases.

We stole their land, we killed them off. Now we force them to live on reservations...for you and me :)


They lie to us, and they admit to it. They think they have a right to do so. If it is in our "best interest" If they have to lie to the people that fund them, to protect national security...they will....they have.


They take my money and shoot crap into space...i could give a frackless about the moon...and the stars..how does this affect me? Besides the fact that my f*cking money is paying for all this, when it could go back into rebuilding our economy...or helping poverty...into the schools. However I don't...won't ever have a say.


I don't even have a right to know where all my money is going.


Our media is fracked up.>>>>>"just take a look around the world and you’ll that nearly all mass media are owned and controlled by a handful of conservative capitalists.

We must devise and implement alternative methods of distributing our news, our information, our ideas -- people united

worldwide to take a stand, to tell the truth"<<< Antiflag



Now i am not saying i am against America...just that I think we need to change the gov....


in a country where i can say.."fawk bush...i want to have sex with his wife and kill him"

burn our flag

be against the whole country..yet still have all the rights that everyone else has..

People think thats why America is great...cause of the freedom that they have..freedom is never free..especially how you and me got free...lives were paid. Everything should have a limit.





I am not paranoid....i am.....aware

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the 'missle' theory is the only way to explain why it didnt show up on camera at teh pentagon. if you watch the 9/11 videos, it will explain and have a section on the 5 frames teh gov. released, but you can see what is hitting the pentagon, you see something in the distance, something getting closer, white streak of air?> dust? then 2 explosions.... but you never see what hits it, video i saw even went into detail about the different 'types' of fire there are, as in explosions like the one that is on the 5 frames of film from the pantagon, they talked about candles, fuel burning, (to compare how you can physically tell the difference in fires) and things like 'white fire', like the kind that was shown on the pentagon film when a craft of some sort hit the pentagon, IN THE ONLY SIDE OF THE BUILDING THAT WAS BEING RENOVATED!!!! IT WAS VACANT!!! 20,000 ppl work in the pentagon, enough to run a small town, kinda coinsidental no one was hurt and the terrorists just happen to run into that side of the building, inches off the ground, at 400mph.....all theorys tho of course :)



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IN THE ONLY SIDE OF THE BUILDING THAT WAS BEING RENOVATED!!!! IT WAS VACANT!!! 20,000 ppl work in the pentagon, enough to run a small town, kinda coinsidental no one was hurt and the terrorists just happen to run into that side of the building,

184 people died

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well, i dunno theres too much crap going on....i mean the pentagon attack always was a bit too odd for me...i mean all the people that were effected on 9/11 only consisted of the family members of the WTC building... i mean no one was like....whoa wait just a Fawkin minute....the pentagon got hit too...i mean yes i understand that the WTC is bigger...but that doesnt mean disregard the people in the pentagon...i mean you heard a little bit of news about it the day it happened then after that it was non existant....why would you just disregard a tragedy like that....i dunno just been fishy all the time.

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Is george bush getting ready to take over teh world after he wins another 'rigged' election...i donno...funny he is capable of it tho...i mean uh, not so funny! lol

that is quite possibly the stupidest thing i've heard. lol. we need the silvia dude to come back to whoop some political ass.


george bush couldn't possibly take over the world, even if he wanted to. if he attempted the united nations would all gang up on him and put a stop to it faster than hell. think about it. one big nation against every other nation? it didn't work out in ww1, and it didn't work out in ww2...although he came close.


rigged election, world domination, gov. conspiracys. dude, you've been watching too much x-files reruns on the history channel.

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1. Imagine for a sec that it was a missle. Your gov failed to see a f*cking missle hit the f*cking pentagon!


a missile blows things up, which means debris would have went flying. the only reason why people think it was a missle that hit the pentagon is because they got the plane out of the building asap and it left a big gaping hole in the building for the entire international media to film. whats the first thing you would think when you read the word "PENTAGON" and saw a big ass hole in it? missle. but do you really think that with all our technology the u.s. is going to miss a missle flying across the world and into our airspace, let alone at our government buildings? did you know that the white house has a defense system in its roof so that if a plane were to fly over it it can shoot it down?


The other side wants us to believe is. (kerry/edwards) this would mean bush really did a crapty job of handling our welfare doesn't it.


i'm not promoting either bush or kerry because i could care less (though if i voted it would be for bush)...but. thats what they say in every presidential debate. they're supposed to knock each other down. kerry says bush didn't handle things correctly. bush says kerry's plan to take care of terrorism is a joke.


plus, everybody is converging on bush because of this now...he missed signs that could have lead to a prevention on the wtc tragedy. SO THE fawk DID BILL. doesn't anyone remember a few white vans blowning up in the parking garage. that was bin laden too, and bill didn't do a thing about it.


An american was responsible...and that leaves room for lots more of US to turn on America


an american was responsible for what? wtf? pentagon? no.


America was founded on genocide


what country isn't? seriously. you only think america is the only country founded on genocide because thats the only countries history you learned in school. the boundaries of today have been developed over many wars in anchient history...every country had a war in which it had to win in order to become a country.


When america was "settled" we pushed back the Native Americans westward...we kept pushing as we expanded. Thoes that did not follow orders were killed....whole villiages in some cases.

We stole their land, we killed them off. Now we force them to live on reservations...for you and me


all we learn about in school are the major wars that lead to our country being founded. but i wonder...i wonder if we told them "hey, we're trying to make a country here. if you'd like to join us then that'd be cool, we could trade our technology for your farming skills and be friends."


Now i am not saying i am against America...just that I think we need to change the gov....


whats exactly do you propose we do? let me guess...anarchy. that'd be best. i'm sure our country would run a lot smoother if we didn't have government, laws, values, etc.


People think thats why America is great...cause of the freedom that they have..freedom is never free..especially how you and me got free...lives were paid. Everything should have a limit.


America is great. i'd much rather live here than in any other country (with a few exceptions.) every govt doesn't tell the whole truth to its people. it keeps things running smoothly and doesn't cause a widespread panic that is unnecessary. every govt is questioned about its funding. jesus...every argument you have can be applied to any other country in the entire world.




the end of america won't be for a long long time...and if anythings is going to stop it its people like you. people who say the govt isn't doing a good job and needs to be overthrown. why not just look at all the good things the govt is doing for you and decide to support it, or take a passive route and just don't give a fawk. america is fine, and i don't see that chaning for a very long time.

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184 people died

show me a website where you got this number!


keep in mind there were a lil over 100 ppl in flight 77 itself...


"that is quite possibly the stupidest thing i've heard. lol. we need the silvia dude to come back to whoop some political ass.".....yeh yeh yeh, is it possible YES...likely NO...but think about we, we have more reason that any country in the world, to rule and expand our power. being that we are teh most powerfull country in the world, and would only want to grow, we have all the weapons, technologies, and funding we would ever need for it....now realisticly is george bush going to invade...mexico tomorrow lol!! no prolly not, but we are the only country in the world capapble of it!!! am i right or wrong?!?


United Nations...pff yeah right, bush isnt afraid of tony blair, and after that who is to stop him? france....lol russia?!?...'gang up' like a bunch of gangsters and get bush on the ground and kick out his teeth?!?!....dont formally believe any theory nor do i support it, just being realistic, and most of this stuff, is somethingi have watched tapes on these theorys that explain them more in detail, if you want to get a hold of it, i alraedy posted how to earlier.


'rigged election' - im refering to the recount in florida of the year 2000, has anyone watched ferenheit 9/11?!? shows all teh black ppl going to congress from florida to dispute their votes, they were each told 1 by 1 to sit down, Gore would have won, everyone knows it!!.....world domination - i never watched one video that expressed theorys about bush taking over the world, its just my 2 cents, not that i think they will, but just saying if anyone in the world is capable of it, its bush, he is the pres. of the UNITED f*cking states of america, only the most powerfull man on the face of the earth....gov. conspiracys - is it really so outrages?!? if/when the government covers something up, we will/would never know the real truth otherwise, teh gov. has AND WILL CONTINUE to cover things up to keep us (the public) from getting out out of hand. (public chaos)


dude, you've been watching too much x-files reruns on the history channel.

I dont watch x-files...but why would it be on the history channel!??! lol



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1. Imagine for a sec that it was a missle. Your gov failed to see a f*cking missle hit the f*cking pentagon!


a missile blows things up, which means debris would have went flying. the only reason why people think it was a missle that hit the pentagon is because they got the plane out of the building asap and it left a big gaping hole in the building for the entire international media to film. whats the first thing you would think when you read the word "PENTAGON" and saw a big ass hole in it? missle. did you know that the white house has a defense system in its roof so that if a plane were to fly over it it can shoot it down?




um.....you don't think a plane is like a missle? The reason people think it was a missle was because a plane would of done WAY more damage to a building.....Did you not watch the video? Planes leave huge burn marks on the ground....the petagon's lawn was fine.. according to reports the plane had to of flown over this one specific highway in order to have hit the pentagon the way it did....the cameras on the highway did not capture a plane. Also the plane would have to of been flying extremly low....which would of knocked cars off cause of the turblance...also where are the people that were drving by...why did they not report seeing a plane?


but do you really think that with all our technology the u.s. is going to miss a missle flying across the world and into our airspace, let alone at our government buildings?


:laugh: Well....last time i checked a missle was smaller than a 747......and that hit the f*cking pentagon!



An american was responsible...and that leaves room for lots more of US to turn on America


an american was responsible for what? wtf? pentagon? no.



you kinda took that out of context...anyway both people flying that plane had high enough training to pull something like this off....the people that trainned the terrorists said that no ways in hell were they trannied enough or were capable of do it....



America was founded on genocide


what country isn't? seriously. you only think america is the only country founded on genocide because thats the only countries history you learned in school. the boundaries of today have been developed over many wars in anchient history...every country had a war in which it had to win in order to become a country


What I meant is: People think America is all noble and righteous. I dunno about you, but i was never taught (in school/history) that we kicked the Native Americans out and killed them to steal their land...was anyone else?





When america was "settled" we pushed back the Native Americans westward...we kept pushing as we expanded. Thoes that did not follow orders were killed....whole villiages in some cases.

We stole their land, we killed them off. Now we force them to live on reservations...for you and me


all we learn about in school are the major wars that lead to our country being founded. but i wonder...i wonder if we told them "hey, we're trying to make a country here. if you'd like to join us then that'd be cool, we could trade our technology for your farming skills and be friends."


"we're trying to make a country here?" WTF....it was their f*cking land in the first place...who are we to come here, and say hey..."we are trying to make a country...you are with us or against us." Thats fracked up man. Also to this day we have done little to compesate for what we have done to them


Now i am not saying i am against America...just that I think we need to change the gov....

whats exactly do you propose we do? let me guess...anarchy. that'd be best. i'm sure our country would run a lot smoother if we didn't have government, laws, values, etc.



who said anything about values? All i said was thatw e need to change the gov....no i don't want anarchy. I want to know WHERE my tax money is going, i want to know who is attacking us, we we are attacking them. I want to know the truth. The gov could not exsist if it wasn't for the people of this country...and they still lie to us.



People think thats why America is great...cause of the freedom that they have..freedom is never free..especially how you and me got free...lives were paid. Everything should have a limit.


America is great. i'd much rather live here than in any other country (with a few exceptions.) every govt doesn't tell the whole truth to its people. it keeps things running smoothly and doesn't cause a widespread panic that is unnecessary. every govt is questioned about its funding. jesus...every argument you have can be applied to any other country in the entire world.


...we deserve to know the truth..its our money. Maybe some stuff can be kept a secret....but most of the crap they hide from us is unnecessary.

What other countries hide as much stuff from their citizens as America?






the end of america won't be for a long long time...and if anythings is going to stop it its people like you. people who say the govt isn't doing a good job and needs to be overthrown. why not just look at all the good things the govt is doing for you and decide to support it, or take a passive route and just don't give a fawk. america is fine, and i don't see that chaning for a very long time.


How do you know? Do you know how many countries are capable of producing nukes?..Do you know how many of thoes countries hate AMERICA? The end could be alot closer than you think :thumbsup:


Where did I say that the gov needs to be overthrown? I never said that, i said it needs to be changed. The gov. does do some good things...but not enough to outway the frackups. And I don't see it changing for a very long time either :o


In all honesty i really don't give a crap....but it seems that all the arguements you set up against me are propaganda fueled. I just though it I would give my personal opinion. I don't think people of me will be the end of America...i think people like me are the ones that know what is going on...and we put blame where it is due.





page that has the number of deaths. its there somewhere...maybe 1/2 way down.

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Especially people who watch Fareinheit 9/11 and think it's "TRUTH"


I dunno, not going by much on this thread, cause it's just pointless, but whether it was a missle or a plane, there was a hole in America's defense. Americans in general are pretty naive about what their country can do. Especially homeland security...it isn't that great. We'd like to believe it is...since the basic things are still taken care of...but I doubt they'd exert the money and time making sure things are as safe as we believe they are.


And yes, I learned about the native american plight all they way back in grade school. Kept hearing it all the way up until college. Interesting enough, Columbus day was yesterday. Anyone still celebrate that?

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to be honest...i didn't read half of anybodies post on this page. there's no point to argue with people who watch tapes about conspiracy theories.

you should take a look into it.


You brought up some valid and some stupid ass arguements. And I commeted on most of them.



You talk so highly about the gov. .......do you even f*cking vote?




conspiracy theories





no, all these of what we have heard are theories really. So do you really know what is going on? Maybe the plane in the pentagon was a conspiracy theory..... Untill all information is relased..the facts, the truth,


its all theories




but who am i to try and change you point of view? I mean it is very possible that all my statements are wrong. But I don't believe so.


continue to be spoonfed.



Fareinheit 9/11 is very biased, like i have been saying, there is hardly a media source out there that is credible.

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my bank celebrated columbos day...pissed me off.


lets talk about area 51. i bet you think there are alien cover ups there too, don't you? its a conspiracy theory...that means that its gotta be true. oh oh oh. maybe a ufo flew over the pentagon and fired a missle thats untracable at it! omfg, our government is weak.

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lets talk about area 51. i bet you think there are alien cover ups there too, don't you? its a conspiracy theory...that means that its gotta be true. oh oh oh. maybe a ufo flew over the pentagon and fired a missle thats untracable at it! omfg, our government is weak.

w00t nice try...to devert the conversation.


so do you vote?


do you agree with what i have to say...if not, why?



UFOs.....i don't really think about that...if there is, its probably gov. planes and new military weapons.




my bank celebrated columbos day...pissed me off.



tell me about it....f*cking cash my check..thoes basterds.


I bet the people that work there don't even know when America was discovered! :laugh:

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This is the guy who took most of the pictures you see at the pentagon.



I am a contract employee who covers the pentagon and surrounding Army posts. I work a mile from the Pentagon and when it was hit, dashed there. People were holding what they thought were parts of a plane. There were bits and pieces strewn all about and I do remember stepping over a street lamp that was knocked down by the plane. I interveiwed then and later at least a dozen witnesses of the event, who all stated that they saw clearly an American Airlines plane pass overhead and into the building.


You have my email address and phone number wrong and you implied that I

wouldn't want to talk. Man, I am a nobody, I have no tales to hide. I do

have to admit I was flattered to be included in your little delusion, but on

second thought, man, get a grip, please.


Remember what Freud said,"sometimes a dream is just a dream." trust me I

have absolutely nothing to gain from this, the plane hit the Pentagon and

184 people died. That's it.



But don't let a few facts get in the way of a really rivetting conspiracy!

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