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Funny vid of me last night at cruise night


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i would say the same thing its all how someone takes the word. but the skin head thing i dont know it just jumped in my head lol but was a good night till someone had to fire off a shot at someone


I know how that goes. It's the reason i stop going to the local meet ups. They were always in the hood, and it never failed that by the end of the night someone was shooting. After the 3rd time in three weeks, i decided it wasnt situation i should put my self in anymore. lol

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^ thats my point of the whole thing.. if you dont like the people.. dont go and make videos of them and make degrading comments to people you guys probably dont even know anything about.. just DONT GO to the meets



lol i was ok with everythign but the n word. but i dont like that word at all. even if black people use it.






its just the way i grew up. the people that used that word used it as a degrading way. so i never liked it. but thats just me



+1 the word has ended up with 2 or 3 more definitions then what it really means.. if you KNOW the person and know that the actual definition applys then thats one thing.. or if you know the person and can do it in a joking manner without insult thats another..



i know plenty of people who act stupid and do burnouts and yell stupid crap and carry guns like they're something.. brian was acting stupid and saying dumb crap.. so brian kind of fits in with them if you think about it



and i can't have respect for people who make youtube vids about themselves talking crap behind other peoples backs.. now if the video was of brian & them TELLING the guys he was talking about what he was saying that'd be pretty funny


for you guys seeing them as 'n!*%%#$", i dont see them making videos saying look at those wiggers in their riced out pos's, which in my book says they are probably a little more mature then you guys in some ways


and i hope no one gets pissy now.. just like tubbith said "people give too much power to words" laugh.gif

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^ thats my point of the whole thing.. if you dont like the people.. dont go and make videos of them and make degrading comments to people you guys probably dont even know anything about.. just DONT GO to the meets


I didn;t go cuz i didnt like the people.( i grew up in the hood, and some of my best friends through life have been straight thugs). I stopped going because I carry a firearm. I will use it in self defense. There is no reason to put yourself in a position you know could cause you to have to take someones life.


+1 the word has ended up with 2 or 3 more definitions then what it really means.. if you KNOW the person and know that the actual definition applys then thats one thing.. or if you know the person and can do it in a joking manner without insult thats another..

I don't believe you have to specifically know the person to know the word fits. Same as I dont need to know someone to know they are white trash or a rich snob. Stereotypes are around because, for the most part, they are true. But i see what you are trying to say.


yell stupid crap and carry guns like they're something

This to me is not a big deal. A large group of young males are bound to act immature.


and i can't have respect for people who make youtube vids about themselves talking crap behind other peoples backs.. now if the video was of brian & them TELLING the guys he was talking about what he was saying that'd be pretty funny


for you guys seeing them as 'n!*%%#$", i dont see them making videos saying look at those wiggers in their riced out pos's, which in my book says they are probably a little more mature then you guys in some ways


and i hope no one gets pissy now.. just like tubbith said "people give too much power to words" laugh.gif


You don;t have to have respect for anyone. It is not something given, it is something earned. So i fully understand that, but no one should lose any sleep over this.


If anyone gets pissy over what you posted, they need to get the sand out their vag. You have no right to not be offended by something someone says.

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i know plenty of people who act stupid and do burnouts and yell stupid crap and carry guns like they're something.. brian was acting stupid and saying dumb crap.. so brian kind of fits in with them if you think about it

you and your friends do burnouts in a parking lot with kids walking around? then i would say you and your friends are dumbfuccks.. we've been over this time and time again sarah.. if you dont have anything to say about the thread in a positive way then STFU and GTFO, k thanks :)


and i can't have respect for people who make youtube vids about themselves talking crap behind other peoples backs.. now if the video was of brian & them TELLING the guys he was talking about what he was saying that'd be pretty funny

i could care less if you had any respect for me.. your $0.02 is worth less than a dingleberry hanging from a dogs ass IMHO


for you guys seeing them as 'n!*%%#$", i dont see them making videos saying look at those wiggers in their riced out pos's, which in my book says they are probably a little more mature then you guys in some ways

pretty sure a new BMW isnt a riced out pos.. take a closer look at the video, that LA sticker is the back window of the bimmer..


and if you want to call my car rice, you should take a REALLY REALLY long look at your sol.. ive said it time and time again.. pink stars... unaligned EG front conversion... 17's... the almost stock d16z6 turbo B18 asswhooper... hmm seems a little more rice than my car seeing that all i have on the exterior is a lip, drop and an exhaust.. i think you have misjudged something there..


have fun in your fuccked up eg conversion-pink starred-super fast d series-ricemobile, k bye now :)

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have fun in your fuccked up eg conversion-pink starred-super fast d series-ricemobile, k bye now :)




like i said last time you lucky rich mofo!! im driving that bimmer before Jesse gets to right? LOL

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If anyone gets pissy over what you posted, they need to get the sand out their vag. You have no right to not be offended by something someone says.



kinda like brian just did hahahahahaha






i never said *my friends* do any of that


and i find it amusing you'll call my del sol rice because of paint.. interesting because there are quite a few cars with non stock paint jobs.. and since when is having something bigger then a 16" rim 'rice'.. and im sorry that your pissy about a d series beating a b series AND that i had proof of it but get over it.. crap happens


and how about you READ before you start saying crap.. I never called your car a riced out pos.. I SAID they were not doing it (i would hope you know that 90% of hondas get called rice by many people.. even stock ones.. because it is a japanese car)


you amuse me brian.. you are going to say you *respect* women but yet talk to me like that? You have done nothing important with your life from what i've seen on this forum besides act like a douche and yet people like you for it.. you have been full of crap for the most part since you've been on this forum and most people who know that you are don't say anything about it.. that video is disrespectful to so many people and i'm amazed that you act the way you do and are in the miltary... i THOUGHT people in the military knew about respect but I guess I am wrong.. if you have a 2 year kid and your wife is in jail why the frack were you out and putting yourself in that situation anyway.. even if she was out of jail i would NEVER leave my kid or niece or nephew with someone who had potential to be abusive.. your IMMATURE and need to grow the frack up.. you are one of the only people who even use the word 'hater' anymore.. only time i see/hear that its from kids in the mall.. you are not 'gangsta' with your hater shirts and straight bill hats and never will be


and as for you not caring about my opinion you think i care about yours? laugh.gif


how about you realize I can post where i damn well please and you need to grow up and stop acting like a 15 yr old who just started her 'time of the month'





how is brian 'rich' when he was talking about selling the del to afford wheels for the bmw? PLENTY of people own bmws and are not 'rich'

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i never said *my friends* do any of that


and i find it amusing you'll call my del sol rice because of paint.. interesting because there are quite a few cars with non stock paint jobs.. and since when is having something bigger then a 16" rim 'rice'.. and im sorry that your pissy about a d series beating a b series AND that i had proof of it but get over it.. crap happens


and how about you READ before you start saying crap.. I never called your car a riced out pos.. I SAID they were not doing it (i would hope you know that 90% of hondas get called rice by many people.. even stock ones.. because it is a japanese car)


you amuse me brian.. you are going to say you *respect* women but yet talk to me like that? You have done nothing important with your life from what i've seen on this forum besides act like a douche and yet people like you for it.. you have been full of crap for the most part since you've been on this forum and most people who know that you are don't say anything about it.. that video is disrespectful to so many people and i'm amazed that you act the way you do and are in the miltary... i THOUGHT people in the military knew about respect but I guess I am wrong.. if you have a 2 year kid and your wife is in jail why the frack were you out and putting yourself in that situation anyway.. even if she was out of jail i would NEVER leave my kid or niece or nephew with someone who had potential to be abusive.. your IMMATURE and need to grow the frack up.. you are one of the only people who even use the word 'hater' anymore.. only time i see/hear that its from kids in the mall.. you are not 'gangsta' with your hater shirts and straight bill hats and never will be


and as for you not caring about my opinion you think i care about yours? laugh.gif


how about you realize I can post where i damn well please and you need to grow up and stop acting like a 15 yr old who just started her 'time of the month'





how is brian 'rich' when he was talking about selling the del to afford wheels for the bmw? PLENTY of people own bmws and are not 'rich'


you said you know the people did you not? that would in turn in my mind and alot of other peoples mean that they would be your friends... okay on to reply to another dumbass comment..


if it were MY del sol.. first thing that would have happened was the paint would have been fixed, instead of driving around in a sailor moon looking hunk of sh!t.. and yes IMO 17's are way to fuccking big for a del sol, so it looks rice as crap.. and im not pissy that you "beat" a "turbo b series" i NEVER seen the video.. i said post it.. you never did.. soooooo wheres that proof again? and im hoping its a car that a b series came stock in.. i can always post a video of me racing a stock d15b7 civic and say it had a k24/20.. too easy to type words..


i do know that people call alot of honda rice.. does it bug me? no.. it makes me roffle when someone with a hunk o sh!t car like yours calls my car rice, i was just pointing out the obvious about your car before you call ANYONES car rice.. okay? okay..


i do respect women.. respectful women.. but annoying little dumb kunts like yourself.. i do not respect.. people like me because im bluntly honest and i dont b!tch about stupid sh!t like yourself.. i know of more than 5 people on this forum that cant stand you because all you do is try to one up people, b!tch, moan, groan, complain, and nagg like your constantly bleeding from the vag.. if you want to know where my daughter was, she was with her grandmother staying the night because she told me i needed some time to go out because i never do.. would you like to invade my personal life more? want to know if i wipe my ass from front to back or back to front? the only reason you dont see many people wearing "hater" shirts is because you live in bumfucckedegypt kkkville USA.. go back to your trailerpark and just stfu for all our sake.. we're tired of hearing/reading all your nagging bullsh!t..


k bye now smile.gif

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I take no sides as I have no real issue with either party. Just here to enjoy some popcorn. (how is there not a popcorn eating smiley?)


I am not taking sides, I just think hers is bigger than Brian's!:happy:

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