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Here's my current resume. I'm going to censor some information... not that it would really matter if you know how to use the interwebz.


Gorden L. McGregor


XXX Somewhere Place ###.###.#### (h) ###.###.#### ©


Cary, NC 27511 email.address@gmail.com



Hargrave Military Academy, Chatham, VA June 2009 – Present


http://www.hargrave.edu Head Life-Guard, Head Developmental Swim Coach


•Manage guard roster and maintain current status for course programs run in the Onishi-Davenport Natatorium.


•Instruct and certify guards, cadets, coaches, and teachers in American Red-Cross life saving courses.


•Aid Head Coach Simonov with the training and managing of the Hargrave Varsity and USA Club Swim Teams.




Best Buy, Cary, NC October 2007 – June 2009


http://www.bestbuy.com Customer Assistant, Autotech




•Provided excellent customer service and sales enhancement to meet goals established at corporate levels.


•Designed and implemented customer retention program, resulting in approximately 150% increase in sales.


•Met or exceeded corporate revenue targets over 95% of tracking period.




FunCom, Durham, NC May 2008 – September 2008


http://www.funcom.com Customer Support, Game Manipulator




•Technical customer support for major product rollout.


•Resolved customer service concerns expeditiously and within corporate guidelines.


•Resolved in-game harassment and preserved game-play dynamic to retain customers and provide value-added asset to the product. Designed innovative customer service resulting in lowest loss figures for game subscriptions.


•Provided feedback to game designers to improve product and enhance performance.


•Developed and maintained positive business relations with international subscribers.



GEICO, Washington, D.C. August 2006 – December 2006


http://www.geico.com Business &Government Relations Assistant




•Coordinated, organized, and allocated resources for candidate public appearances. All candidates engaged in hotly contested partisan races requiring organization and flexibility in scheduling “Q & A” forums. Notably, prominent figures as Senator Jon Kyl of Arizona, Governor Perdue of Georgia, and Representative Brown-Waite from Florida. This resulted in a 25-50% increase in candidate appearance.


•Created and reviewed against corporate guidelines an intranet site for regional information profiling elected and appointed officials, and resources for supervisors in teaching associates the political processes.


•Crafted national marketing concept employing recognizable media figures and their subsequent savings on car insurance using corporate product.




Federal Judicial Center, Washington, D.C. January 2006 – May 2008


http://www.fjc.gov Sr. Educational Specialist Assistant




•Program planner and coordinator for US Dept. of Justice Leadership Development Program participants.


•Wrote documents detailing milestones and deliverables for the leadership program.


•Created training materials for program participants and foreign magistrates. In particular, materials were produced and deployed in a very politically sensitive region.


•Prepared program summaries for Dept. of Justice upper echelon. Incorporated multi-media elements to enhance training effectiveness.



The American University, Washington, D.C. May 2007


Bachelor of Arts, School of Public Affairs: Interdisciplinary Studies; Communication, Law, Economics, and Government. Minor, Applied Physics.

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Here's my current resume. I'm going to censor some information... not that it would really matter if you know how to use the interwebz.


Gorden L. McGregor


XXX Somewhere Place ###.###.#### (h) ###.###.#### ©


You have an interesting array of skills and experience that appears entirely worthless on a resume. Fore you try to kill me let me explain: Your skill set is in people skills and management which is hard to describe in the 2d limitations of a sheet of paper. I would guess your best jobs prospects will be from people you have personally met in previous employment. Tough gig to get into, but worthwhile once you land the job.

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I wouldn't try to to kill you for your astute observation. That's exactly how it is. In fact, my current job is under a former swim coach of mine. He's an ass. Lesson learned. DO NOT WORK FOR AN EX-SPETZNAZ/KGB/INTERPOL.


The skill sets I have to accomplish those skills are the ones pertaining to photoshop, illustrator, maya, word, excel, frontpage, access... etc. And then there's the skills I had to learn and hone as far as my degree. I had to take a class on how to do public speaking. Totally worthwhile. Everyone should. And then there was the "How to write a resume..." class. No joke. An entire semester learning how to write a resume and format it. It was required to graduate. The professor for it, literally wrote the book on how to write a resume. It was awesome, kinda. He often times just canceled class. Not sure for what.


As for the post Seb, I started the thread I guess for networking. Not necessarily to get hired anywhere, but if someone has a question about something we could refer to each others' skill sets away from cars as well to I guess learn and grow. I know that sounds very after school special of me, but cliche can work sometimes.


SWEET I WOULD GET HIRED!!!!! I don't know who you are Jesse, but that is the best offer I've had so far. :D

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Been thinking about a change myself. Not sure to what though: Back to self employed and build on the electronics recycling business I left several years ago or to find a job in the public sector - such as a school or something.


My year review is due next week or so and boss man hinted at + changes for me. I'll wait to see what he has up his sleeve before I think any more about my future....


My expertise lies in electronics hardware. There really isn't anything I cannot fix or disassemble in no time at all. I've spent much of my adult life selling used computers and parts on eBay for at least part of my income. I was a computer sales man, worked into the computer repair depot, then became the manager of the repair depot. Transferred to managing the supply warehouse which was spun off to it's own company that made an income recycling and refurbishing computers for resale. I opened a buy/sell/trade computer store singlehandedly for that company that my friends then bought off of my old boss after I quit. It now turns near 1mil in sales each year. Spent several years 100% employed by myself selling server parts on ebay. Currently work for a consulting firm as the bitch. I fix anything they throw at me and go do help desk cleanup work. It is actually quite easy and I am paid well, but it is a bit mundane.

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Good luck to you both :) I hope you find something awesome that you are happy with :)


Jason, I heard that being the computer sales/planner for the government businesses makes a lot of money...like in Washington D.C. or something...I'd think there would be lots of government stuff near you also...


I want to get out of defense/aerospace for good! I don't want to be in the behind-the-scenes for defense and in this industry, you have to change jobs just to not lose money through salary. I want to do something good: pharmaceutical and biotech industries...I used to work for a well known company and help in developing drugs for diabetics and cancer patients...it was so much more satisfying...

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God! I need a job come Tuesday. I don't care what I'm doing to be honest, but I need to have money at least on the earning side. Leaping out of the window head first is now starting to seem like a dumb idea. Oh well. If the window is high enough it's a long enough fall until I hit the pavement below right? Well technically once I hit terminal velocity it doesn't get any faster.... Maybe I should go back to school for physics.

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Terminal velocity for a human body would be somewhere between 55 m/s and 90 m/s, depending on how you orient yourself. So it'd take... probably 6-10 seconds to hit terminal velocity, so the window would have to be... I dunno, somewhere over 100 feet up? Meh, it's been 3 years since the last time I had a physics class. Can't remember all the equations. Hmm.. should probably be 100 meters rather than feet... :crazy:

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Been there, done that.


I also have quit a career job before with no idea what i was going to do next week to eat. How i wound up selling computer parts on ebay for the next two years.

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Two things:


One, the most important part of the resume is not even the resume, it is the cover letter. You get more responses by first reaching out to the company and speaking with someone; especially someone as yourself who can create a lasting first impression. Visualize with me for a moment...You call a company that you have been watching and are interested in working for. You speak to Cynthia in Human Resources. You guys talk about how the company is doing and what positions are currently open and which will be opening up, you may even joke about a movie you both recently saw. So, now "Cynthia" knows both your name and has a story to go with it. She asks you to forward your resume, and if you're lucky, she asks you to send it to her direct email so she can forward it herself. When she does, you get the name of who will be receiving the resume and write a cover letter for your resume that is addressed directly to your potential employer. The worst thing that can happen is that you get a cold fish on the line who is annoyed to have to give you the email/fax info. The best thing to do there is to thank them for their time and get off the line as soon as possible, you do not want that person to feel the urge to look for your resume and toss it.


Two, the resume should not be a work history report. Include employment experience that is specific to the job you are seeking. Extraneous information is just that, extraneous. Unless you are trying to get a job at Office Max, get rid of Best Buy. If they want your work history, have it handy so you can supply them with that info. Try and keep the work history as brief as possible, keep info that is pertinent to the job you are seeking.




I was laid off my job of 3 years in January 2009. The company was closing due to the loss of a major contract. I had 1 week notice before my final day. I interviewed for my current job on the last Thursday at my old job and started my new job the next Wednesday. I am happy at my new job and enjoy earning 8k more. I am currently an Aromatics Chemist for International Flavors and Fragrances. I have a BS in Chemistry with a minor in Mathematics from the University of North Florida.

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^good one...


Jason, wow nice! It takes guts to quit a job without having another one lined up! I wish I could do that...


Gordon, you seem like the type who can talk to anyone and make a good impression...so why not just walk into places like Starbucks and such and just talk to managers? If you really want "any job" right now, then random jobs are out there...must better than the window :)

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James, thanks for the advice. I'll make some adjustments and go about it that way.


Lina, I've actually done that with the Starbuck's around my house. Strangely they don't like someone who doesn't like coffee. I don't know why? I mean I wouldn't jack their product.

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