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It finaly happened


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it pains me to share this with everyone, but i feel its my duty.


so i was going down 64 today, on the way to town

Got up to 75, decided i wanted a cigarette, and proceeded to roll down my window


as soon as it cracks, i feel a great rush of wind.

i look up and see the sky

which is bad, i didn't take my roof off today...


look behind me and there it goes, bouncing in the road behind me.


i was quite angry at myself for forgetting to lock it.


this is my second del sol, and only the first time doing that, so its not that bad


really noob move to pull, but i swear it was by accident.


anyway, luckily it didn't hit any one of the two cars directly behind me

and actually didn't do that much damage, just a bent corner, and one of the inside pieces broke off and shattered


but i was able to get the roof back on

so for now its ok, but i will be in the market for a new roof very soon.

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it happened to a friend of mine who had his car for a good while


almost happened to me because i trusted boys to put the top on.. they didnt latch the drivers side all the way so i kept getting all this wind noise so i stuck my hand on the top and was like 'oh crap' cause it was sticking up.. i pulled over asap

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wish i could have caught mine, it all happened so fast


was weird, a good vacuum was created haha


but yea, i also need new handles on it, i have to use pliers now


ill try to get some pictures of the damage posted tommorow

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Yowza... that sucks. I was fortunate in that the only trouble I had like that was the weatherstripping along the top of the windshield... Well, depending on the damage, good excuse for a CF or Ameripol top?

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Yowza... that sucks. I was fortunate in that the only trouble I had like that was the weatherstripping along the top of the windshield... Well, depending on the damage, good excuse for a CF or Ameripol top?


very true

very true indeed

if/when i do end up getting a new roof, it will be cf


i wouldn't mind gettin her painted black

and then having a stripe of cf going down the middle (hood, roof, trunk)

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see cigs are bad! tisk tisk. and dangggg im always thinkin wht if that happens? not much bout my roof but how dumb would it look and wht if it hits someone? lol so wht happened? my roof flew out and hit his windshield rofl. gl with fixin whts needed bro


also i seen that cf top. whts ya opinions on that?

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see cigs are bad! tisk tisk. and dangggg im always thinkin wht if that happens? not much bout my roof but how dumb would it look and wht if it hits someone? lol so wht happened? my roof flew out and hit his windshield rofl. gl with fixin whts needed bro


also i seen that cf top. whts ya opinions on that?


ha dam cigs

yea, it was kind of weird, as i said, 2 cars right behind me and it jsut kinda, floated in between them like spiderman or something


scared the mess out of me

it just kinda landed in the road


i had to look like a idiot and run back and get it in pieces in between traffic haha

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Yowza... that sucks. I was fortunate in that the only trouble I had like that was the weatherstripping along the top of the windshield... Well, depending on the damage, good excuse for a CF or Ameripol top?



ha dam cigs

yea, it was kind of weird, as i said, 2 cars right behind me and it jsut kinda, floated in between them like spiderman or something


scared the mess out of me

it just kinda landed in the road


i had to look like a idiot and run back and get it in pieces in between traffic haha


dude exactly wht i ment!! lol like cmon if u was watchin this happen u'd be like ha nice one.... one time my cuz hit a guy in traffic and his bumper flew off! it looked worse than it was lol zipties!. he froggered his way through traffic and it wasnt much better driving home with a bumper jammed in the car half stickin through the sun roof rofl!

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i can't even imagine what the people behind me were thinking


of course, you don't see del sols everywhere (yay)

and a lot of people dont know the top comes off


so with all that in mind, if i were them, i would have flipped my snit


my front bumper is held on with zip ties right now

and they are doing a better job than bolts did so, im keepin em


AND, i just finaly figured out how to post pictures, soo

tommorow morning im going to take pictures of my poor roof

and post them on up here

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yo one of my exhaust things is held up by zipties. i would hear rattling and i looked under and i was missing one of them rubber things that holds up exhaust so i was like......... ziptie! i jaked up the exhaust and put like 2-3 of em. works great! i think my filter tube thingy is zitied too. and some hoses. lol and one fog rofl!! i could imagine someone goin "holy shii that guys roof tore off!" :teehee:

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where would the automotive world be without zipties

zipties and duct tape


and now that it is mentioned, i kinda want to see that happen


just be riding behind someone and WOOSH

top comes off

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oh and can u go into detail about the issue with ur exhaust u fixed with the ziptie

the symptoms i mean


im having the oddest mix between a rattle and a tinking noise coming from about the firewall area, maybe a little further back

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havent tried duc tape, not easy to hide lol


and my sude is allredi low stock i found out, i bearly fit under it i had to like marine my way in there lol but i wanna lil drop at least!


"death by sol top" that b a nice headline

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this happened to one of my friends as well when i had my old school teg..


we had a little meet and we went driving through town (car lineup: EK, Friends sol, celica-supra, ME, gsr, LSvtec, and a EG) and i seen something red fly over the top of the supra and land in front of me, all i could do was clinch the wheel and hope it didnt eff up my car.. luckily it landed on its topside and my bumper drug it for a split second then i ran it over and the other two cars dodged it behind me... lets just say, that top was destroyed lol


sorry about your luck man.. sucks, but hey now you have a reason to get a ameripol top :thumbsup:

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there is no way to fit under my car without a jack

even the jack has some issues sometimes


shes pretty low


"The Death Sol Strikes Again!"


dammit jesse lock ur top!!!!!


and i just googled ameripol top and i really hate u guys.........now i have a reason to buy a new top >:l there goes a good 6 bills rofl! daium they look clean!!!

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and thats what i get for asking before i research


wow that looks amazing



i dont know if id want the hot NC sun beating down on me the whole time im driving, id kinda like it to have something i could like, close and open

but cant have everything u want


this will take some thinking

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lmao same here, thats wht else i need from the junk! an a/c bracket. tahts all i need. the compressor in the trunk, along with 4 spare headlights and a speaker lol broken speaker duno why its in there lol. but i got a job but ALL my money goes to this car. wanted to finish b4 skewl but aint gona happen.... still need inspection,plates,insurance,and a short ram cause the filter box is broken. i get paid on monday but this week i owe 3 bills for the car, nex week i start skewl too.

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there goes a good 6 bills rofl! daium they look clean!!!

heres the thing about ameripol tops.. they come with just the "glass" you have to use your delsol targa top, umm what would you call it (brain fart), where your latches are and stuff.. so i think if you get a ameripol top you should go to a junk yard and get another top and use those parts for the ameripol and you can still have your stock top... that way you have a replacement top when you get tired of the glasstop



can the sunroof be closed off? or is it always there?

no, always there.. thats why you do what i said above :thumbsup:

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