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OK so if anyone remembers me asking a while back about if i should switch over to a WRX and i still am contimplating that idea... but it seems almost all of my friends think i should build up a stupid fast del sol... so... in a practical sense do you think this a better idea?


If i do go with the del sol i will be buying another one that is a manual, and fixing it up as nice as tallhammer's(thats going to be a hard one) and i would either build a D series or a B series... ( i cant decide what i would do yet) i really would like to push out as much HP w/o having to do alot of Fab work...


the whole reason that i am thinking about doing this is in the next month i will be clearing all my debt and i am finally looking a fixing up a "fun" car... im part of a Car Club at my college and soon might end up being president of it cause all the current are graduating...and i would like to have a car worthy to show. and i want it to be fast for my own personal wants.


and ive come to the conclusion that i will not be going cheap or half assed on which ever project i choose....


basically i wanna see what ppl think and if i stay with the del sol... someone to help me make my build list on what i need to get.

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OK so if anyone remembers me asking a while back about if i should switch over to a WRX and i still am contimplating that idea... but it seems almost all of my friends think i should build up a stupid fast del sol... so... in a practical sense do you think this a better idea?


If i do go with the del sol i will be buying another one that is a manual, and fixing it up as nice as tallhammer's(thats going to be a hard one) and i would either build a D series or a B series... ( i cant decide what i would do yet) i really would like to push out as much HP w/o having to do alot of Fab work...


the whole reason that i am thinking about doing this is in the next month i will be clearing all my debt and i am finally looking a fixing up a "fun" car... im part of a Car Club at my college and soon might end up being president of it cause all the current are graduating...and i would like to have a car worthy to show. and i want it to be fast for my own personal wants.


and ive come to the conclusion that i will not be going cheap or half assed on which ever project i choose....


basically i wanna see what ppl think and if i stay with the del sol... someone to help me make my build list on what i need to get.



Stay with the del sol. Since money doesn't seem to be an issue then go with a k swap instead of a b. Thats just my opinion though.

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Stay with the del sol. Since money doesn't seem to be an issue then go with a k swap instead of a b. Thats just my opinion though.


i dont really know anything about k series though

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IMO del sol > WRX for a fun car.. but thats just me b/c i hate soobies


d series are cheap to build and cheap to replace parts if you break something

b series IMO are more fun, you dont need to fab anything to do a B series swap.. just need motor mounts


cheap and half assed just = more money wasted than what you would pay in the beginning for good quality parts and alot of broken sh!t, lol


i dont think anyone should make you a build list.. you should make it to what you want on your car, it is your car and a reflection of you so do it to your specs not someone elses




my $0.02

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i dont think anyone should make you a build list.. you should make it to what you want on your car, it is your car and a reflection of you so do it to your specs not someone elses


I dont want anyone to build it for me... just help me in choosing good parts... because i have never really done much with aftermarket parts and knowing what company makes the best parts for a specific part of the car would be really really helpful

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... but it seems almost all of my friends think i should build up a stupid fast del sol...



This is your problem. Do not do anything because your friends want you to. Do what you want because you want to do it.

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why do ya hate subies man? ...ive never heard anyone out right say that so i was just curious. haha


i dont like how they look, how they sound, how they are setup, how they handle.. i just plain dislike them

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i dont like how they look, how they sound, how they are setup, how they handle.. i just plain dislike them


thats because youre ghey, adopted, and nobody loves you. you were one of those prom night dumpster babies werent you?



everyone is entitled to their opinions, no matter how wrong they are. :pirate:


personally, i love my wrx. i dont love the gas mileage it gets though.

keep in mind, a stock wrx is slow. be prepared to spend about $1500 to get it to stage 2, then you will start to have fun with it.

the awd is nice. the car sticks to the pavement and handles nicely.


subarus have a rough feel to them. they are more of a man's car than the refined and tuned evo thats all kinds of softness.


just watch and listen to what jeremy clarkson has to say


it all comes down to a matter of taste really. the evo is a nice car, but i find myself always wandering towards the subaru. i just love the subaru rumble, it doesnt sound like any other car out there.


i mean, just listen to that rumble!

(my car by the way)

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when i drove a soobie for the first time i didnt like how it handled.. it seemed like the steering was laggy. to where the evo was really responsive..


and i hate that rumble.. reminds me of a V8 or a honda with toda vtec killer cams LOL j/k it really reminds me of when i get done brushing my teeth and i use some mouthwash "garggle garggle" lol

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the whole reason that i am thinking about doing this is in the next month i will be clearing all my debt and i am finally looking a fixing up a "fun" car... im part of a Car Club at my college and soon might end up being president of it cause all the current are graduating...and i would like to have a car worthy to show. and i want it to be fast for my own personal wants.

unless you are one of those guys who is going to school later in life to gain a promotion or something of the sort, keep your money and use it to either further your education or ensure a stable future. then, after you have a great job, a house, a sexy wife, and are nice and settled in making bank because people want you for your education, buy several fun cars.



if you are in fact already settled in, buy a used fun car (buying a brand new car is such a bad economical choice). i personally prefer the scoobie over the evo (if i', given a choice between the two) or something else that's fun. test drive EVERYTHING within your price range and see what wins your heart.

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well i im in my second year of college, and i have 3 more to go, im also AFROTC so i will have a job after i graduate, mostly im looking for something fun that i can show off a little too... really...i have no idea what i want to do right now, its just i want to see what EVERYONE has to say about either car... but i really think that if im going to go with an WRX i might need to wait a year to save up a little more money so that my payments wouldnt be as high.... and im still not quite sure if i want to fix up a del sol really well because i have a feeling that it would cost me as much to do that as it would be to get the WRX

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double post noob

gave me an error the first time saying to wait 20 seconds so i waited and it let me post, so it must have posted both times.


well i im in my second year of college, and i have 3 more to go, im also AFROTC so i will have a job after i graduate, mostly im looking for something fun that i can show off a little too... really...i have no idea what i want to do right now, its just i want to see what EVERYONE has to say about either car... but i really think that if im going to go with an WRX i might need to wait a year to save up a little more money so that my payments wouldnt be as high.... and im still not quite sure if i want to fix up a del sol really well because i have a feeling that it would cost me as much to do that as it would be to get the WRX

wait your parents are paying for you to get another car and ur only a sophmore? i'd say wait it out, you'll need the money later.

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lol no no no... my parents arnt paying for my car....ive payed for all 3 of my cars. and i have a internship already that pays quite nice for my age... and ill be making a little bit of extra cash since i wont have all my bills anymore... and i might be up for a scholarship soon... and that gets me an extra amount of money per month too.... so money isnt a HUGE issue... i just cant go buy a 18k car yet

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lol no no no... my parents arnt paying for my car....ive payed for all 3 of my cars. and i have a internship already that pays quite nice for my age... and ill be making a little bit of extra cash since i wont have all my bills anymore... and i might be up for a scholarship soon... and that gets me an extra amount of money per month too.... so money isnt a HUGE issue... i just cant go buy a 18k car yet

ah i see. well if i was that well off i would get the sol in good enough shape to be fun but reliable and daily drivable, without getting into debt, and then just save the rest just for financial security. girl friends suck up money too so that's why i'd put most of it aside.

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lol no no no... my parents arnt paying for my car....ive payed for all 3 of my cars. and i have a internship already that pays quite nice for my age... and ill be making a little bit of extra cash since i wont have all my bills anymore... and i might be up for a scholarship soon... and that gets me an extra amount of money per month too.... so money isnt a HUGE issue... i just cant go buy a 18k car yet



do you read much? i said you could get one for cheaper than that.

go to autotrader.com and search your area for a subaru wrx between 2002-2007 and list them by buy price, cheapest to more expensive.

that way the really cheap ones are the first ones you see.

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well if your not in a hurry to sell it then ill take that into consideration in about 2 months... what all have you done to it and how bad was the damage from the accident?

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