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Back from Florida


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I went to Florida for a week on spring break. Drove down there with my buddy Troy and his parents. Talk about a long effing drive. We stayed in Bradenton at a house his uncle owns in a country club, it was sweet. We went to Universal Studios and Busch Gardens which were both awesome. Here's a quick recap:


Saturday: We get into St. Leo around 2, and pick up our friend Tommy who goes to college there. We get some food, then head to the house in Bradenton. We chilled there all day to rest, and played Army of Two. Later on we got a case of beer and three pizzas, then wandered around the neighborhood.


Sunday: We went to Universal Studios. Spent the whole day there from 11am to 10pm. Awesome time. The park I was destined to go to, the new Krustyland, was unfortunatley still being built. Dropped Tommy back off at his dorm, then came back around 1am and fell asleep.


Monday: Meh, nothing too interesting. Got familiar with the town, took some pictures, finished off Army of Two, and drank more.


Tuesday: We got brunch in one of the plazas around town. Later on we met up with a girl from around our area at home, got drunk, and walked around St. Armen's Circle. It's an ultra-rich area with a lot of shops, restaurants, and a beach. Her mom was there with her and talked to us for awhile. I later found out her mom completely had the hots for me. Too bad she was in her late 30s and not attractive at all. She had to go later on, then we headed back to the house to find something to do. We called Tommy up and decided to meet back up with him because him and a bunch of friends were going to a club about 10 minutes away. We drove up there and got ready. I played COD4 for a little bit and kicked ass (I used a British accent and pissed off a lot of people bahaha). We drive to the club and got in around 11. It was supposed to be for St. Leo students only, but me and Troy got in no problem. They had alcohol there but obviously we didn't think we could get any. Turns out, they let anyone there buy alcohol, as we found out an hour later. $5 a cup for just liquor, or $7 a cup for sink or swim (which I got), basically unlimited alcohol. I stuck to just beer, and had 4 or 5 before the keg was tapped. Plus almost every girl in there was smoking hot and very scantily clad.


Wednesday: We ended up leaving the club at 2am and headed back to the dorms. We watched the first half of Two for the Money in some girls' dorm, then stumbled to another girls' dorm on the 3rd floor and watched Parental Control on MTV (hilarious). Me and Troy stumbled downstairs at 4am and fell asleep on the couches in the lounge, until we were waken by a janitor at 6am telling us to get up because the cleaning lady needs to clean. We then slept inside the car for two hours, until Tommy woke us up for breakfast. We ate, sat on Facebook for a little until Tommy had class, then we chilled in his dorm. Troy fell asleep and I played COD4 for about an hour. Tommy got back from class, then we drove back to Bradenton. We changed, then went back around St. Armen's to go kayaking. We were with a group of around 20 people, and it lasted for about 3 hours. The guide was lame, so I spent most of the time making jokes about him which were repeated all night, even by him parents. You just had to be there to understand. After kayaking we got food. We sat outside on a dock next to the water. There was a sign explicitly stating "Do not feed the birds", yet we of course did. After the first seagull got food, he called for the rest of his crew to fly in. One of them flew down to our table, hovered in front of it for a second, then swooped in and took a piece of Cod off Troy's plate. He freaked and ran bahahaha. Then back to the house we went.


Thursday: We got up around 7:30 and dropped Tommy off because he had class at 9:30. After that we went to Waffle House for food, and me and Troy spent the rest of the day at Busch Gardens. Good times, I bought a sweet Bud Select hat. Got some Subway on the way back, then fell asleep around 12.


Friday: Drove around looking for a skimboard, we bought one at weiner's for $34. We got some food, then spend a good 3 hours at Lido beach at St. Armen's skimboarding, smoking cigs, spotting women, and chilling. After that we headed up north a little to go to The Sandbar, a nice restaurant on the beach. The wait was supposed to be 2 hours, so we skimboarded some more. The wait ended up only being an hour though. I had a steak, mmm so good. After that we drove back, I packed, then played Bully on 360 until I fell asleep.


Saturday: Driving. Nothing but driving.


Sunday: Got back around noon, then I typed this.


I'll post pics later. I still have to move myself back into my dorm tonight.

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No sh*t.


Sure am glad I don't fall into that category.


says you


foridah is a nice place to visit this time of the year. great place to get away from school, doesn't sound like you even went to the beach though :(

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Bitch I can drive lol.


Especially compared to some of the codgers that get onto I75. Running f*cking 65.


Average speed on I-75 for me is between 90 and 100.

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says you


foridah is a nice place to visit this time of the year. great place to get away from school, doesn't sound like you even went to the beach though :(


Read Friday :pirate:


Still finishing up the pics, might post them later tonight.


And busted, most of my time driving was spent on I-75 this trip. When we were driving back from Universal, a group of 5 new Chargers all flew by us going at least 130. It was pretty badass.

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I hope Universal included Islands of Adventure :p Universal's fine, but after you've done everything once there's really not much of a need to do it again, it's relaxing to walk around though.

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Whoops, I read as far as Lido's and stopped. We have lidos here in Ohio and its an Italian club/restaurant. When I skimmed through it I thought you were girl watching at a club.


-1 to me for not reading the whole damn post

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