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Well, atleast I'm not hung over...

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Forgot to mention the good part of the story! Well, we left and got in my buddy Mike's Hummer H3, went down the street to get food. I felt like crap and obviously didn't want to move, so I sat in the car. For some reason they locked the doors. This is where it gets good. I felt like I had to puke, so I tried opening the door, couldn't get it, couldn't find the unlock button; looked for a plastic bag, nothing; here it comes, caught on my shirt. My buddy Mike's girlfriend came out when it happened and got me a pillow case to clean up, then we turned it inside out and put it back in the back. Then I got dropped off at my car and slept in it until 3:30am. Drove home, not drunk, but woozy as f*ck and don't really re-call the drive much. Got home, passed out. Woke up in the middle of the night for a trash can run, haha. Woke up the next day at like 12:00pm and couldn't find my shoes and hat, they were in my car. Yeah, drinking sometimes pwns me, hardcore. :laugh:


That was my second rough night at the bar, thus far, which isn't too bad. I've had some bad ones at parties and crap back when I started drinking and a few since then. I try not to drink that much, I really don't enjoy doing it that much, unless it is cheap and there is nothing better to do.

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that reminds me i need to start taking more photos of my drunken randomness.


Sunday night i ended up going to a friends for dinner... which we never actually got around to even cooking. instead we ended up going to a bar, her and her friend started talking to 2 guys (mine was with me already) while we were there who ended up following us back to hers... then we decided it was a great idea to go swimming. So we ended up swimming for about 4 hours, with me trying to get both of the girls topless the whole time. heh. Then when we got back to the apartment there were some funny noises coming from the bathroom...so i grabbed the camera and tried to burst in... unfortunately, they'd locked it and i was too drunk to figure out how to unlock it. im a bad bad person. and i was probably the most drunk of all of us. oops. me + beer= completely paraletic.

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only if its miller lite.. and borrow? i really dont think you want it after it back after... lol!


i just realized how much i said "ended up" in that last paragraph.. um. oops.

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