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Project For School UPDATE

Joe W

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Ok so I have a project for school, and it is going to be an engine constructed of wood, non-functional. What I plan on doing is constructing an 1:1 replica of a d series. Now the part people can maybe help me with: I want to use some real parts on the wood to give it some contrast, and I am hoping some of you may have some parts for a d series engine that I could have for the price of shipping.

Here is a list of some parts I am looking for:


-Stock Exhaust manifold

-Intake mani

-Spark plug wires

-dist. cap

-maybe a cone intake filter


Not looking to spend a whole lot sooo....if you feel like you can let it go for just the cost of shipping then let me know, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance guys.

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I may have some wires for you.

ok just let me know for sure so we can get everything worked out.


cool project... I once built a small prototype engine (all metal though and not a car engine)

I have no parts...but post pics when you are done...wanna see it :)

Thanks, I will.

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Yeah its a project for school. No internals because of the time I have so its gonna be block, head, tranny, and possibly the axles in wood. We have a woodshop on campus that I will be using, it has a lot of standard building tools, drill press, ban saws, disc sanders, and some other things that we arent allowed to use.

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i woudl jsut do the block whit a cut away of a cylender.... i think shaping the tranny woudl be hard to do, but the block just glue some 2x16 together and make one big hunk of wood

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if your gonna make any internals even just a cylinder and point and say "pistons go in here" i woudl think about how its gonna work and maybe cut crap out before u glue the boards togather... if that how your gonna make the project any way.... maybe make a small model out of cardboard or something to get an idea

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Yeah we thats what we have to do make some cardboard models before the wood so we dont waste our materials. My instructor said I should just focus on the externals for now because that will be enough work in itself.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well my wood project is coming to an end, and it has seen a big change for those who read my proposed idea.

Originally I was going to make an engine out of wood, but after thinking about the amount of time and level of complexity I modified my idea and I did SOME engine parts. Ill let the pics say the rest, oh and you get to see a little leg :o








If anyone wants some better pics I can take some.

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No block no head and couldnt make the crank in time very minimal time for the amount of work.

I wanted to do the valves too but I spent so much time getting those to look decent, I mean i did a cheap camshaft the lobes are all even.

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