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I have so much school work this week....


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Well i've been working on a paper now for about 6 hours total and have 5 pages written...haha still have 5 more to go and it's due at 4:30 today.


You know what? I don't even care anymore....school is so overrated, especially religion class.


I have another 10 page paper to write tonight for business, a 5 page book report in western civ, and 2 tests this week, 2 next week + 3 finals.


What the hell.


I just want to play with cars.....eff college.


/rant. :rant:

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By the way, hittng the space bar twice does nothing on here, since something about this site reduces all spaces to the size of one space. I hit space twice after every sentence out of habit since I was taught how to write paragraphs the old school way and they still look like single spaces on here.


Also I leaned on the space right after the first word of this sentence.


But yeah, school is annoying sometimes. If you're not learning something valuable then it sucks hard.

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I do 2-3 hours of homework a night on average

About once every 2 weeks I'll have 8-10 hours, no lie


I've been in school since July 06 and I don't get done until August 07

That's 11 straight months


I hate school

I hate it so much

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I do 2-3 hours of homework a night on average

About once every 2 weeks I'll have 8-10 hours, no lie


I've been in school since July 06 and I don't get done until August 07

That's 11 straight months


I hate school

I hate it so much


So that's why we see you twice a month anymore :(


Eff your school, for real, I would drop out asap.


I'm not gonna let a school interfere with my summer.

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I have to go to school from august of 06 until may 08. No breaks, besides like a week for spring or xmas or whatever. Summer semester = drive 1 hour to school that starts at 8 am, get out at 7:30 pm. Drive 1 hour home.

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I have build a small steam engine.

And do drawings for each part.

And improve the design somehow.


This quarter has been pretty easy for me homework wise. I just keep getting owned on exams. My professors are really bad.

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wake up at 6:30 am

leave at 7:15

get to school at 8:20-8:25

class 8:30-1

drive 45 minutes home (less traffic)

work wednesday, friday, saturday (22-24 hours a week)



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