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If you were in my situation, what would you do?


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Well, slowly building it up will literally be slow. I make around $1,200 a month, full time; if I can get a G35, even used the payments are around $300 for multiple years. I plan on going back to school part time, pretty much cutting my hours in half, giving me $600 a month. Then I have to pay for gas and other miscellanious things. I guess I forgot to mention that about building the EH2, it will take forever, unless I can get a big loan to get it done, but that's doubtful.

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yeah but you wont get the money you put into it back, and plus like they said before you will probably regret selling it just because youve put so much into it now. so i see it as a G35 and R6, or G35 and building a civic

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Eh, I will regret selling it, but I have all my cars. The Trans Am was quick and had a lot of potential, plus RWD is fun. The 2.5 RS was so clean, I wish I had it when I worked at one of the dealers. The EJ1 was nice, just needed a swap. The Focus, well, that's one I don't care about, I lied.

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I know automatic are slow as hell, but I'm not going for speed, I just want something comfortable, but sick. The G35 is actually the only one that is going to be harder to buy, I can find S4's and IS300's for like $14,000, lowest G35 I found was I believe $17,000.

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a chrysler 300 is a very comfortable car with a good amount of power. the hemi version kicked my ass on the highway while i was on my motorcycle. also, it has one of the smoothest rides ive ever felt in a car, like water across glass. really smooth.

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the 300s start at $24,999 and thats MSRP.

but your payments all depend on how good your credit is, and the down payment/trade in.


you can never go wrong with a bike, unless it always snows/rains where youre at, like alaska or something. $10-12 to fill up my tank, and if i dont drive like an ass, i can go about 160-200 miles before filling up.


edit: i put zero money down on my bike, and my payments are 178 a month.

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Well, a car is going to depend on insurane, I need my dad to check out how much either of those are. I'd love a S4, V6 twin turbo. Quick, but not fast, but beautiful, comfortable cars.


The bike I would buy straight up with the money from the EH2, any extra would go into a down payment on a car and safety equipment for the bike, such as a jacket, helmet, and gloves.

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Are bikes hard to ride? I personally have never driven a bike or quad or anything of the sort. I could have, I just prefered not to, because I didn't want to mess theirs up nor did I want to experience something I liked a lot and not be able to buy oe for myself, I tend to stay away from doing that. I'm guessing I'll like it and catch on quick since I'm into cars and drive manual, even though it's different, but I'm guessing its just taking one way of driving and converting it a little? I think I'll like it, just because I'll be able to ride around on nice days with my friend on is bike and not have to follow in the car, haha.

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Chrysler 300M or 300C?


My dad had a 300M and i loved that thing.....crapty gas mileage, but comfortable as hell.


Got $4000 as a trade in, they're cheap now.

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If you get a bike, get an old one. You WILL drop it.


IMO, a college student with a low paying job doesn't need to get a nice luxury type car like a G35 or anything.


A GS-R with leather interior is a damn nice car for someone our age if maintained well.

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If you get a bike, get an old one. You WILL drop it.


IMO, a college student with a low paying job doesn't need to get a nice luxury type car like a G35 or anything.


A GS-R with leather interior is a damn nice car for someone our age if maintained well.


I know, I will drop it, everyone does, hense why I'm buying used. =P


I don't want a GS-R, I've already thought about stuff like that, I want something people do not typically break into. Plus, around here, you see kids driving around much nicer then a G35, it's rediculous. But as I said, G35 is the furthest off to the other two.

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bikes are easy to ride. you will drop it, thats for sure, and it will hurt so make sure you have a full head helmet, leather jacket, leather gloves, jeans, and boots. The best advice I can give you is to take the MSF basic riding course, and experienced riding course. Taking riding courses will be the best thing that could have ever happened to you. So seriously consider them.

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Dudejustget like a used Caddy, my bud got a nice Fleetwood for like 8000 ithad like 60,000 miles. They ride nice, got plenty of getup, lots of room. Cant get much more comfortable and its a Caddy.

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