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Mkay, Ive been planning a build for a while and just ran across this. I was wondering should I get the kit for 10.9:1 CR or the one with 12.4:1 CR. I will be running all motor with no thought of boost. And if I go for this deal am I going to regret using the SRP pistons instead of wiseco like I had planned?

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higher one for sure dude for all motor. that ebay kit is no good for you. alot of crap you really dont need. you dont need a crank. pretty good price though.

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FYI-my lsvtec conversion kit was $80, that's including the headwork.


If you need help, let me know, b/c I'm sure you don't wanna pay Tree-fiddy for the Golden Eagle conversion kit.

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Why would I want to get anything from H-T that I can get with that package and save a butt load of money on. And have it be Eagle to boot.

I think that I will still with MY build plan thank you with some input from people like Cranny and Dan.

And its easier to run race gas at the track with 12.4 CR.


Edit: And yes Dan I would love to know how you got that deal. I could def use something like that cuz I don't want to paty that much and still have to pay for the headwork.

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Only good thing about an aftermarket crank is if its a LW. If not, it is the same as stock. Eagles cranks aren't the best out there either. OEM crank on H-T is >$200.


Run race gas at the track, and have crap power on the street while risking detonation if the weather changes a lot from your original tune.


Rune race gas on 10.9 and play with timing even more. You'll always get the best power from timing.


But take advice from cranny, who tells people to make their rods weaker and kill their top end by using shorter rods.

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what for cam are you planning on running? dynamic compression ratio is way more important, and static means jack sh!t.


you won't be close to your 12.4 if you don't run too hot of a cam.


oh, forgot about that one did ya ssr? can't believe that the "Honda God", the hell of an engine builder that he is, would let that slip his mind.....



Do honda's run knock sensors? apparently not. Think about getting one if you do run high compression. It will automatically pull timing so you don't detonate.



edit: just found this....

the 2005 BMW K1200S runs 13:1 off of pump gas.


Its more than possible with a good tune. If you want 12.4:1, don't go too wild and crazy with your cam, and get a hell of a good tuner to tune it. These ppl that are running forced induction go above and beyond 12:1 when on boost.

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Yeah I don't want to get too wild with cams because I want to maintain DD reliability. And I do know about the Dynamic compression so I aint to worried about it. There is a speed shop out here with a chassis dyno so once my car is done its gonna have the second 500 on dyno time. Im gonna get it right the first time. And Chris, Im going with the Ej6 which does come with a knock sensor. So ill just use the oem one on the build. But thinks for that tidbit of advice.


Edit: And SSR you really meed to learn to read before you start talkin sh!t about other members. Because if you could read you would see that you are a douche.

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Ok I'm tired of douches hopping on here and trying to tell people that they are wrong. If something is not correct, POLITELY correct them. Don't be a weiner about it. Most members on here can have a constructive argument but there are others who just bash because they think that they are above everyone else.


And SolLes, before you start telling other people that they are wrong, show proof that your are right. Oh and were still waiting on pics for all the "awesome and magnificent" builds that you keep jabbering about. So until then just STFU and GTFO!!!!

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see that i didnt even say crap , and that butthead is still taking shots at me. over somin he is wrong about. dude you really need to get a life SSR , and get with the program. im not pissed anymore though , i feel people know me well enough to know that you , for some reason , dont like other people knowing anything more than you. it takes away from your importance , and your just like a spoiled brat.


to pyro , your right , a knock sensor is a good protect against detonation , but LS blocks dont have a place for them. youd have to tap a hole somewhere for it to fit , than you could run one easy. and all VTEC engines run a knock sensor pyro stock. which is good.


and to solles , why would you even chime in and try and talk crap? for as little as youve been around. solles , i like you dude , but get off of SSR's weiner , sucking his ass wont get you nothing dude. he doesnt care about people , thats his prolem.


SSR , for someone that has supposedly built all these engines , youd think youd have some proof , i know i take pics of everything i do worth talking about. you have nothing , nill. just your mouth , which in this world , means about as much as your advice to me and some others , NOTHING. and another thing , your actually gonna sit there and tell the boy its hard to tune an engine with 12.5:1 CR? are you kidding me? YOU think its harder to tune an engine all motor with a moderate CR than it is a stock engine running 8 lbs of boost? gime a break , youl say anything to anyone to make you sound like the smart one , thats your prolem. you cant work with others at all , your a spoiled brat that thinks hes all that. your 19 dude , a kid still , lol. you really think youve seen more than me? like are you serious? ive had engines apart literally , when you were 10 fukin years old dude , like get a life.


do like pyro says 88 , dont run an insane cam and your good. tuning this engine with 12.5:1 is a joke for anyone good at it. dont listen to that goof.

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SSR , for someone that has supposedly built all these engines , youd think youd have some proof , i know i take pics of everything i do worth talking about. you have nothing , nill. just your mouth , which in this world , means about as much as your advice to me and some others , NOTHING. and another thing , your actually gonna sit there and tell the boy its hard to tune an engine with 12.5:1 CR? are you kidding me? YOU think its harder to tune an engine all motor with a moderate CR than it is a stock engine running 8 lbs of boost? gime a break , youl say anything to anyone to make you sound like the smart one , thats your prolem. you cant work with others at all , your a spoiled brat that thinks hes all that. your 19 dude , a kid still , lol. you really think youve seen more than me? like are you serious? ive had engines apart literally , when you were 10 fukin years old dude , like get a life.


AMEN to that brother!


Oh hmm, I cold have sworn it was the other way around. Oh well.


could have sworn what, that you should go by static compression? Why? You'll never reach your static, so who cares what its at. dynamic is key.

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88 - SRP < Wiseco < JE < OEM Honda < CP


And don't tell me to GTFO or what have you, it's the reason I left the forum.


honestly solles , brand names these days are up to the buyer. most of em make good products dude you know this. me personally , if i was going out to buy pistons tomorrow , id be buying wiseco , like i said before , ive seen them used numerous times with success. sorry solles for saying your up on SSR , my bad dude , i always liked your gay ass , lol , and he just drives me up the wall you know that. and to everyone else , solles is right , noone should be saying gtfo to anyone for simply discussing opinions. dont leave again solles , we miss you , lol. and no im not gay dammit , lol.

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Sorry SolLes I was out of line on that one. Just getting tired of SSR and took it out on you. My bad. But thank you for actually answering my question, that is very much appreciated. And please don't leave just cuz I got mad. You are a good addition to this forum and I do like getting honest answers from people who know their sh!t. Like cranny, dan, chris and you now. Thanks.

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