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we have been officially threatened..


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people in the u.s. are taking things a little too light


in your opinion.


i seriously don't get it. i'm a teenage kid, i'm not supposed to worry about war, terrorists, etc. i'm supposed to go hang out with friends, do whatever, and be a kid. not sit around the house all day watching the news and drinking my million bottles of water, and on commercial breaks read the latest newspaper. get over it, people will choose their own ways to deal with this "sensitive issue"..and they are going to do it whether you like it or not.

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people in the u.s. are taking things a little too light


in your opinion.


i seriously don't get it. i'm a teenage kid, i'm not supposed to worry about war, terrorists, etc. i'm supposed to go hang out with friends, do whatever, and be a kid. not sit around the house all day watching the news and drinking my million bottles of water, and on commercial breaks read the latest newspaper. get over it, people will choose their own ways to deal with this "sensitive issue"..and they are going to do it whether you like it or not.

wow, seems my opinion matches with that of government officials these days :rolleyes:



anyway, in case you haven't paid attention in the rest of this thread, no one said to think about it every second. but avoiding the issue isn't going to make things go away.



oh, and just because you're a teenager and should be out doing teenager things isn't a reason for a war not to take place. do you think any of these groups that are against the u.s. right now care about that? umm, no... what you "want" to or "should" be doing with your youth isn't a real concern of theirs... you know what is though? killing you, that's what they care about. killing all of us. THAT is reality.

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where did i say that me being a teenager was going to make all wars stop? i don't remember saying that.

no, you didn't say that, and i didn't say that you said that. you IMPLIED it, thus provoking my response :rolleyes: you take everything as a personal attack, i'm generally speaking about everyone who has a mentality such as that, which unfortunatly, is a lot of u.s. citizens.

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don't mean to resurface this thread...and i hope this doesn't cause anymore arguing. but...


i got this from like 5 different people in my email all in one day and i thought i would share this for all the christian people (why people sent this to me i have no idea...i'm not religious) but, whatever...



>As many of you know there is a chance our country may be going to war



>My son and I were talking about numbers the other night. Many of you may

>or may not know that in Scripture, the number 3 represents the Holy



>Well, I was thinking of calling for a day of prayer and fasting for our

>country (maybe for the world).


>When you may ask. . . March 3. In simple terms it would be 03-03-03.

>Wouldn't it be great for all the Christians in the world to stop what

>they are doing and pray on the same day. We could make 03-03-03 God's

>Day. I mean He was there for all of us, that day on the cross.


>Faith is the way that all miracles come through, but prayer is the key

>that unlocks the door. I hope you will pass this request on to all your

>friends, family, and churches. Maybe we could all pray at 3:00 p.m.

>(your local

>time) on that day for 3 minutes for world peace.

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Kind of like how yesterday, millions...like millions of people demonstrated across the world in the name of peace. With so much opposition to the US/British effort to attack Iraq, the two allies decided to rewrite their proposal to the U.N.


Although I think it's inevitable that we will be going to war, the world is buying us time...amazing.

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Guest QbanHonda

Well I don't know what else to say. I mean hopefully after the war and all there would be world peace. Cuz the way things are going I see them getting uglier by the day.

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Guest QbanHonda

I don't really get it I mean the news are just so dramatical or something. I mean they have us on HIGH ALERTS but they tell us to maintain calm that nothing is gonna happen. Leaves me not knowing or wanting to know anything huh

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Well I don't know what else to say. I mean hopefully after the war and all there would be world peace. Cuz the way things are going I see them getting uglier by the day.

unfortunately, world peace will never be reality :(




and as far as WWIII? as of right now, the war is being deemed Gulf War II, but it is being questioned that it will be the third world war. guess we'll just have to see...




and as for the high alert status and asking everyone to stay calm. the higher the status we are in, the more heightened of security we will have. the more security, the less likely for a terrorist attack. that is one of the reasons they are saying to remain calm, and that nothing may happen.

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I think somebody needs to find Saddam Huessen and kill him. i think the world would be a better place. Also, I wish somebody would find that butthead doon coon Bin Laden, and just nuke his ass. Why does he want to start crap w/ America. What the hell did we ever do to him. I just wish gas prices would go back down. I mean, i don't really have any room to complain since my car gets 38 miles to the gallon. Oh well.

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this is rediculous, has anyone actually thought about why we're threatening iraq? first off sadam has been ordered to disarm almost 12 years ago. he didnt then and he hasnt since, what makes us think that he's going to disarm now? oh and beside the fact that it hasnt even been proven that he has nucular weapons capable of striking the us.. oh but whats that? north korea has one capable of striking the west coast of the united states? why arent we ordering him to disarm? oh thats right no OIL...

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North Korea is to have THOUGHT to have a warhead ready to strike the west coast, but it's rumor, same rumor that they actually have nuclear capabilities at all. Big rumor right now is they have a dummy warhead.


Saddam needs to be out of office, whether it be assassination, accidental death, capture, whatever. We don't need a dictator like him in any country except in a United States Maximum Security Prison. North Korea is the pimple on the world's ass. If they think they have the capabilities, they will one day be popped. N. Korea is too unstable a country to have nuclear capabilities, and Japan is the country most in danger.


And everyone protesting right now needs to know why we are doing this. Especially the protesters who are all Peace Love Dope and don't know the reason why we go to war. You know these old world dictators, they live forever. Look at Fidel Castro and his Cuban dictatorship. Sickening. It has to stop somewhere, and no one else seems to want to do the dirty work, especially the WORTHLESS FRENCH. :)

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North Korea is to have THOUGHT to have a warhead ready to strike the west coast, but it's rumor, same rumor that they actually have nuclear capabilities at all. Big rumor right now is they have a dummy warhead.

if by rumor you mean that they SAID:

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- North Korea has revealed to the United States that it has a secret and active nuclear weapons program begun years after it promised to never again to pursue such a course, the White House said late Wednesday.
from CNN Washington Bureau

oh and this:

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- North Korea has an untested ballistic missile capable of hitting the United States, top U.S. intelligence officials said Wednesday.
from CNN again

and really north korea has been developing nuclear and ballistic missles capable of hitting the United States since before 1993.

If they think they have the capabilities, they will one day be popped. N. Korea is too unstable a country to have nuclear capabilities, and Japan is the country most in danger.

didnt we try to "pop" north korea before? oh yeah it was the korean conflict. how'd that end up again? oh yeah we BACKED OUT after several years of getting no where. SO LETS TRY THAT AGAIN!


the real reason we're going to war is for the OIL under the guise of self defence, even though iraq currently has no weapons capable of striking the united states mainland. no matter what you want to believe, it IS over oil.

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Do you think if we didn't even meddle as much into the Middle East we wouldn't be having these problems? I mean, we are one of the main reasons Saddam and Bin Laden are where they are today, because of our meddling of middle eastern affairs, and all for what? The red scare pretty much. OH WELL, I guess we should clean up our own mess...

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if we (the united states) didnt try to play policemen to the world we wouldnt be in this situation to begin with and the world trade center would still be standing. really we should just mind our own business, who gives a flying fawk if isreal is getting there teeth kicked in? and as for the french and the germans, dont mind us we just saved your ass in ww2 (french) and protected you while you rebuilt your nation after ww2 (germans) so why the hell would you support a US backed plan to settle the conflict, especially since you've offered so many other options *shakes head disapprovingly*. now dont get me wrong i definetly feel that sadam needs to be removed, but i think there is a more serious threat that's not actually being addressed at this time. to get sadam out i see no other real option or at least any offered by those countries apposed to our plan of military action.

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fing a@#holes......i hate this s&*#...i dont wanna be selfish but i have right to bew...i have a baby and dont know what to do...yes if u cant tell my husband might be leaving because of this crap...so if any one can keep me company via hf that would be nice... sorry for the language.. i just had to vent :(

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Guest QbanHonda

Listen we all just got to chill and get together with the ones we love and just think positive and everything will be alright. I mean yes it does hurt your loved ones are going but everyone one time in their life are going to leave your side. I don't mean it in a bad way. I have many of my childhood friends at war right now. And I might be the next to be departed but I'm being strong about it. Just be positive and we will get through this fine.

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Yup, even though my sister and brother-in-law do not worry or phased about being sent off, my entire family worries since they will be leaving behind their 8-month old daughter here. It's the price of living in the reality of war and idiotic dictators/leaders.

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