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Radar/Laser Detectors


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theyre good for getting out of stupid tickets like 37 in a 30, when you can slow down. but if you think because you have a radar you can go 70 in a 50 and not get caught, youre stupid. if youre going to get one, dont cheap out, because if it doesnt work, its pointless. get the valentine

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No offense, but you imply that the Valentine is the only radar worth getting and that's hugely false. The Passport 8500 is known for having a little bit better range but the V1 is nice because it tells you where it's coming from. I personally can't justify spending $400 for a V1 instead of $300 for an 8500 when the only advantage is the arrows. I would love to have a V1 though if I had extra money laying around.

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I have a Passport 8500, haha my mom bought it for me a few weeks ago for no reason, I didnt mind, its a great unit but I don't depend on it to save me, I dont really speed though I use it just to know when the fuzz is within my presence so I drive carefully.

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Yeah, I have the top of the line Cobra and it works really well. It's not as good as my dad's passports, but I'm not a big speeder either. It saves me more than anything when on a 4 lane road where the speed limit is stupidly low......like 20 or 25.

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i used to have one.. a cheap one the 50$ cobra.. it used to beep 60% of the time, around shopping centers, railroads, fire deparments, schools, parking lots, rarely works when you want it like around cops..

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I don't like most of them because they off every 4 seconds because of like a store's security system or something.


its not the stores security, its actually the automated doors at almost every store from gas stations to walmart lol. if you notice when walking into a store that has the automatic sliding doors that open when you walk in front of them, look above the doors and you'll see a little black rectangular box, thats the sensor for the doors to open. thats the thing that makes your radar detector go crazy. if you ever have the chance to get one of those units from above the doors, get it!


not only does it screw with your detector but it also screws with the radar guns that cops use. get one or 2 of those things and get a clear plastic cover for it (take the old one off first) so you can see inside it from all angles, mount it under your bumpers front and back if you get 2, or in the back if you get one, in a not so noticable place but not completely hidden so that it will defeat its purpose. since cops are trained to point the radar guns at your license plate, close to the plates is the best place to mount it. the cop's gun will give him random numbers from 000-999 and not just a solid random number, it alternates like crazy sometimes making them think their gun is broken.


When i lived in cali my best friend and i tested this with a cop that was really cool with us cuz he was into lifted trucks and fast cars like us and always came to our shop. IT DOES WORK, his gun was giving erratic numbers so fast you could barely tell what it was, sometimes characters that arent even numbers. now this was about 2 years ago, they may have fixed radar guns in some areas so this doesnt happen but it is a very cheap alternative for about 25 bux compared to 300 or so, or even 500 for a radar deflecting license plate that ive seen. and its just cool lol

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whats the point of putting on a clear plastic cover if its going to be behind the bumper anyway?


i want to try that out though. too bad the cops where i live wouldnt go for it

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whats the point of putting on a clear plastic cover if its going to be behind the bumper anyway?


i want to try that out though. too bad the cops where i live wouldnt go for it


I don't think cops anywhere woul particularly go for it...


And I have a feeling it needs to be behind a clear cover because it needs line of sight... Like the motion sensor on a house. It can have clear because it can still see through it, but if it's trying to go through your bumper, it will never work... Unless you had clear bumpers lol

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I know this physics teacher that put a mini sub behind his license plate. And it fracks with radar guns. He just had to have the sub stay at this one frequency to get it to work. The moving of the plate gives faults readings. But idk if that still works with the newest guns

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I have one of the middle class Rocky Mountain Radars. It is a pretty good radar, except when ur system is up and you cant hear it beeping....that's how i recieved a ticket...the only ticket i've gotten since i've had the damn thing. haha

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radar detectors are for experienced speeders

wrong. experienced speeders dont need radar detectors, or laser jammers. and if they do happen to get a ticket, they are good enough thinkers on their toes to either get the offcer not to write the ticket, or get it thrown out in court. personally i wouldnt waste the money. we all know what cop cars look like, even under cover cop cars stand out. so if you see one, let off the gas. be aware of where cops like to hide, on the sides of roads, and parked in alley ways with their lights turned off at night. and when you come acrross a spot where one could be, you dont necessarily ahve to slow down because 90 percent of the time their not clocking your speed. their just sitting there waiting for them to see someone zoom by, and if your not smashing on the gas with the rpms at 8 thousand rpm, 10 or 15 mph over the speed limit wont look so bad. and lastly, dont speed in a place your not familiar with and youll be fine.

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I've gotten a city cop fired....so city doesnt f*ck w/ me.


County, on the other hand, thinks im a nuisance....

....which i am - lol.


you're a liar, craptalker, and bullcrapter. if you DID get a cop fired, they'd just hate you more, not stay away. frackin noobs.



anyways, off topic, LOCK!

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Just get a hat that you keep on your dashboard over your radar detector (you'll need a cordless detector for this). Listen for when the hat beeps and slow down. When cops look in there they'll only see a harmless hat on your dash.

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yes i am an officer part time, (during the winter only) during the summer i work for my fathers construction business, all of our new trooper cars last spring were installed with a complete in dash computer system, the in dash computer have a radar that can pick up up to 25 different speeds from different cars well over a mile a way, when your radar detector picks up a signal we will already have your speed, the only times we use the hand radars is when theres lots of trafic, the only down side to the new computers is the screen is mounted right in the middle of the dash, so its a bitch to get to the heat/ac and the radio, but o well,

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