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List annoying things your SO does


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My girl claims that I flirt with other girls all the time, even though I just show platonic friendship to others. Sometimes makes me go 30 miles out of my way to pick her up. Gets pissed at me if I want to sleep and not cuddle. Etc. Etc.


All in all she's my boo though, I have no regrets with her.

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My girl f*cking lied to me tonight. Joe and Mike, we have some lying ass bitches..... I am through with her today. This is it....... A year and a half and she goes and f*cking lies to me. f*ck that.


Oh and Joe btw- You have a crap load of money right? Will you hook a brother up with a new cylinder head and some internals? lol.

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Hell yeah we got some lyin ass hoes around here!!!!



I have a trust issue a little when it comes to girls anyways. There's two things you should never do: Cheat, and lie. Either one and they should be out the door!



g - Yeah I'd buy you that stuff if I hadn't made most of my money by selling stuff like that to people like you! ;)

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I knew it would! :thumbsup:

Sorry to be a nice guy. That's my problem. I have the money and ability to help almost anyone and I do. People just feel the need to take advantage of me I guess!

yeah, guys try the same crap with me. i learned my lesson from the first guy who dicked me over. i make bank at my job and guys try to get their grubby little mits on it, pisses me the frackk off.

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Yeah, I had to go to my friends house and throw back some beers (and by some, I'm talking 10-12) Don't worry, I rode my bike. On the way home I saw some little girl and she really freaked me out... I was/am so scared. Thank god I didn't drive (although he lives right down the street from me, I probably would have hit the girl). Ugh, yeah, I'm done with her and her bullcrap.

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Shiiit, I donno, I've been with her for like 6 months, and she hasnt done me wrong at all...


She cooks, cleans, gets on her knees without me asking, gets along with my friends, and will even bring them a beer if they need one. f*cking perfect woman I tell ya.:pirate:


Only thing I can think of is when she gets drunk she starts crap with other chicks, but it depends on my mood, sometimes it's funny.

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